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Anger found me early on
Pain came with conception
Love could never quite make a connection
A prime concoction
To fuel a blind rage and hide direction
Like an infection

Zywa 4d
Look up, look beyond

the point where you stand, the stars --

will show you the way.
Diane Sawyer's interview "Science will win" with Stephen Hawking (and his daughter Lucy) on ABC (June 7th, 2010) --- Song "Sammy" (1966, Ramses Shaffy, album "Ramses II")

Collection "Here &Now&"
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
To all work together, we need not agree.
Each has their mission, some of us three.

Bridges over puddles, the buddha might say.
Help all the lost, since they’re not far away.

The gift you’ll be given, if honest and true.
Showing you all the things, youcan now do.

Use inner knowledge, filling your cup.
Notice how time has begun to speed up.

Love and compassion, given today.
Expands never ending, on the middle way.
Psych-o-rangE Jan 2024
Go away, somewhere deep inside
Far away, like the direction of my eyes
Heavy Hearted Nov 2023
To you I scribe these words of grace
& pray you reach that golden place,
the one beyond the world we live- a place that transcends time.
A place to move through, with the brightness of peace-            all places

Untill we reach that
faithfull destination
Of our dreams.

Though we've got direction-
The destinations never been clear.
Regardless, onwards we march
with confident discretion
Revel, in the thought -
togetherness; connection.
the planets will align
every once in awhile
to arraign all who need
or are deserving of it
those who find themselves
treading the wrong path
those who can no longer
see what lies ahead
despite all those
gazing upwards
     silently questioning
these immaterial messages
will be overlooked
unheeded by the majority
only recognised by the few
comprehended by even fewer

this singular occurrence
rare and rarefied
may be explainable
in its most basic sense
to even the layman
it is but a simple matter
of timings and orbits
calculations of gravity
versus mass and inertia
but that which truly matters
the universal push and pull
will leave even
the most discerning of minds
in the dark
perhaps the moth
simply doesn't know
the strength of
its own wings
but the way it flutters
seemingly erratic
        in its choices
never straight forward
        in its direction
can be infuriating at times
as those silken sails
appear to force it
where none expect it to be
in disjointed circles
often far off course
only occasionally
will it find itself
exactly where it should be
whether accidentally
         or by design
its every path is filled
with calculated corrections
revisions and redress
in order to reach
its intended
that source of light
one way or another
Kushal Aug 2023
The lights have run their wick.
The hands of the clock turn
Yet they weigh no bearing.
Eternity could pass in the darkness.

Where have I gone...
That there is naught to guide me?

Far from home...
I dream of meals surrounded by warmth.
Steve Page Jul 2023
Rowing isn't for me.
Nor drifting aimlessly.
I'd rather raise my sails,
for rowing isn’t for me.
I prefer to let the winds prevail
whether light draft or force 10 gale.
No, rowing isn’t for me.
Nor drifting aimlessly.
John 3: 8. The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
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