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When my dark clouds rise

And dirt clods fly and I try

In sheer panic to replace

Rotten fruit with dull wax fruit

And wilted blossoms with

Plastic flowers and she thinks we

Will be on yet another short-lived

But cold cycle of tightrope and

Eggshell walking . . .

She comes home

With bags filled with

Apples green & red

Peppers yellow & green & red

Grapes green & purple

Plums yellow & purplish-red

Strawberries, peaches, tomatoes

Bananas & Greek salads.

This usually inspires me to make

For this setting a centrepiece of a

Vase filled with a variety of fresh

Picked wildflowers which brings

Her more joy than two dozen

Of the overrated overachiever rose.

At times this seems like

One of  few bridges back

To a healthy & colourful world.  

            --Daniel Irwin Tucker
Oh no! the roller coaster of love...not again! This crazy little thing called love...
I live my life alone with you
You're here, but not with me
You travel in a different orbit
That only sometimes crosses mine.

My cup of joy is not half full
It's cracked and liquid seeps away
To vanish in the same place as my tears
Though it looks pretty at a casual glance.

The things that once beguiled my heart
Now chafe up blisters on my soul
I try to tell you of my pain
But we don't speak a common tongue.

Our eyes don't look at things the same
Our ears perceive two different tunes
When I reach out to take your hand
It feels like 'dead man's finger' -

Childhood game in a grown up world-
A guarantee of shivers
In the eeriness of misperception
That so mirrors all we do.

Now I'm lonely in bed beside you
Back to back with dog  between
The distance that we've slid apart
Measures out in months and  years

And I long for a sharing touch
To tell me I don't live alone
It isn't there although I search
Leaving me empty, lost, and all alone.
Google "the dead finger" game
Ruman Hafsa Jan 2017
"What is that you wanted to tell me?"
Everything that she mused to utter,
Appeared to dwindle away
Failing to convey, trying to cover it she emitted a mutter

"Oh! Why can't I convey it?"
The room echoed by her repeated query
While she stared at her tired reflection
Only the seized silver image can hearken her clearly

In fright of loosing someone;
The people who are her life's vital part
Failing to convey her love to them;
To the people who are the beat of her heart

But now, plucking some grit;
She desired to convey it all
"Uh...I uh... It was th...that"* she stuttered
"Nothing much, how are you?" she finally call.

**© by Ruman Hafsa
Everybody mused that she was lively, always happy, and extremely naughty girl who would make anyone laugh or tease them. Least did they know that she was cool from exterior & highly emotional introvert.
Brent Kincaid Oct 2016
We load the road of our success
With boulders of forgetfulness,
Stumbling each time again
As if we were but mindless men.
Shrunken, looking drunken,
Mumbling, some grumbling,
We were people, but barely,
Rarely standing up to stress.
Preferring to dress in the rags
Like hags and hobos, up to elbows
In the trash we bought with cash
Instead of buying our birthrights
Back from those who ****** us
Then ignored us, we were needing,
Some bleeding, and dying
And nobody but us was crying.

We’d carry all those speed bumps
We carefully crafted with our hands
And let them stand before us
To deter us and divert us every day
But not in a diverting way like TV.
It was a travesty, a mummer’s play
In which we each played our part
But, not like art come to life, oh no
It was a horror show for fools
And it was our own tools and effort
That pulled together to create a ride
In a non-amusing park of suicide.
Many of us don’t notice the slide
Until everybody and everything
Is on the upside and we are not.
It’s a kind of mental, moral rot.
Then the travesty became a tragedy
For you and for me, endlessly.
Leticia JL Sims Aug 2016
The way you play your game is not fair
The way you make me be in pain
The way I do me is I put you in pain
But it is not a game
I don't want to
I don't mean to
I love you
I feel as if it is killing me
I feel as if one day all of this
Will be too much
Somebody will find what is left of me
A body left with no soul
A cold body
Cold and all alone
I try and try
Again and again
I fail and fail
I'm so tired of failing
I can't let you go
I'm too deep
I'm so in love with you
I'm scared
I don't want to be without you
I don't want this to end
I just want you happy
Even if it is the end of me
I will fight and fight for you
Because I love you
And if one day you tell me
That you no longer love me and want me
I will tell you goodbye
And it will be the end of me
I don't want to hurt you.. I'm sorry. I love you so much. I don't know what to do.
Let me be an example
Let me be
Your barely living proof
That happiness
Is hard to find
Just don't ask me why
Jack Jenkins Apr 2016
I thought tonight would be the night, the night I've been waiting for. Tonight I would have told you- nay- confessed to you the genuine, heartfelt love I have for you.*

Tonight nothing happened, again. I saw your face, the same face that quivers my insides and makes my heart beat in slow motion, and I knew I could tell you absolutely nothing about my fiery desires for you.

So you still know nothing and suspect everything.
I still mumble the same mantra to myself about how I'm doing the right thing, waiting for the right time. But it's flat out b u l l s h i t and I know it. I'm scared to love, scared to lose, scared to ***** it up.

They say time heals all wounds but the wounds that love inflicts has no healing. Time can merely stitch up your cuts and tell you not to stress them, lest they burst apart and leave you bleeding out again.
Only love can heal love, and you and I are *TOO SCARED TO JUMP!
Totally fictional. Enjoy! :)
Danae Rae Mar 2016
I am holding a grudge,
Because they held a grudge.
against grudge,
against grudge.
An unfailing friendship defying the odds.
Falling apart because we can not forgive each other.
Unfailing is failing.
Zack Gilbert Mar 2016
Another week over and my eyelids are drooping as I type this.
They say that
success is in reach if you just tell yourself you can do it,
But see, I've told myself to reach for success but whenever I look I only find failures
With skelatons as gifts  because I always try to get my hopes up and they end up being miscarriages of the mind,
I dropped the ball on the touchdown line
Missed the layup
Failed the class
They say success is in reach if you tell yourself you can do it.
I found that failure is more common
That disorders of the mind that go from A
to C instead of making a B line for the right answer
leaves me to believe that the work we do can only take a lot of back breaking work
and struggles and pain and late nights doing all you can to succeed and,
realizing that the dreams you dream
lead to something
Because failure leads to something too
It leads to droopy eyes and morning reflections
and doing your best to get out of bed to revel in your failures because
you will succeed.
Just keep going
Keep running
Spreading your wings as your learning what flying means from jumping
from the nest without the parachute because
we all know life is a sky full of possibilities.
Gods just opening new doors
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