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The air rushes out of my lungs,
Making an involuntary exodus;
Or rather, this bad news purges the air from my body.


It tackles my breath and-
It grabs the oxygen and forces it-
It shoves the wind right out-

This calamity leaves me unable to say how I feel.
Seán Mac Falls Mar 2016
Mankind built vain dream
Vast cities at rising seas
Faces upon water
Kate Ballalatak Jan 2016
let go of the things not meant for you,
but hold on tightly to the things that are.
allow yourself to feel the pain when your heart biffs it,
but don’t let the pain hinder your growth.
you are an open wound.

the rain will sting.
but the blood will always wash away.
Cody Haag Dec 2015
I'm ready to go the mile,
Delve deeper into loving you,
Despite life's troublesome tiles.

By no means is our relationship perfect,
Because like anything worth having,
It possesses some defects.

The difference between love and infatuation,
Is sticking together through calamity and elation.

We're unorthodox, I know it's true,
But no one can get me like you do.

Hold my hand forever,
Until our lights go out,
And the dust settles.

Siyang tinalikdan ang sarili't
Inagos ng sariling mithiin,
Nagpatangay at yakap ang iilang kalansay,
Maging dibuho ng winaldas na pagkatao.

Doon sa eskinitang hindi na masilayan
At sa mitsa ng pamumukadkad ng bukas,
Siya'y nagmistulang ahas
Nanunuklaw ng estrangherong
Minsan na rin siyang binalasubas.

Hampas lupa --
Walang malalaking pader ang di nagpayanig,
Sablay man ang agos at may iilang nakaligtas,
Wari naman nila'y siya'y magbabalik.
At sa pasunod pang yugto,
Sila'y magsisipang-tampisaw
Sa putik na uhaw sa sansinukob.
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2015
Gentle pond quaking
Torrents of dragonfly wings
Typhoon alchemy
Potter Nov 2015
What I needed
Was to be me.
The child I am,
To give him what he needs.
To love,
To be loved.
To laugh at life's calamity,
To slap a thigh at its slapstick.
To not get in its way,
To not step aside,
To be with it.
As me.
I needed to be me.
I need to be me.
More a collection of thoughts than poetry, but hey.
Marge Redelicia Sep 2015
you told me that you were
just playing it safe,
careful to keep your perfectly powdered face from grime
and getting dirt under your manicured nails.
you try to maintain that posture with poise and grace,
while others break their backs and crawl
on the ground on their knees and bellies.

you told me 
that you are playing nice.
you said that you are loving, caring, kind, and generous
and all those pretty qualities.
that's true,
one glance at your eyes 
is enough to know fully that 
you are also
fearful and terrified.
you are a coward:
a prisoner of pride
playing god as you place your trust on yourself.
taunted by questions of  rejection, ability, and sufficiency,
you cowered in your high tower
instead of joining the frontlines in the fight.
frozen by fear
your heart has gone too numb and cold, for
the doubt and anxiety has put out your fire.

you said that you have won it all.
but actually, 
you know nothing.
about triumph and victory 
for though the world has plunged into calamity,
you were never one with the army.
your bright eyes has seen death
but only from the sidelines.
you defile the purpose of your armor
by keeping it perfectly polished
when it is meant to be stained by mud and blood.

you told me that you were just playing it smart.
you said that it's only rational, logical, 
the normal human response
to take every measure to avoid pain and harm.
you behold the chaos
and cry 
"they are fools!"
you are 
they made themselves
into proud and shameless fools
for they know well that 
the fools are the ones chosen to shame the wise.

playing it nice, safe, an smart
for this is not a game,
this is 

strip off the crown and ball gown and
pick up your sword and armor.
from your high tower,
to the mountains and fields
to the homes and cities
to the trenches and frontlines.
for it's either you lose your self or lose the fight

get ready to pour out sweat, tears, 
and even blood.
though you have yet to see
claim victory:
the war has already been won
before it has even begun.

*it is
brandon nagley Sep 2015
Modern day slavery, hath manacled man's hand's and feet. Chained, tied, blindfolded, leading to one's demise. It cometh by many form's; pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth, and greed. Thus a free willed decision, with Lucifer making rich men affluent; wealthy they've become, off bomb's, secret societal seed. Thieve's of tribal territorie's, madmen of brutal glory!!!
Mind control ruler's, martial law suiter's, polluter's of land gone to waste. O' prosperous creature, what hath thou done? Tooketh holy scripture's of God from public schooling's, passing out satanic fooling's; becoming puppet's for Beelzebub? Suicide's, sky high, as parent's, thou hath left thine son's. At the bar? Bellie's enlarged: isn't that smoke and drink enough? Got the good stuff? High on bag's of dust? Wife at home? Cheating stealthy mode, and thou wondereth why it's thee who shalt succumb!!!! The terra firma hath turned wretched, stenched by the elite's Gucci cover, whilst the world killeth one another, on war's to maketh money off of the deaf, dumb, and blind; awakest, now's the time ....................Global collapse, it's just around the corner mine friend's.......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
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