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A Lopez Jan 2016
Sometimes we think
We come into
Another person's
Life to save them.
When in all
Y............  <><><>>>>>>>>>>>>they are really the ones
Who came
Save us!
Miguela shine Jan 2016
I thought that I would be happy to find
What I thought to be the end of my search
Distraught, a sad, and lost, tailless feline
Whose whiskers when in dark will make me lurch
Instead of clear and happy carefree days
The tempest that I feel inside my being
I question if this is the right of way
Results I heed are sitting unforseen
To tumble back to where I once began
Traveling to a wider range of sea
I’ll cast my line with bait of truth and love
And see what type of rarity will be
Maybe this catch will be willing to stay
And i’ll vow not to fish another day.
Part of An Animal Sonnet series I'm doing
Fox Lauren Dec 2015
Oh---the words won’t knit themselves
Alone with nothing but mere thought,
Without the help of wondrous hand,
They’re nothing
But a sorrow lot

Of strangers screaming in sad verse
Visions of wisdom & of truth
Without the knowledge lost in sense
Without the soul of fearless youth.
Dawn of Lighten Dec 2015
It is but a deficient herdsman who would fault his sheeps,
For flocks are lead to their own devices.

There are moments where the sheeps are really wolves in a sheep cloak,
And certain sheeps willfully follow the deceitful to undesired ends.

So it seems with current waves of the ocean of information,
And controlled emotions of media perpetuated fairly tales.

Rather become very bored of reality television,
Illusions of images worse than plastic material.

What is left of this world still organic,
And ideals like a scent of dawn?

I for one choose not to play any of their monopoly, risk, or stratego,
But embrace the incoming storm and play in the rain.
The illumination isn't the vision that stir you by forced ideals,
But your inner child tells you the true personal intuition!
Crucifix Dec 2015
We fell like fire, a streaking ball of thunder, and in our slumber we found each other. Twin wicks on a single candlestick burning bright, fighting back the night. How long we will last before we burn our last? How long will we echo through the ground with every loving lasting sound?
A beat, a pound, heartbeats lost and once more found.
Never give up on love.
Dana Kathleen Dec 2015
I will never forget the late November morning
when walking across campus it was cloaked with a ghost
but it dissolved due to a distant radiant gleaming
and I thought how beautiful this place is
and something within me sank when
I realized it won’t be as beautiful
without the potential of you.

And when I looked toward the horizon
you became more than just a thought
and I couldn’t help but laugh as
I watched us gravitate toward each other
because of the irony because
losing you has been the most poetic thing,
you even texted me while I was writing this poem.

But the thing is I don’t know if I’m losing you.
What people forget is when an hour glass runs out
it is started over by flipping it so maybe I’m finding you.
I still want to add more imagery for this poem, but this is what I have for now.
Jose Gonzalez Nov 2015
Atop a jetty of rocks, deep in wandering thoughts
never quite comfortable in sitting, on cold, hard massive stones
eventually in focus, despite my discomfort

Tracing shoreline, watching waves turn, feeling the earth around
looking into the horizon, as the sky is clouded over
wondering if she ever senses, when I think of her

The waters are of turmoil, gray-blue, choppy and churning
feeling a bit empty, as if life and energy is missed and away
and I am alone here, wishing for a calm with her by my side

It seems unnaturally complacent, adjusting to my surroundings
almost accepting this is what it is, numbing, lost, never to be

A glint catches me, upon murky waters, widening my eyes as
more and more appear, as a golden ray touches from the sky
fighting off the darkened waters, giving glimmers in a rolling cover

I am understanding it, the fight between them, the one inside
knowing how it works and the difference of it all
even of distance and far reach, there can always be light of hope for her

Some days are dark, churning of waters, gray-blue
covered in clouded skies, making it seem all so empty
feeling to myself amongst great forces, without any sense, control

Then comes the sun, warming reminder, glimmer upon waters
letting me feel again, of faith and hope, and of when the time comes
that even across the distance, she is there, and is enough to see the sun over a sea of turmoil.

Copyright © J.L.Gonzalez 2015
Sometimes I have my sad, bad, depressed, days about love, companionship, and being alone. However it can take a single moment or thought to change it enough to hope, and strength. I am not a good writer or such, but I hope in my simplistic way of writing, this helps keep someone going on finding someone.......
Fran Nov 2015
Zero was where i met you
Just the hello and goodbyes was said
Walking pass like total strangers
where everything was dead

One was where i got to know you
Where  smiles and gestures
Movements was more genuine
but memories was not set

Two was when we talked
Talked endlessly and laughed
With a sudden flutter of  heart beats
i can't say less

Three was where i fell
Fell into that trap
Those smiles and laughters we shared
Had all caught me in the head

Everything happened
But this is all The End
Because i had to cheer for you
With a another women
In your hands

I'll always be behind
Cheering for you
Helping you
Making you smile

But promise me
Never to turn around
Because this dumb fool
Is crying and hurt

Just to stop her tears
Needs so much more
So please, don't turn around
She's just glad to see you smile

With nothing left to say
She take a bow
and left the stage
with no one around
Pardeep Nov 2015
A long road ahead,
journey for me to decide.
Mapping as I go.
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