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E A Spain Feb 2018
You will never get what you want,

Because it does not exist.

It is unheard of, it is extinct.

You'll search all day long for your "true love".

You will die in searching.

But he is not real, it is not real.

Accordingly, you are prone to heartbreak,

Sorrow and disappointment.

You will never be fulfilled.

You are foolish in love, with the idea of itself.

Take off your rose-colored shades.

Feel the surreal pain that is your whole life.

Become vulnerable to it, accept it.

It is behind you, around you, in front of you...

Kiss your dream goodbye,

Because at one point you must wake up.

And know the extremity that is...

That you will never be loved the way you desire.

You will never be loved the way you love.

Take reality for a whirl.

And disown your life of whimsical lies.

Face your hopeless fate, you hopeless-romantic

For goodness sake.
written on may 22,2011.
Tina RSH Feb 2018
They spot an armful of red dots run along the thick skin.
Of forelorn hands, heavy smiles, of a body not so thin.
They say it's the rash of youth, healed over time.
A layer of mind, peeled and wrapped around a repressed crime.
Perhaps they live a saint's life and all die as Gods.
And we go to hell as jokers. what are the odds?
I cannot unveil the piercing daggers, what they see is only tips.
I am to plant a kiss of life on my own lips.
Since drought has empraced my aching heart,
I ***** blood each second, live, but fall apart.
This may be a little triggering. please take it into account before reading. Down, but this is not the end. Stigmatised but not broken. here is a poem from the depth of my soul :)
spiral-whirl Feb 2018
Wake me up,
I’m in a dream that I never want to escape,
Yet I fear,
Any longer I spend with you,
I may trip and fall for you,
Put my heart on the line,
Flick a dime,
Wishing it will land on heads because I’m heads over heels for you,
My words fumble,
My writing falls,
I do not understand,
Why I must be living in this dream,
Sam Feb 2018
I suffocate tonight
In the shadows of you and I
Slowly engulfed by darkness
As I lay alone in bed

I suffocate tonight
In the absence of your love
Alone my soul decays
Burning slowly away
hannah Feb 2018
No one's here to hear my pleas
You said you be back but you never came
A false thread of hope torments me
As I scream out for help your hope has done nothing but plunge me deeper into the water
Finally I stop trying and accept my fate
You were to late
All hope has to eventually deflate
luna Feb 2018
my pain is fighting
fighting me
fighting to stay
my hopes are beaten down
and my soul is bleeding
it’s stronger than me
and this is a fight i can’t win
m Feb 2018

We felt it, with our hands pressed tightly against our child-chests.

It sounded nothing like a heartbeat,
But explosions being let off in the distance.
And it smelt nothing like fear,
It smelt like sweat and dried ***** caked onto torn pajama pants.

We grew to know the insides of our mouths,
with our soft gums clutched between our teeth -
We learned that our voices were safer kept stowed away there.

We picked at their hands like we picked at our scabs,
Because pulling off healing skin,
felt like pulling off a rooted burn,
And prying off desperate fingers from off our bones,
Meant prying off something that terrified us.

This was our strength;
This was our paralysis.

We felt it, with our ears pushed against the door,

It sounded nothing like a pleading mother
But warm air, creeping through vents with a sudden force.
And it smelt nothing like fear,
It smelt of fresh blood, kissing the lips of a weeping woman.

We worshipped knives like they worshiped our baby-soft skin,
Because cutting open ourselves meant cutting out what they left inside,
And watching the filth flee
down our wrists, down our knees,
Felt like draining water
Out of a clogged tub.

It felt nothing life fear
It smelt nothing like decay
It was a continual clutch of the knife against their throats

This one's for you, daddy
Shallow Feb 2018
I once believed in a principle.
That loss gave birth to something new

I once believed in the dark.
And that from the dark comes the light
And light prevails, as I prevail
But then why does the darkness return?
But if the light has foresaken me then
Has the light forsaken me?
Why have you forsaken me?

I once believed in the light.
But the light failed me.
The light gave birth to the flames
The flames of my tragedy
I hate the light.
It left me here in this dark room.

I once tried to find the light in this room,
But they have all been unplugged.
You are never alone. // Nunca estás solo.
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