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K Balachandran Oct 2014
The insane man with uncommon zen,
I encounter now and then near the city center
poses a nonsensical question each quite different,
every time he and i come face to face by chance,
then shares a smile with a conspiratorial wink.
        "Every one in this planet, even those ones
          who are at war with themselves or others
          inanely clamors'light, light, give us light'
          they sincerely believe it or not, do you think
          there is enough light, for all, assuming they all deserve it?"
I see the night getting  near and the electric lights started
opening their greedy eyes in quick succession,
I see a drop of it reflected in the well of his eyes,
He expects a "YES" or "NO"from me at once!
as if it's crucial to the survival of planet earth"

I look around and see light valiantly fights the army of darkness,
now tell me my friend, who now reads this, what would you advice?
I am waiting, I am all ears; darkness and light too listens.
I know you as a nice one,a good soul, balanced; come on tell me..,
Gigi Tiji Oct 2014
sloshing through
the pipes, rats riding
a winding wave notwithstanding
the pull of the riptide untied and tried
typically clear blue true without you
unrhymed but confined and unheard
born broken unnurtured and blind
further outside of my mind you lined
the blinds with ******

but I heard her outside the lines
a herder, she shined in my eyes
reflecting signs of sobbing sighs
releasing white withering pines
bare blown apart mines
bland broken times
K Balachandran Oct 2014
Within the blue expanses of your left eye
I see colossal expanding galaxies
white dwarfs, black holes and exploding super novae
vie with one another in the other eye,
expansion and contraction are created by your winks
to complete the picture of a universe without an end
oh! mother of everything, this wayward son is
only a spec, he dreams your vision, conjuring up immortality,
he traverses through labyrinths non existent
in the outer space, in his fragile space craft to reach
the galaxy in the shape of your heart,
this is all I can hope in my interstellar voyage
now undertaken, with my heart drumming
as the back ground score.
And you feel me
Lost in lucidity
But sometimes life ..
Is a struggle
So now
Out of it all
Do you see me after all?
Or again
Am I in an infinite complex
Dissected by concepts
Never in regret
But to Lose lost
Is lost in it all
And lost for a cause
But if I am you
And you are me
Then why
And realize
My love for you is infinite
And your soul I kissed.
From hell and back
And you knew that
Saw me in it all
Loved me after all

I feel you ... I hope
Amitav Radiance Oct 2014
The river of consciousness
Flows tranquil, in me
From the mind it starts the journey
Navigating everyday obstacles
Washing away everyday doubts
Keeping the heart replenished
Along the course of the soul
Enhancing all the senses
Awareness knows no bounds
Beyond the realm of seen
At the end of the day
When I am tired
Of the routine
I dive into the river of consciousness
Washing away the today
To start a new day
With new questions
To search for new answers
Every day I am empty
Ready to drink
From the river of consciousness
New realization
Of greater prospects
New consciousness
Emanates from the core
No limitations
In the source of consciousness
Taking Flight
Soar Off The Ground
And We Were Lost To Be Found
Fly Above Commotion
Fueled By Emotion
Transition To The Ocean
An Abyss
Of Bliss
Because The Sky I Kissed
Let Me Drowned
There Was No Sound
Just A Geometric Playground
Dissipate Now
To Euphoric Dust
Taken So Compassionately
Confused By This
Cosmic Dream
Tore From The Seams
But I Let Go Of This
Let Go
Just To Flow
To Melodic Assumptions
Melody Had Me Elated
The Light Sensation
Liquid Creations
Creating Aquatic
Sounds Of The Sonic
Pupils Dilated
And It Reflects Back To Me
Reflect The Patterns To My Moves
And I Move With The Motion
Loved And Infinite.
Wuji Seshat Oct 2014
To write poetry is
To create philosophical memory
To adjust the commentaries

Of all souls, to just one voice
To strip the inequalities
Of existence, of their mass
To write poetry is
To erase the written

Transforming what we have read
Making alphabets contemporary
Fluid, mystical

To write poetry is not just art
It’s neurological reprogramming
A quantum gesture to
The nature of beauty
And Meaning itself

To write poetry is
To return to an absence of meaning
The meddlesome mind forgets

The natural order of nature
To reduce layers of narrative
And return to a total peace
And a grand vision of the universe
As a talking thing, exchanging energy

In a physics of existence
To write poetry is to love the unwritten
Endings that all concur

To identify with the sudden
Rupture of beginnings
From which all thought originates
To write poetry is thus
The silence in between the words

And a solace beyond thought
To free oneself form the memory
That is an impression or a scar

On the mind, blankness is an ideal state
To observe time and space without attachment
To love existence independently
Of the personal conditions of one’s life
On the letters of your poems

I observe a black walking cat
A woman that must question her heart
To find the answers, without
Speaking we are a language
All we feel and do is a kind of vocabulary.
C Davis Oct 2014
I won't be the weak one,
Although when I think and speak
I may tweak some I'm just
Searching for reasons
To justify the swell.
I will ride the undertow
Sunken beneath bass lines 
And blunt tails
Intending to take it slow.
But I get a little excited sometimes, you know.
So when this undertow undoubtedly 
Washes me ashore
I'll be the imaginary statue 
Erected in my honor
Proudly saluting every fleeting
Emotion that sailed
Straight through my harbor.
You see, 
Harboring hatred is a trait
I forfeited
To make way for the minuscule moments and glimpses
Of human existence penetrating
Layers of jade and years
Of conditioning and I am successfully
Transitioning into persistently 
Acknowledging the raindrops 
As they hit the pavement and pop.
You see some people feel the rain
While others just get wet,
A wise Rastafarian 
Once famously said.
And I think on it all
Far too frequently for a quiet mind
But I've never had one of those
Not even after rolling papers
Intertwine and smoke fills my eyes,
Because I am accustomed 
To a constant consciousness
And I'd much rather this
Than nothingness
And thus I sit, contemplating 
Aspiring to avoid the guilt of 
Seasons past,
For I am past the point of
Punishment and pain ghosts and
I have plenty of pangs from all
The echoes
In my brain and in these
Rattled apartment's stains
It's not all in vain 
Life grows these varicose
Colored-in, crawling across the
Window panes 
Of the chamber where my soul remained
Through the bridge until the end of
The refrain.
I am in reign. 
I rock the crown.
I roll the dice when 
I am down
I try to think twice
Before I frown
I contemplate the value 
Of the men that I allow
To lay me down 
I am grown and I am proud
Because I am humble
And I'm not loud
Any longer,
I listen
To the subtle sounds of
Human respiration.
I am the incarnation
Of ancient incantations that
Shake down the walls which
Separate us all
All the way to the ground.
True power is found
Where unity resounds.
word ***** est. June 2014

property of c.f.davis
RW Dennen Oct 2014
i am a small and insignificant person i listen to the negative
"cannot do"unless I become aware of my true abilities
I become empowered and not listen to the i people
you and I can change  The you i person has the great ability
to change into the you I person also We can be great partners
being you I and me I otherwise there remains total confusion
such as:
you i and  me I
you I and me i
You i and me i
And if we do this right we get..............:) instead of...................:(
I or i
thank you I or you i ,which one do you choose?
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
The ******* sufferer beholds another necrologue for Christ
In the savage, barren, ugly, wretched wilderness of God
Forsaken wanderer, alone again forevermore
His crippled heart is a raging fire trapped in a cage of ice
Beyond these walls of darkness, waiting in the shadows
that obscure the night so well
The hiding place of Hell
The path of fire burns on, ever in the silence of the night as it shines
in the eternal void of light
And I will walk the dark path infernal
Left in the razor edge balance
Between the shadows of the night
And incendiary light
I will walk the dark path eternal
Pleasures of the mind and treasures of the flesh
Temptation. Reward. Validation. Disinterest.
A cycle of cannibalism - inhumane
Channel the rage to desire, and feed her the pain
She so needs, she so craves, she is begging you for
Feed her the pain and call her a *****
Deep inside, the fire in those eyes
Give her what she needs to remember she's alive
Tread lightly through the fire of the dark path infernal
Remember the cold. Remember the slumber.
Between the shadows of the night and incendiary light
We will walk the dark path eternal
Now walk with me forever
And I will never leave your side
Walk with me forever
Between the shadow and the light
Walk with me forever
On this dark path infernal
With me, eternally
Alive on the Black Path of Night!
Another stream of consciousness piece from Fall 2012. Obviously there's something ****** to do with it but other than that idk what this is about either.
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