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Hank Helman Feb 2016
You know that voice inside your head,
That whispering ***** that wants you dead,
A hell grip tease, knows every fault,
That sly little snitch that you can’t halt.

A slick negotiate this voice of yours,
Knows the Band-Aid tricks that you adore,
Rough ***, play drugs, drink all day,
Says **** yourself, you’re a throw-a-way.

So listen crisp, you’ve got an outside chance,
****-can the guilt and the worry romance,  
Stoke this moment, jive the second you’re in,
Don’t end your life, let the ****** begin.

It’s a hollow *** world, we all wearing shells,
Hard knocks, beat downs, sad farewells,
So write your ****, make your memories scream,
Claim your poem, tip type the bad dreams.

We can’t make it easy but we can hear,
A community listens, maybe offer a tear,
It’s a bruise harsh life, so take this hand,
Black and white your ****, no reprimand.
Encourage those you know who want to **** themselves to write. Pain has a source--  once you find the pulse of it you can calm it-- at least for awhile--- only art can save us.
Em Jan 2016
I'm jealous of your pen.
Jealous of the way your hands will never caress my skin like you hold it.
Jealous of the way you won't ever twirl me on a wooden dance floor like you spin it.

I'm jealous of your tie.
Jealous of the way it wraps around your neck, a place my arms will never be.
Jealous of how nothing separates it from your skin except a shirt, but I have red tape cuffing my hands behind my back when I want nothing more than to let them roam beneath the collar of your blue-striped button down.

I'm jealous of your ears.
Jealous of the words they get to hear when mine aren't around to listen.
Jealous of the way they get to hear i love you spill over and over again from your pillowy lips, the same lips that form into a smirk after you tell a joke and make me feel like the most important person in the world.

I'm jealous of the way you make me feel.
Jealous, because, I'll never make you feel that way, too.
i've been listening to too much Labrinth and buying too many dresses to impress you
Nick Moser Jan 2016
When you’re thinking about giving in,
Just remember:

Your talent alone speaks volumes.

To a World full of deaf ears.
kelly Jan 2016
My nose is benumbed with the
chill, and the cold and the numb
but the touch of her thumb
****** the ice out of me
and into her.
My lips were dry without
her warmth, left with the sweet
painful taste of craving
My ears hurt with the
screaming, and the constant streaming
of her tears, and the tears,
in her heart,
in her eyes.
My eyes are blinded by the
nothingness, and the stark contrast
of her pale skin, and her pale face,
against the darkness,
the blackness.

and finally,
what do you see
she asks me
there's nothing to see
i reply.
why can't you see
why can't you see
she yells
because you won't let me
i whisper.
idk what this is ****
" The law of the jungle is the law of a gang. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. "

The page unfolds.  The best story told. Basically I'm handing out free gold.
Returning ears with interest. You can never borrow to your advantage peasants. Why pay for something to prove you are not a slave? Plato's cave. As I leave they stay. Why do they want me to lead and pave the way? They say it's great !  and you will get paid. I said you gay. I will never hand my **** out to those in need and to those who pray. That's how you get slayed. I will only help those who are me. Who take action by maxing out their mental capacity. And If they do. They're no longer food. They seem so rude and selfish towards being free. It so beautiful to me. A construct painted by true belief.  Just read.
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2015
A song echoes here in my ears
It sings in a place no one hears
It twitters along
And sings bold and strong
It's lullaby calms all my fears.
Why I sing when I work.  :)
Rachel Sterling Oct 2015
I live to see you look at me like I'm the most beautiful creature you've ever laid eyes on.
You brush my hair behind my ear gently and run your fingers along my cheek.
"You have the most beautiful ears.
Ears are such a strange thing to love about a person, but I do love them.
I love your ears. Little, delicate pixie ears.
My tiny manic pixie dream girl."
I live to hear that I'm yours.
I live to hear you say anything really
E Townsend Oct 2015
I shouldn't be able to hear your voice
snaking into my ears
telling me I miss you. I miss you.
It's a sentence I've never heard you say,
so how can my brain make it
up so eloquently,
so perfectly in your small voice
that I have not heard in years?
Mercury Chap Jul 2015
I beg his eyes
To look at me for once
Even a glance would suffice this hungry soul
A link with those eyes, make me lost
They're no less than a black hole.

I beg his lips to turn up to heaven
Those pretty little teeth
Flash to burn the darkness around me
So I find my way in the sunless day
With his smile even a blind will start to see.

I beg his ears
To listen to my voice
When I try to sing in the sweetest way (im)possible
Just so he could hear my voice
So he could hear only me above all the noise.  

I beg his nose
To smell this cheap perfume I wear
Just for his receptors to be aware
Of my invisible presence in his life
So in his mind my cheap perfume runs rife.

I beg his skin
To feel the waves of my love
On his tiny hair which makes dots of goosebumps
And wave them as if a wind is blowing
Out on his skin my love is always flowing.

I beg him
To beg for me
The way I beg for him
If only his soul is as tattered as mine.
Another poem for a crush. I guess this one seems a bit creepy (but I have no intentions to make it creepy). What to do? Sad story, same life.
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