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Amitav Radiance Nov 2014
Consciousness is a tiny speck
in this vast universe
Concentration and focus
will lead the way
towards the door of eternity
World of worlds
where there is no beginning or end
Amitav Radiance Nov 2014
There is too much commotion
And the mind feels violated
Consciousness is hijacked
With stark reality being fed
Every waking hour
The mental borders struck down
By the brute forces
Driving it towards insanity
Derision of the thoughts
It’s totally exposed to abuse
Now, only rely on subconscious
To draw a mental map
Of the escape route
Towards the path of silence
Away from the commotion
And find sanity again
joe perez Nov 2014
Its dangerous to believe in the illusion
That is cast by your ego and altered by the masses
You buy the clothes and drive the cars
You sip the drink you **** the girl
But in all this 
Where are you?
When did you lose sight of your dreams
When did you stop learning about yourself and where is your happiness
Not the alcohol induced smile of consumed ignorance 
But A moment of genuine gratitude of life
Society has lost its heart, too afraid to feel again
So they masquerade as monsters
But i know these beasts well
And they also bleed when wounded
The stains will wash away 
but the metallic scent lingers
Andrew Wenson Nov 2014
Big Sticker Snicker
Get my hands away
from your thigh
brutally change
for trains of people purging
the time
of distempered crises.
K Balachandran Nov 2014
You are the book written by the mystic eternal,
in sub atomic particles of each and everything
after transcending the limits of time,
on the wings of the thought in the primordial core,
that witnessed the seeds being sowed in the beginning.

I am entrenched in the inner urge of the spread of everything,
the surge of cosmic mind, all the five elements
the Brahman, most sublime, omnipresent,
at once, inert and omnipotent, a feat one of a kind
the waves of music, the subtle "ÄUM" containing all,
even when the symphony begins, and climbs to the crescendo
when self and the Master, my cosmic significant other,
merge in YOGA, the ocean, the confluence of consciousness.
DSD Sep 2014
Not in the object revered
But in the imperfect beholder
Glows the light of inspiration.

Through eyelids facing west
The auburn canvas spreads.
Smell of damp pine needles
Carried by the dry retreating winds.

Not in the balance, do I marvel,
But in the transience of the moment
That threatens to justly divide
The hours between light and dark.

For strife is the eternal essence of life,
Strength of my sinew,
As I relentlessly roll the boulder
And watch gravity undo my labour.

But, there is no strife more revolting
Than THIS.
Cleaving ‘I’ from the rest
And assuming superiority -
An imperfect beholder.
Note 1 - This just division of light and dark (Equinox) is only a passing phase, an ephemeral balance. Had it been permanent life would have been too monotonous an experience. This futile battle of light and dark inspires me to look inside and contemplate my existence.

Note 2 – I extend Heraclitus's "Strife is justice" to "Strife is life". Physical life is a strife against the natural elements. But the act of conscious existence is the greatest and the most revolting strife of them all. Because this involves separating myself (I, that thinks)from the rest (matter in all its forms) and assuming the superior role of an intelligent observer.
Amitav Radiance Nov 2014
When you are full of yourself, then you are nothing, empty yourself and absorb the nothingness, you will be eternal
K Balachandran Nov 2014
Are you the surge, triggering the flight of the transcending bird?
the  ultimate mystery, unspeakable, that liberates the seeker.
While awaiting the wingless flight, the moment of soul's effulgence,
you too are a mystery , like the all encompassing spirit, I am one with

The universe is not wholly cognizable,constant transformation
one to something drastically different, and the story never ends.
Known physics, could tell the story,only halfway, the rest is dark
I understand the helplessness of space observatory at Herschel
peering at vast Magellanic cloud galaxy, a mystery in the move.
Is this one/she is the trigger to transform consciousness to super consciousness, wonders the" seeker", embracing each mystic experience
with such eagerness.What he experiences at the time it happens is what the Herschel telescope peering at the large Magellanic cloud in transformation sees!
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
We have all died, and returned as the night.
We arrived with the black water sky.
In death we take flight,
evading the light from the dying glare
of the days left behind.
And I believe that we shall see an end to our realities,
when all the creeps of destiny decide to eat the peace.
And so we ****
at the **** of our benefactor
& desperately seek a new way to manufacture death and disease,
the bereaved we all will become - in one fell swoop,
Bereaved, you could be of Us.
For the tragic, black comedy of life
To be performed
When all of us return to the Unborn.
But every show closes
One day we'll have to fall.
Curtains for us all.
One day our world will crumble,
The final curtain call.
And on that final day,
of Reckoning,
I only hope we can still bow out,
An old... most likely drug-induced poem about.... the apocalypse, I'm pretty sure. Obviously loaded with theatre references.
Claire Collins Oct 2014
There is a hunger
Like a gun to yr head
Metal and cold
Empty yr clip
Personal *******
Egoic standup metaphysical *****
Pseudo spiritual people snakin in my garden
Workin gets harder
When you poet all the time
Clock you don't know what it looks like
A vague memory takes over me
At the corner on 15th and Rockford
I'm unheard and disturbed
No it's not ok
Know insanity like secondhand glove fit/spit atheists outta my mouth
Now you know what god Tastes like
Teeth know what gods about
Molar spell
Glamour silver
Share gardens worth of rent/have bent knees to cold Chicago concrete
Ask god
She's listening
With an open hand
Yr glistening sidewalk shine you concrete vision of glitter and litter
You performance piece about ennui
Yr callouses
Don't ask how ok I am
We all got issues and I know you want a poem
But all I got is tissues and I didn't mean to make you cry
I jut wanted to remind you of the salt of life
The stuff dreams are made of
Homemade hair cloud spun
Wicked sister come whisper In my ear drum
Hum the chemical hymnals from our childhood
Don't hide your big tooth
Chew and chew and Chew
Purposefully at the great growing complacency
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