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julie Oct 2018
Taking a breath
A short one
Just inhaling a little bit
Of this world

Taking a step
A small one
Just to see
where it would take me
In this world

Taking a look
A quick one
Just to see
the important things
In this world

Taking a BREAK

Just to realize
How grateful I am
For this world
Cherry Oct 2018
I remember when I was a child I disliked reading books , mostly all of them . They all had a specific ending it could be happy or sad and sometimes something in between. Somehow  I knew that I could never read the words writen in my heart by someone elses pen  so unknowingly I started writing. I started writing as what a normal child would have to, when he starts to dream and imagine about all the things that one wants and desires and everything one knows he could be. I started writing in the blank page of life . I wrote my desires my ideals my character my adventures and everything else I thought I needed my life to be about. Pages full of happines, memories , mistakes and terrible regrets. All my darkest desires ,darkest secrets my best and worst qualities. Since I was a child the only thing I didn't give importance was time , time was passing fast right before my eyes into the words I was writing on that blank page . I never stood still to realise that until now .  My life was turning into my worst nightmare filled only with paranoia and fears. I never realised that getting so hooked into what you want life to be and what it actually is would turn my reality upside down and realised I was living in a lie that I was writing . As I was stading alone in the dark yesterday I woke up . The page I started to write since I was a child run out of all empty spaces , I dont know how old I was back than but now I'm 21 and the worst thing is that I realised that I'm one of those humans helplessly stupid and I've wasted so much time rewriting and correcting on that blank page everything that I thought was wrong and now my blank page looked like the messy adventurous confusion I wanted my life to be. Today I woke up and I  had a new page to write on and I've only writed four sentences  the only four sentences I decided to keep as a treasure from my life
as far as today.
To desire is to dream
To dream is to want
to want is to do
And to do is to live.
(Write artfully)
Don't let words of the past scream at you hysterically in  angry crying voice .
Natalie Bowers Aug 2018
Sometimes, I feel like a trinket on the mantelpiece of your life,
a small sentimental reminder,
my significance forgotten.

You search your mind for why you ever picked me up,
with delicate, fumbling fingers,
all those years ago.

And I'm lost in the chasm of your memories,
all you can see now are my scuffed porcelain cheeks,
my chipped shoulder blade.

The wonder is gone;
you cast me away,
as if I had always meant nothing to you.
This title is a work in progress :)
Shireen Jun 2018
I’m not made of skin
and bone,
As most of you may be
My ribs have been replaced
by stems,
Stems that harness
miniature golden flowers
Those of whom tend to mimic
the sun’s rays
And brighten the darkest
of days

These fancied flowers
have replaced my internal organs
Their petals,
my external ones
Through the obscene anatomy
composing my own being
I have come to the realization
Of the unidentified
beauty within,
Beauty, sprawled across my skin
jerely Jun 2018
To love one’s self
To accept her flaws instead of thinking out why she’s helpless
Know that you are amazing
in you; you can find love
when you treat yourself better
you also treat yourself with the
love and care you deserve
Know that you are stronger
than any storms
and that we all
have different battles that we are facing
in our life everyday
But know that we can get through this
And learn to be mindful with the present
And step by step
begin to be grateful for yourself,
for the air that you breathe, for the food that you eat,
for the people that loves you,
for the nature that nourish
you to flourish.
And be your kind of love
because you do this for yourself
to accept, to love,
and to embrace who you are
because you deserve
the right treatment
to be your own uniqueness.

be your love
give and recieve love from yourself
because we need the right proper care and love
that we also owe to ourselves
because we sometimes forget to do this things from ourselves. Self-love is important
to give to yourself.

be kinder than to feel.

you deserve a treat of love & care
from you <3
self importance he did relish
therein lay a swollen ego
was inflated of embellish
all this being held as a cargo

therein lay a swollen ego
so monumental the extent
all this being held as a cargo
of the largest conceited tent

so monumental the extent
it could not be denied at all
of the largest conceited tent
he finding joy in his own thrall

it could not be denied at all
ever putting one's self up first
he finding joy in his own thrall
was no shown quelling of the thirst

ever putting one's self up first
all this being held as a cargo
was no shown quelling of the thirst
therein lay a swollen ego
Red-haired artificially
with shiny teeth,
clean knees
with a gap in between.

and my voice will carry
like a songbird in the morning.
Beautifully composed
uttering a peaceful warning

My linens
So pink...
no blue stains to be seen.

And the skin I wear
airbrushed and screaming
a lulled importance

With my night creams
and appointments
lessons and ointments

I will become the most perfect woman-made sculpture America has ever seen.
MDH Apr 2018
We pretend that we're special. We pretend that we're important.
We think our issues warrant a poem. And that poem is special.
Race issues, orientation issues, disorders, disabilities.
Our problems are unique. Our problems are all different.
But you are not different. You are not unique.
None of us are special.
Millie Mar 2018
Say a prayer
to stay connected with the universe;
Say a prayer
to give your soul a little faith;
Say a prayer
to massage your mind;
Say a prayer
to let go of your worries;  
Say a prayer
for tranquility;
Say a prayer
to calm your conscience;
Say a prayer
to restore lost hope;
Say a prayer
to set your spirit free.
Paras Bajaj Mar 2018
When life knocks you down
and all just turns to dust.
I’d never make you frown
‘cause you always come first.

When your lovers will drown
and you have no one to trust.
I’d always be around
‘cause you always come first.

-Paras Bajaj #PoetrybyParas
Instagram : @mr.parasbajaj
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