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Tori Jul 2020
It’s really, truly morbid, how my vehicle came to me,
Twas’ the death of a friend of a friend of a friend
Of a friend who was close to thee
He was dead when I got your keys.  
I find that I’m quite infatuated, by your shining, crimson flair  
And your window that squeaks, and your faux leather seats,  
Stained carpets and central air
Who knew trucks could be debonair?  
Shall I name all life’s pains that mean naught in you?
Like that person who says, and then he says, and she says
They all say, and then it is true
So, I drive to find new points of view.
We will thrive on gasoline fumes and the human will
Until the ground is ****** dry and wells shot
Till then, freedom, adventure, and hidden hills
Will be ours, you and I, Bombadil.
An ode to my faithful steed, a red ford F-150.
Poetic T Jun 2020
She never cared what I pulled up in,
                we ad a date, 911..
on the side of our ride.

We were late blue lights
             shining bright like her eyes.

Getting  there on time, left the blue
    shining after we left,.
      Temporarily leaving the cam on..

Smile ******* this is us,
                  eyes and a  camo only seen :)

               But underneath
we smiling,
                        catch us if you can,

prints wiped..

                   Were not a bonny & clide,
The new generation,
tip-toing on the lines that blur
                                            with everyday.

I don't have a car but I'll pick you up,
            it doesn't  matter if your down,

I'll always pick you up.

            Turning that frown from

a negative to a flashing,
            whoops we have to ditch

                     before were arrested lol.
Bullet May 2020
Dumping my heart into dreams I would love to see if they are trying to **** me

The fuel that’s keeping me going can spark up a hood, in gulf the steer into flames

Distributor rings pop and all I have is a hand full of hopes and new spring days

But the deep blue paint chipped off the sea now rotates away from the rear view

Purple projects a new drive burnt into the ground from the heat of hell from the six feet we stand apart

My eyes peel back to to a blue face being a frame for just numbers and cloud chasing

So I place it in gear and then push fear into the mirror spreading orange and red solar flares in the headlights guiding the purple blue skies that backdrop the tracing rear lights of the fear in the past of our lifes
Plunked car in the middle of the yard
My chest is heavy;
Breathing so hard!
No word is jumping to my mouth to Speak
I used to be a thoughtful wisdom freak
My car isn't solid
Trending day by day
On Instagram car field
This is the memorial one
If I own a talented hand & mind
I'm tired of this world with no spark Plug
Though seek my fortune with hand in Mug!
When you have no inspiration except a looking out through the window!
nick armbrister Apr 2020
Incident Report 74399 2020

Obsessed with speed
I was that
Round the dial
Engine ******* screaming

Me racing them
Or just myself
Not ever stopping
After we collided

Something about movement
Positive insane velocity
I could drive
Surely the best

Crap limited cars
Only slowed me
Past all limits
How I grin

My workmate screams
Watch the lorry!!!
I swerve by
We speedily escape

Till the crash
Which patiently waits
To painfully end
All my fun

Floor the pedal
Skid swerve race
I refuse slowness
Pushing one litre

Risking old banger
Put me there
Behind the wheel
I'll ******* drive

A man possessed
By my shadow
So much speed
Don't dare worry

For little me
Or my casualties
Eat my dust
Hear tires squeal

Smell rubber burn
There goes Jimmy
Crazy ******* ******!
Passionate to race

Open road track
Safety not included
An opponent needed
Or just myself

Again cheating death
For how long?
Heidi Franke Apr 2020
I almost took a hammer to my husband's car today
I was gardening and stopped by his wrapped-cloth car
So carefully cared for
more than I.
I thought, what if I took a hammer to his car
Would I just pound a few
Or hit it so many times it looked like a speckled egg the next time he drove
It was just a thought.
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
For things I'll never have in life
Fancy car
Designer Clothes
Neverending list
Never pay the price
Don't want them enough I suppose
I only desire the simple pleasures of life, not materialistic luxuries
Katelyn Billat Apr 2020
Months ago,
I would sneak out to his car
And we would drive for hours
Under the night sky.

Honest conversations would erupt.
Once I told him that
I hoped to trip into love,
Not seeing it coming.
Fall over it stumbling.

I would shiver when
The engine shut off.
Our warm bodies
Would become close,
In his backseat beneath
His heavy blanket.

Sometimes I would become so cold
That he would let me
Wrap myself in the blanket.
My head would lay in his warm lap.

His hands would warm my cheeks,
His fingers tracing,
Drawing shapes on my skin
And brush through my hair.
I could always feel his eyes on me,
As I drifted to a dream land.

I would stumble to
The front door in the morning
With frizzy hair and
Wrinkled clothes.
My father would be waiting,
Toes tapping
And arms crossed.

One night he told me I was beautiful.
I blushed and giggled,
Then he told me I was stumbling.

On a Saturday, his car slid on the ice
With me in the passengers seat
I hope when he sees those dents
And crushed light he thinks of me.

He smashed his car,
Oh what a coincidence.
It was a car accident
And I accidentally tripped,
And my heart broke.

I would give anything
For a car ride with him.
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