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Pax Jan 29
only a few can see
appreciation of its beauty
unseen to most
to where it hides
its truth without a cost.
And how much is art really worth?
Emery Feine Sep 2024
Sometimes, with a roll of the dice
A child receives a blessing that comes with a price
They can be born with the blessing of being smart
Yet in society, they'll always be apart
Who would've known that a bigger or stronger brain
Can make people think you're entirely insane
If you do one thing well in your prime
Then you'll be stuck doing that till the end of time
And if you ever try to quit
Why would you? You're good at it
There's so much pressure on you
That there's nothing you can look forward to
And if you get just one thing incorrect
There's something in your brain that needs to be checked
People will look up to you, but you're up there alone
Sitting down on your worthless diamond throne
And if you aren't better than only some
You're immediately characterized as dumb
Would you really want to feel so apart
Just so you could be a bit more smart?
this is my 77th poem, written on 1/23/24
Jeremy Betts Aug 2024
What have I gained?
What have I tossed?
What has been the actual cost?
All of this pain
A heart of frost
None of it worth what has been lost

Carlo C Gomez Apr 2024
lines on the thermometer,
when it happens,
it moves all by itself.

random restless waters,
terrestrials standing on their banks,
recidivists having deposits
and withdrawals
at an inflated rate.

--the amplified gesture
means a convenience charge,
elevate me later.

I'm on the existential end
of viral paradise,
"the files you have on me"
are a trail of stolen pebbles,
sure to inoculate my final
walk into the sea.
Ken Pepiton Apr 2024
The point of differentiation,
not the point of contention,

the point of no return
continuation relative
to knowing subtle forces

ostensibly contained
in the whole truth,
and nothing but,

to which no doubt,
you are personally sworn,
under penalty of cognative
cacaphonic gnosisnot cough

to reembodeize, embody abide
completely centered, self aware.

Then, the fiber that fuses string
theory and determinism hooks
a loop in time's SYTF problem set,

so the set that made young
Earl Russell paradoxically famous,

from now on, one may learn and learn
from now on, until one disintegrates,
dissipates as cloud forms disperse,
to show us how it works, wooly

clouds meeting the reflected wind,
and the winds from the pacific,
pour down one side of my valley
and up the other side, to make those

parrallel feathery shapes one can watch
form on fine days
with nothing needing done,

if the determinists are right, what matters
if I use my time chosing to bend clouds

into vast wings involved in making me think.
I invested four hours watching clouds while listening
o Long Walk to Freedom,
Mandela makes me think free will is most probably our choice.
- what difference does anything make if nothing really matters?
In summary, the main difference between energy and momentum is that energy is proportional to the velocity squared, while momentum is proportional to velocity. Additionally, energy is a scalar quantity, while momentum is a vector quantity.

AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts.{its the spin, init}
Steve Page Mar 2024
I want, you want, they want,
in want,
sludging through want,
wading shin-thigh-waist deep,
as we sink-or-swim
this ******* swamp,
with a raised chin
just above this slow loss
of living want.

I want, you want, they want
in a new normal
right state of want.
Ken Pepiton Feb 2023
This week, mired in mysteriousisty, monstrous
enter tech, subtler doors perceptible, whole
Certain trut-le subtle so, Feynman left the door ajar.

Time after certain pointy ideas grow shiny
as any used key, ever bright,
most honed edge,
after i-Ust dust,
the we in which I occur, we
- have been occuring within,
yes, not al-one in, with

within, inside, distinctly not
with out, just cause,
some valid reason for assuming your right,
master minister bond,
order spun chaos patterning.

Prince and Pauper, think it through,
some tutorial must have tightened the reasons,
principal things,
priests and kings, scepters and orbs,
sacred evidence, bundles of righteous secrets,
precious as- jewels,
more precious than rubies, in those days…
worth to kings, as taught by priests,
worth is in things as rare as you…
dear child called of all the gods… just can't wait,
to be king
---------- disneyified reality contains me, a minute
detain, refrain from too much good stuff,
keep your own counsel…
take the grace, recall the science under these words.

pshaw, the knowledge,
where the faces fit,
the use of that jewel master's touch
the use of the shimmering final presentation,
-sell the sizzle,
- let'em smell the onions, and the cinnamon.

how much time fits in a leaded representative space,
only only, one-ly, namely, me - the type
setter, printer's devil, charged to fill the emptiness,
with proverbs,
and random selections from Scripture,
and Nietzsche's numbered aphorisms.
Siri, sorry- generic personal entity,
You, become
proverbial subject
to the idea made
into kings,
Wisdom, the principal thing
to be gotten,
ai, and
with thy getting, get the use,
what good does diamond dust do?

Who owns the rights, to cities in your mind?

- By the time they got to Monterey,
- they all had hammers, hammering out
- love between the brothers and
- the sisters,
- howl, howl foul, all you wish was other
- find a spell
- find a smell, feel the first software run.

Breathe, reality, holding me and all the lines
that led
us, unified states of mind enclosed in bubble
shelved in dark pantry nooks and crannies,
How are kings made?
Old ways,
all ways kings have been made.

There was always a fight,
there was always a winner… and often
a comforter,
for the child of the loser,
or for his goods and services, dues
to the victor, never
for get, never give back, never take too little
when the plenty comes,

and the coveting capability expands
conspicuous among the high and mighty.

To the prince, it was written, learn the inter-
pretending nature,

eyes of Athena embedded in moth's wings,
lobsters only entertainment,
you can feel it, lose a claw,
grow another,
life in the depths, as non-hallel species,
playing pile on lobster Dnana-nana na na
ancient dopaminurgency, have fun,
live life where you find you lived,
before the final plunge,
squealing, giggling pile on, get to the top,
no holds barred…
Two weeks in 502, waiting to mesh with reality today... early JBP lobster idea.
Sadie Grace Dec 2022
How do I accept a gift I don't deserve?
How do I accept a pardon I never earned?
With scarred hands, I reach out to the One whose pierced hands healed me
My hard heart is replaced with one that longs for Him, and I kneel before my Creator as He reveals Himself to me
I am sealed with a promise
The Spirit stamps me
and I know
that I am His

We were created to be free
but it came at the highest price
Freedom is real. Trust in Jesus.
Simon Piesse Aug 2022
What's your code no passport connection four hundred years grandfather's father his father coming there first test DNA dry place immigrant country no code no almond milk and honey wet wipes gone eyes longing God in each of us what's your code which God fountain of mercy chopped tomatoes snug crates E5 what's your code he shot me in the head and legs smug nearly forgot thank you for calling the job centre your call is important stranger rich tea smooth no nuts unboxed leeks centre job wait what's your code hot sand busy thank you what's your code blue masks requirement professor of linguistics sir do you have Weetabix I Lithuania bless you Kuwait Syria Michigan Holloway Italy chef many interviews knives the knives needed all are welcome double yellow lines peas code your what's your necessary referral code appointment hurry sorry reindeer biscuit then joking we used to climb over and pick the blackberries no desk write the date and time sign what's your code Ukraine just wait for delivery..
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
Shaking the grains
of salt like rain
over my fries
I bite into a burger
of my free order
and find a sizzling fly
You may laugh
but it’s a little rough
when dandruff
is white icing
on a blueberry pie
A free meal
is a risky deal
and I tell you no lie
once I found there
a metre hair
I choke and nearly die
I pull up to the counter
complain to the waiter
who couldn’t give a jack
just a dingy diner
at the mall
with free meals
and worse of all
you can’t ask
for money back
free things come at a cost
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