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kiran goswami Feb 2019
You search for him in the poems you read.
And he, well, he writes them.
Cardboard-Jones Feb 2019
Found herself sitting in LOVE Park
Trying to find her spark.
She put Charm City in her rear view.
Her friends tell her she’s been long overdue.
New tattoo, hair do, and Dior shoes.
If you wanna be brand new you gotta look brand new.
No more reminiscing over mistakes and headaches.
The world is hers to take.
It’s ladies night and they’re hitting the town.
It’s time to act like queens and take their crown.
Smile for the future, ******* to the past.
She started looking forward to the forecast.

She just came to listen to the band.
The DJ shouted “Get on up and dance.”
Her friends grabbed her by the hand,
And told her “**** it, do it for the ‘gram.”

Filtered selfies and a ***** with some cran,
She knew her happiness was in high demand.
Go M.I.A in MIA,
Or catch a flight to LA,
Hit the coast to Monterey,
Her new life is underway.
Can’t wait around to be a wife,
She just wants to find her light.
She just wants to feel alive.
She used to survive, now she wants to thrive.
Take each moment in stride,
Warming up in her sunshine.
So she takes another pic,
Tags her friends real quick,
Put her smile on real thick,
Her old shell is fading,
Her old shell is fading….
Jo Barber Feb 2019
A light sprinkling of snow
over mountains high above.
The way it's always been,
but not for me alone.
Why can't I return home,
even while standing in it?
Patrick Wood Jan 2019
A foundational love for someone I've only just heard of.
        A generous man,
        Seeing through the ******* of the human facade we put up
        Everyday, core tenants betrayed.
On the ground here, my feelings lay
Naked and flinching, yet so close.
So close to the artificial zenith that we all make in out minds
A treacherous journey that we must go on in order to find
A hidden man in the spirals of our minds.
Find the adjectives of your emotions,
Find the name to the sea your heart swims in,
Find your flaws and likes alike,
        Turn them into loves,
        And remember,
        There’s no right answer.
CM Lee Jan 2019
I’m 20 with a bachelor’s degree
My dad’s the proudest of me
My sisters are smiling from ear to ear
Finished first, but why wasn’t I happy?

I’m 21 and I passed the exam
It was ruthless, getting to where I am
I was alone in the water but I still swam
Got all the awards and accolades, but ****

I’m 22, no work, no dream
All those times I was rowing on the wrong stream
Forgot who I was and where I’ve been
Now I’m lost and they all think I’m mean

Friends and family said I’ve changed
They said I’d turned emptier and strange
But they don’t understand, I’m not deranged
For a long time, from myself I was just estranged

I’m 23 and still trying to find myself
Lost some people and honestly, I’m okay
Still no job but I know I’m on the right way
I’m finally doing what I love and I don’t care what they say
Crow Jan 2019
I am formed to be yours
at the threshold of inception
we were molded together
bisected, to find rejoining

your every curve locks to me
as water flows to find its depth

my eyes are shaped
to see your face
my gaze is drawn to you
as the moon draws the tide

my lips are patterned
for your inimitable kiss
I can taste only you

my heart opens for your love alone

I am a bell tuned to a singular tone
reverberating with your voice
I resonate with the sound of your name

the key of your words
unlocks my undiscerning ears
that I may hear you
whisper to me of love

your scent perfumes my life
echoes of you in each fragrance

my fabric and yours interlaced
without seam or stitch
we fully encompass each
the other encircling
thesa Dec 2018
finding beauty
in something
requires attention

but paying attention
is a step
most people

somehow that left me restless
since you told me
i was beautiful
way too thoughtless, way too often
as you could have payed attention
Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
Wartime. That's hapt, eh,
nigh on ever'day.

I was awand'rin' why,
when a noble knight arose afore me, 'pon a horse.

Says the noble fella,
I was sent to answer you,
and swear the truth you find has never been a lie.

Treasure it. Treat it sure and saved and safe.
For, gotten gains are lost or never were, the trenches
remain, graves with the ends kicked out.
From those,
we rose and claimed war is the lie, the first one.

The lie that says to itself, I am true, not you,
by nullifying you, I am proven.

"But you are crazy, right?"
not right.

Lie yourself from reality.

Did that work? Dear reader, you alone know.
unsuspended unbelief becomes belief,

in a wink, a gleam, an apple in God's eye.

If you can imagine that, otherwise,
mortality is temporary,
is. It's what trees do, peacefully, from my POV.

how might the message survive

interesting question in these interesting times

So'yal 2018
Clocks unlock the clues

attention time time times and halves have past

The whole world divided in the time of Peleg
into languages and nations

we forget ourselves and must remind
we have the mind of Christ

what hubris or what faith or
what evidence,
what good can I do or could I if were minded?
so, If I agree with Jesus about the location
of God's, by Jesus's definition, God's kingdom
is within whom he spoke to or
to whom his words
were given or
taken, for

hubris, nay,

arrogance? meekness. assumption presumption

sumpin hapnin heyah sameosameosameo

The Younger Dryas took some time. it was cold.
but the ice caps are finally melting,
that's a good thing. warm days
cool nights,
seed time and harvest

Kinda like Joni Mitchell's Circle Game but

bubbles being formed and expanding
did we bump?
were you really ever part of me?

Did we see those stones melt, or
was that on TV?
Some body mentioned a circle game I never played. I thought this needed the idea to bump it to make real.
underestimated Dec 2018
I'm finding joy
I learned that the only way to find joy,
Is to think about all the good things
Yes there's bad things
But the good things are there to
It's the perfect time and the perfect place
To start finding joy
I'm trying...
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