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r0b0t Jun 2014
a trail of teeth
leading into a bedroom
where a ghost awaits
your arrival
upon this horrible
nothing but
an infant
nothing but a filthy infant
that can't hurt anyone
if we say we hate feeling useless
why do we still live
Does it matter more to you that you care for others or that others care for you?
Would you take a series of bullets
Would you leap before a dashing car
Would you dance on sweltering embers for the sake of one who does you nought in return?
Wouldn’t most or wouldn’t anyone endure the worst for acknowledgement and commendation…

I try to be gallant—self-sacrificial,
Try to be benevolent, bleeding heart beyond comprehension
Yet am I worse than the slaughterers?
The iniquitous, the rest?
No more than the vile, reprobate, devilish…
For who, after all,
Cast oneself beyond forgiveness
The felon who would exploit acts of selflessness
To assemble his own
Maleficent, pernicious lair
Of praise, acclaim, and comfort.
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
I don't care any more
This is to much for my head
You both say you love me
You both say you care
I believed it all
But I'm sick of hearing *******
Stop telling me lies
Stop pretending you like the real me
I'm not ******* perfect
I never wanna be
So if you don't like it
Then leave me be
I'll vanish forever
If that's what you want
You're both breaking my heart
Talking about all this stuff
Dommie and Garland, thankz a lot
Ashlei Cottom Jun 2014
Blow out the candles Birthday Girl,
Try for a moment to forget this cruel world.
Try not to hate that you were born.

Just for a moment,
Let it all slip away.
Don't think about those scars on your arm,
Nor the cuts on your wrist.
Don't think that you're the person no one will miss.
Just blow out the candles Birthday Girl.

Ignore all the problems,
Ignore all the hurting.
Ignore the hole in the wall,
Ignore the shattered glass in the hall,
And ignore the shouts and slamming doors.
Just blow out your candles Birthday Girl.

Close your eyes,
Take a deep breath,
Let it out slow,
And open.
Though you may celebrate by yourself,
Just blow out your candles.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Mary Christopher Jun 2014
I wanted to be the one who saved him
And maybe that’s the saddest part,
That I wanted to save him
But failed.
I kept trying, but I never could

And I know that’s kind of horrible,
That I didn’t want him to be himself.
I wanted him to be someone else

Someone he wasn’t
And never would be
And never could be
Even if he tried

I wanted him
But I also wanted someone else
So I tried to make him be both

But of course I failed
Because each of us
Has only one life to live

So if someday
He becomes someone he’s not
I will know

And I will hate it
Because now I realize how beautiful
His own self really is

And I would never wish him to be someone else
Not now
Not anymore

Because I am me
And he is he
And that’s all we’ll ever be

And knowing that is a strange sort of beautiful
That not even the best writer could put into words.

about a friend of sorts...
Diana C May 2014
Lately I've been scared about the ghosts around my house and in the dark before I sleep.
Even closer than lately to the present I've realized it's not the things we can't see that we should be scared of. It's those that laugh at our jokes and spend countless hours around us with seemingly good intentions, when really they're building up information on our weaknesses to bring us down, for fear that we are stronger than they are. We should truly be asking help from the ghosts and monsters under our beds, instead of fearing them, because they're the only ones that can see our best friends holding knives behind their backs ready to stab ours.
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