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Hannah Dubrow Feb 2018
In a way
All love is tragic
And all tragedy
Is kind of romantic
Break my heart, it feels so good.
Leena Feb 2018
Different by color
But the same inside
Always kept separated

Making my rebellion
To those who say they own me
Because I am not property

Everyday is a fight
Working for no money
Night and day

Family torn apart
Whipping for trying to run
One day I will be free

Invisible and forgotten
By those who are above us
Nothing but a waste of their money when we're free

Those who treat us as equal
Are the ones who freed us from this terrible life
Are our saviors forever

Some of us will never find our family
We will adopt the children torn from their families
We are free without knowing our rights
So are we truly free
I wrote this when we were learning about African American history
Sam Feb 2018
I could taste... loneliness in her kiss
A million stars caressing the night sky
We lost track of time, but there was no place we had to be
And in her kiss, I could taste everything
All the guys who said they'd never walkaway, but did anyway
The evenings from her childhood when her parents wouldn't stop fighting
That night back in December when she got a little too drunk and cried herself to sleep
All these memories painted on a canvas
And in that moment, I knew I'd be the one to stay
possibly Jan 2018
My bookshelves still remember you.
They are full of sketchbooks that forgot you broke my heart.
They wear your name proudly across pages trying to capture your smile between its covers.
I don't have the heart to tell them.

I don't want to tell them that those eyes can't tell what I'm thinking without saying a word.
That those hands can't guide me through forests and cities, through anxiety and depression.
That those arms are not home.
That I cannot hear his laugh with those lips.

And until your smile is no longer synonymous with the first letter of "lost" and the first three of "over",
your name will be the only word in my vocabulary
because I don't need anything else.

If only I could draw on a smile,
maybe my sketchbooks would think
I'm happy now too.
I'm hopeless
Sam Jan 2018
I am lost in the empty streets. Wandering further as the snow melts around me. Slowly, it loses it's form. Never to be what it once was. Tragically, it reminds me of my heart.
lk Jan 2018
if letting go of you
was supposed to free me
when why do i feel
like i’m drowning?
skyler Jan 2018
i am
in love with you

you could burn my whole world to the ground
destroy everything i live for
and i would still seek shelter
in the oceans of your eyes

maybe that's why i let you break my heart
and why i'd let you do it again
if it meant you'd hold it for awhile longer

i am just
and hopelessly
in love

Where do I belong?
I can't continue this song
This song of my life
This sadness in my heart's  rife.

I have considered them wrong
I'm living in lie for so long
What am I to them?
Do they see me the same?

No matter how I look at it
I can't seem to fit
Their bond's too deep ,
For me to catch up and dig.

They won't even listen on how I feel
They wont!  I'm always concealed
I'm nothing but trash to them
They wont accept me for who I am!
All thanks to you all poets Tho I'm just a kid at the age of 16 Form the philippines I really love poems.
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