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Julia Aubrey Dec 2015
maybe, if it's ok to say now, I still dance alone to the melody you put inside of my mind.

scratches on the splits of a turning black vinyl, a little out of tune perhaps, and skipping to the chorus at times unexpected.

my bare feet jump around this effervescent tune, afraid of taking the wrong step, not following your lead.

and as the song slows, as it comes to an end, I delicately observe the ringing remnants left dangling around our heads...

forever gone, but a hazy redolent all the rest.

-Julia Aubrey Rhodes-
Sombro Nov 2015
I found three heads
Rock toils from the earth
Their eyes expressive with sculptor’s mistakes
It seemed as if the forest had let slip
Its fantasy into mine
Why heads? Why just three?
I don’t think they were meant to be there
As the trees hear you coming they hide their playthings
Perhaps I was too quiet.
A poem I wrote a while ago. I love it because it tells me that there are amazing things lurking behind every fog and every dark night.
ICN Jun 2015
when you’ve been forward and backwards
left and right
and you still don’t know which way way to go
that’s when you can say, it’s all gonna be okay
that’s when you can tell me that everything will be all right
but until then
don’t say that you know what I’ve been through
don’t say that you know who i am

cause when the day is over and done
we’re all on our own
and we’re all alone
in our own world
this platform, we can’t escape
in our heads lies the secret
in our brains the truth,
stays and lives

the only thing that’s left, is the memories in our heads
and i’ll play them over and over again
We've got bigger heads but narrower minds.
Why there is always a boundary between our heart and mind?

China | war| Philippines

It is just a piece of a land

Why not sharing instead of battling?
Kagami Jun 2015
It seems that heads are rolling
And ideas are left to perch atop
These humanoid bodies.
When did humanity lose itself and begin
To create the poison we consume?
The rotten images of walking ***
And fumes of chemical death?
These corrosive lifestyles spread like
Wildfire and teenage legs.
Soon, there will be nothing
But the empty heads that
Obsess over the next ****,
The next dose of whatever form of
****** is "The New Hot Topic."
And the rest of us will be left
Picking up the pieces.
the world we have come to know
has always been such a tough foe
but please try to bear the pain
it is okay to try again
your life's too precious
let's be cautious
hold on to your dearest
because they're the nearest
source of glee and comfort
have a cup of tea by your porch
and talk about life
think of all those people
worried and caring
even though you may not know it
someone out there loves you to the tiniest bit
so dear,
erase all your suicidal thoughts
through courage and hope
despair shall be fought
to those whom are pretty emotional and whose heads are too shrouded to think clearly because of the depressions they've been going through. let's all take care of our lives for we may or may not live again. it's a one shot in pursuing all our dreams. Let us not put it to waste and always find something worth living or striving for.
Poetic T Mar 2015
The dog buried it in the garden, in one of
Its many holes, it was a dog of course
Just not the normal dog,
No skin,
No fluff,
No idea?
Where it buried this which I needed,
Which I owned,
It was like a mole had been playing whacker
And dug up
50 mounds,
50 holes,
50 buried
But which was that which I needed to hold,
My hands waved too and froe,
I would talk but my anger  muffled
Not expressing my contempt but with a finger
Waving as my hands in a naughty silent
Window wiper motion,
"Bad dog"
"Bad boy"
"Bad reception"
A voice unheard,
Right now I have a worm playing
Hide go seek in my cavity's, it tickles
My sockets, curls up in my nose,
Sticks you know what daddy will do,
And the last time this happened,
What did daddy do??
Legs in the bathroom,
Ribs keeping open the kitchen door,
And your skull was left outside in the cold,
"With a grumble"
"With a growl"
"With relief"
I saw the light,* and my body walked over,
My bony fingers rummaging around
Left a little,
Right a little,
Are you blind
And with that like a touch down,
My skull was finally found,
I rubbed the mud off
I took the worm from my nose,
I sat him on my rib, he had found a new home.
"Now boy"
"I know you like to bury"
"But daddies bones are a no go"
I give him a cuddle, stroked his bony head,
"What's skeleton to do"
When his dog likes to bury bones,
Last week he buried his tail, in one of those fifty holes,
And its still waggling, wiggling as we speak buried in a hole.
Worried about all those gays getting married
Playing football , everywhere on the TV
Yeah , and all those dammed dessert rats
Chopping off heads for all of us to see
Shooting those Muslim creeps
Everyone of them had it coming
Now , that's just the way it's going to be

And all those porch monkeys
Cut off all that gimme
They need to get a job
And quit dressing like they were slobs

Kick all those wet backs back to Mexico
There stealing all our jobs
They just come over to breed like rabbits
So they can stuff the liberal ballots

And Damm the chinks , ***** , and redman
There no better than all the Jews
Ther're thieves that steal us blind
We need to get rid of every X , Y , and U
Now that would ease my mind

And all that hogwash crap in the Constitution
That doesn't apply to me
This is the home of the White man
All red , blue , and white you see
That's the home of all that's me ,
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