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kelly Sep 2014
You're so nasty!
You can't have what you want, don't sass me!
Why harass me when you pass me?!
This is all just a part of your little plan if you ask me!
Katie Nicole Aug 2014
humans everywhere
only one is meant for me
what horrible odds
hopefully the right one can be found
aye Aug 2014
bitter is wrapped up in my world lived in vain.
bitter is inhaling my laughter, exhaling his pain.
i think bitter is precious to me--
he lets me do things i'd never do willingly.
when bitter is sleeping i am awake
his darkness is gone but my bones, they still shake.
i think bitter is the reason i cry.
i think bitter wants me to die.
bitter shot my brain with a gun,
stabbed my heart with a knife
and broke me with a word.
one word that made me this--
a girl who dreams in only black and white.
a girl who speaks to herself at night.
a girl who thinks despair is complete delight.
the word bitter said to me was hello.
and now bitter is me -- my darkened soul.
(c) ayesha. h [two thousand and fourteen]
Katie Nicole Aug 2014
each time you announce a flaw, a part of me cowers
am i really that horrible?

you seek out every mistake i've ever made
every single imperfection

how can i possibly measure up?
how can i end this abuse?

this power you have over me is overwhelming
and **i won't put up with it anymore
A Mareship Jul 2014
A bee with innards spilling
A lost tabby,
A blimp caught up in trees,
Tintern Abbey.

The gravestone of a lover,
A drowning ship,
An NHS delivery of

A girl with alopecia and
Fungail nails,
A one legged pigeon,
Exploding whales.

Ivy choked churches,
Merlot tongues,
Parrots plucking feathers,
Marlboro lungs.

Girls locked up in attics,
*** toys.
Boys punching girls
And punching boys.

Babies crowning
Fussed about like kings.
You shall see such pretty things.
Hey, don't tell me I have low self esteem because I point out my flaws of self-importance and vanity. I'm just being self-aware. You don't know me.
DaSH the Hopeful Jul 2014
I handed my gun to fate and waited
Sat in a slump and masturbated

Today had been a long ******* day

Licking **** and shining shoes
Taking time to remove myself mentally from this plane
To regain a strand or grain of sand of sanity

Today, I looked in the mirror and my reflection laughed

I pulled that ******* through and beat it til it cried
I then flipped it off and hoisted it back into the glass,

     Like nothing had ever happened.
     And it didn't, if someone asks.

Today, looking fate straight in the eyes
I came, gathered all my belongings and ran,
Cause that ******* would've pulled the trigger.
Just a release of very abstract emotion. Nothing more. Enjoy.
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