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Caution taken (lathering
     exposed epidermis with sun screen)
     against harmful innocuous
     rich (Times New Roman)

     12 font ask tick sun yet sen sate)
     refulgent radiant balm
unequivocal panacea medicinal luxuriant calm
     on par with a old

     sister wives tale remedy me late mom,
would magically construe
     to alleviate home sickness qualm
post pledge initiation invocation befriending
     Jason the Argonauts and Major Tom

dizzyingly zipping thru space
     in search of the golden fleece,
     (which acquisition
     ranked as a no brainer)
which recollection, sans above exploit flashed

     (at greased lightening speed) this peace
full May afternoon, a pitch perfect spring day,
     one adequately oxygenated
     air supply crowded house

     legendary fete of the rising son momentarily
     sol limb lee flared concluding with reverberating
     (though decades elapsed
     since fortuitous galactic heralded

     world wide web panegyric
     broadcast cosmos wide),
     then with just as quick
     memorialized recollection

     prominently recalled,
     said remembrance as things past
     vis a vis denouement across Universe
     with ****! lifelong (black hole sun hopping)
     capping achievement did surcease.

Ah...such blinding realistic provocation sparked
     via pure imagination
     upon one earthly terrestrial beast

Sunkist soaking raiment sequestered
     within corner nook decreased
with onset of dusk, a mind bending
     dreamy experience least

expected while nonchalantly fantasies take flight
basking (with robins)
     in an angulated nook sky height
upon premises of Highland

     Manor Apartment out of sight
from the buzzer (I may as well be
     a million miles away),
     thus poetic justice end trite.
nabi 나비 Apr 2018
i adore my best friends lover
in a platonic way i think he is one the best kinds of human
he holds all of these emotions and he isn't afraid of them
he shows his vulnerability and the ability to be wounded
and he gives you his faith that you won't
he gives all of his love to the people he cares about
and it's very rare to see that in someone his age
but i think the most astounding thing he has shown me
is his infinite amount of love for her
he loves her with every fiber of his being
and i don't think i have ever seen someone love another human
quite like her loves her
i adore him and how he cares for others
he is so beautiful in his energy and he deserves the whole world
i hope he's always aware that people love him
and that good will stick to him as long as he allows
i hope he doesn't forget that we care
Harshada Kavi Apr 2018
You are a shiny drop of water
amongst billions of other drops
in the ocean of my life.
If you leave
and I start drying up
the rivers and the rains
will fill me up again
but if you still leave,
leave to reach the heavens
and condense into a cloud
to rain on the scorched land
and leave behind a sweet petrichor.

You are a beautiful shell
amongst thousands of other shells
adorning the ocean of my life.
If you leave
and my palaces look dull
the molluscs will make more shells
but if you still leave
leave to reach the beach
on a sunny day
and bring a smile
on the face of the person
who finds you.

In me, the infinite ocean,
winds of the mind
bring myriads of arks
of cosmic creation
that float here and there;
The sun and the moon
cause tides that ebb and flow
to bring me both joy and sorrow,
but I remain unaffected.
I am That, in which the universe
appears like waves in the ocean.
And so are you.
Thomas Mar 2018
Personality like two sides of a coin,
Duplicitous in nature...
Both the cause and the cure,
This is the infinite loop in my mind,
Minute to minute for all of my time..

Serendipitous in it's naive essence,
Living for that fortunate happenstance ..
While the residue past transgressions,
Poisons future endeavors' chance...
This is the infinite loop in my mind,
Minute to minute for all of my time..

Both sinner and saint in the same line,
Posing as the executioner and the accused all in one mind..
This is the infinite loop in my mind,
Minute to minute for all of my time...

So I tread on through life,
Happiness within reach with my own hand dragging me down...
Things will be different because of the people that surround,
They give me the strength and desire  to deny my demons...
This is the infinite loop has been broken,
Which existed in my mind...
Minute to minute for all of my time
Cynthia Feb 2018
A rose is active in the storm,
Its smell is an unexplainable redolence
It thrives to flourish.

A rose will wither away
inside a crystal vase or on firm ground.
A liquid substance is necessary to live and to rise,
just like He rose.

I wish to know the first time you blushed.
I wish I were there to pick you up when you fell as a child for the first time, and leaves fell to the ground.
I wish I were there the moment petals where stripped away from your body.

I wish to see you speak with radiant tenderness.
Your words and syllabus pierced through doors,
doors that were permanently locked in the heart of stone.

Meanwhile, I am just an ovule wishing to respond in a corollary way that slowly grows in a dark world
but like you rose
I will rise.
It’s 6am on an early Spring morning
The temperature is warm but brisk
An ever so gentle breeze kisses me from time to time
The beautiful chirps and whistles
from the proverbial early birds
sing in a beautiful chorus
A harmony seemingly made just for me

The trees and bushes; Glowing moms and dads to-be
of the sprouted buds
on the verge of delivering
their new beauty
The pansies arriving on the early train
are on full display
proudly standing with visibility for all
Tulips dance around them
surrounding them in a rainbow of colors
A whisper of lilac is in the air
Though ever so soft and subtle
it’s aromatic scent so pleasantly distinguishable

Morning dew
A ubiquitous presence
It blankets all in it’s life-giving properties
and releases the crisp and clean odor
of fresh cut grass

The scent of burning wood
from the neighbor’s wood burning stove
dives in and out
teasing my nostrils and passageways
with it’s delectable offerings

The Sun pierces the sky
with a fire red so dark and deep
it almost seems in anger
But I know better
For added to that fire
are the oranges like that of freshly squeezed juice
and yellows
as if a child took a crayon to the sky
All of this encompassed
within a soft cloud of violets and blues
The rainbow decided to take it’s cans of paint
and gush them out all across the sky
in exuberant glory
just so I could see

The gentle kisses delivered by soft breezes
give me a chill of excitement
and make my hairs stand on end
The familiar little bumps
running all along my arms and neck

The Sun fires back in retaliatory manner
with laser beam streaks
Striking me dead center
placing a glow upon me
Much like love
The Sun can be millions of miles away
and I can still feel it’s warmth

I stop and take it all in
Nature in all it’s beauty
****** and pristine
I close my eyes
and make this moment
Written: February 25, 2018

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