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Jaxey Sep 2019
i will use my last breath
to tell myself
you loved me
just let me die a good man
Karijinbba Aug 2019
I am underwater how do I chase?

Please forgive my blockings being unfollowed saddens me
I am only human make mistakes

Trying to understand your poetry without seeing your face
as the mirrors fogs I pushed to defog and unmask  

I am a realist in attitude
vission depiction is hard to do

seeing across the cyber space cold computer screen with clarity is exausting however fun

I guess I lost it forgive me
what I searched for desperatly
to find and hungrily devour
has found me instead

the final blow was executed
bittersweet the object of my
obsession has withdrown
a sacred tree tored in half

I remain changed wiser
a crying sorrowful nymph
bent fallen in this battlefield arena
my world in shambles remains
my sacred tree unreachable is

I struggle to breath as
I come up for a little fresh air
and a mighty hand pushes
me down
down under water again
and again

I appologize have mercy on my soul beloved loyal reader how much more wiser thou art

I hope whats on the other side is better than on this mirrored life of mine.

understand me please I pleed
that I may gather strenght
before I go hence and be no more
By: Karijinbbs
It is only human to err and make mistakes and all we can do is learn and bless our beloved runners escapist no matter the pain.
J J Aug 2019
There she stands,
An angel with broken hands,
An angel with stones for wings,
She sings the sun away
And spins timorous sky ashade
Of wonder, thunder row'n’ down
Her body, she sang of me
As I died asleep

Another night, my eyes too worn to cry,
Too alone for an expression of lonliness
     To bare any meaning.

The sapphire trail
Skylark doled to drain
The riverrun grass of
       Substance built.

Lifted in hypoxic transcendence
Glistening with light, ****** gold,
Skin to lilt, and touch to felt
And dawn rotted unto morning
With one less life having made it.
Bhill Aug 2019
What is anxiety
Why does it occur
Who does it affect
Can you get it at school
Can you get it in your car
Can you get it in the park
How do you control it
How do you function with it
How do you, how do you

Well, you take a deep breath
Look it straight in its anxious riddin eye
Than spit at it

Oh, and then sing “Over the Rainbow”

Just saying...

Brian Hill - 2019 # 212
Sing everybody
Annatman Aug 2019
Bless the breath your chest,
Rising and falling, lends you
while you motionless are resting.
Bless your stillness and your stirring,
Bless the ground on every path you're walking.
Make blissful every dream you're seeing.
Bless your heart for tirelessly working
So that you may bless this world each day that you awaken.
Gratitude for every step you've taken that has brought you so close to me.
Seeing you breathe under the moonlight is such a thing of beauty!
Creepy in love~
b Jan 2017
what is the point of breathing,
if you're going to suffocate on it anyway,
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