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The magnolia smile of yours beaming with startling radiance,
The inconspicuous/electric stimulant touch
of your fingers swerving across the slight of my shoulder,
Polychromatic fireworks at twilight,
imploding like reticent galaxies,
at the sight of you
within my hapless/star crossed self,
Pebbles & beads on marked destinations
on the atlas of our hands,
Your lush lips on me,
cause aching thunders to rage
within this bottled up hail storm within the silhouette of me,
I//Conjure flowers in the back of your esthetical/messy hair,
Constancy and infinity.

*To let go.
Lily Aug 2015
We may be a tangent line
Meant to meet only once,
There is one thing i'm sure of tho
That moment I held your eyes with mine
I swear we were infinite

Leigh Herondale   *August 2015
Thinking of you, guy in white
Ella Gwen Aug 2015
The stars hang sleeping in a salted sky
as faulted feet tread paths worn smooth
all is stilled and all is awry
and the whispers of the wind
have nothing to prove.

The blackness is crushed velvet,
to be caressed with his touch
as distance travelled is at once
precise and all too much

for the stars are awake now
as I lie happy in this taxing grip;
he loves me imperfectly
and we are the sinking ship.
On the border of unknown,
waves crash into shore.
The waters chill grabs my ankles, like a ball and chain.

Somewhere in the infinite,
there's not a single sound.
But right now on this beach there's something singing underground.

The vastness of the ocean,
it's something we can't see.
It stretches far beyond the likes of infinity.

And while I stand here straddling,
the known and the unknown,
I hope you hear the songs I sing for those I used to know.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Jellyfish Aug 2015
What am I afraid of?
Here is some sort of list,
I'm afraid of snakes, bugs, bats, birds, and nearly anything that can fly!
Those aren't the only things I'm afraid of that are also alive though.
I'm afraid of horses, piranhas, elephants and heights
Pregnancy, loud noises, hospitals and walking outside alone at night.
I could probably go on and on with this list because fear is somewhat infinite and I will
I'm afraid of loud noises, being left behind and the germs of childhood friends and others who could've smothered them on my pillow from drooling at night
I'm afraid of school, females, males, and people in general. Failing. Falling. Drowning and death. Who knew there could be so many things haunting me?
****. Bridges that are taller than me, being lied to, aging, and foods that are too spicy.. It may sound childish, just stay away from me if you're eating spicy calamari..

Did you think I was done? Because I've only just begun..
I'm afraid of situations, such as when people distance themselves from me too quickly. It ties into my fear of being left behind,
Don't abandon me.
I'm afraid of my mom, needles, parties and more it's mostly because of past experience, but I'll leave out the gore..
Evangeline Ashe Aug 2015
It's not the game
we think we play
there are no winners
no losers
life is not
something we do
it's what we are
immeasurably complex
heartachingly simple
tiny spools of life
threads of time
woven together
so tight
that sometimes we feel
our rough ends left
floating in the open
reach out
to join the web
adrift upon infinity's breath
sparks within the current
occasionally we unravel
Infinite grains of sand,
sprinkled on the shore,
each carrying a memory,
of days shared before.

Silent winds shift the sands,
swirl and toss and rearrange,
till memories scatter far away,
but remain the same.

Raging ocean pounds the shore,
tears the memories from their place,
and gently rests them deep at sea,
but they still remain the same.

Infinite grains of sand,
sprinkled across the world,
These memories never fade,
they just come and go unheard.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Bea De Vera Jul 2015
Infinite possibilities can happen in a second.
Infinite number of possibilities can change a person's life forever.
Infinite realities can alter the phase of time.
Infinite people can shape you in a good and bad way.

Infinite. Infinite. Infinite. Infinite.

There are infinite things in the world.
The stars in the sky, the sands near the sea, the drops of water in the ocean, and the amount of love that can be given.
Science and theories can count the first three things though but only the person capable of giving the fourth one, would be able to measure it.
KZ Jun 2015
I got mislead,
Mistook the sky.
It was dark,
And no bird could fly.
I stand here and think why.
I said im only looking out for you.
But you go about your way finding someone new.
(making eye contact with)the sun kissed trees rustling
in the swaying wind
where rabbit holes spiral into oblivion
and high noon tea parties constantly commence
polka dot mushrooms grow in abundance
is not of much relevance
carries the echoes from your restrained heart
through the side walls of caverns of bat caves
and around the eclipse of the moon
turning into darken dust
inhaling the effervescence of you into my being,
which makes me you.
and you and i are us.
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