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MSunspoken Dec 2019
Walking through the dunes
Of this deserted island-
Stopping for nothing
Couldn’t even if I wanted
there are monsters creeping
Snakes who pretend to be sleeping
Right until you step near-
And they’ll bite with a vengeance
So blaming, blaming
How could they dare!
My actions are justified
No matter the tear
Don’t look at me like that
I’m not like the others
I walk with one purpose-
to escape from this prison
An isolated place
So different from the rest
It welcomes you in
But you may never escape
Like the jaws of a lion
Or a decision you made
Such as continuing on-
Can you ever stop?
And as you try to climb, the mounds of sand so high
you slip and fall
Will you keep trying at all?
Of course
But you’ll break from the exertion
Yet you continue climbing
Knowing soon will be your end
But why  not play the game of the land
And sink all the others-
It’s Simply because you don’t want to know
The ***** ways of the snake
And the consequences of the show
So you trudge on with ignorance
And live in your beautiful bliss
That is until it hits you-
Reality that is
I won't reveal the personal story behind this, but the point is pretty clear.
This will be interpreted differently, depending on one's experience, but I hope that for at least one person, they find the tone to be happy rather than  somber.
Saudia R Dec 2019
there are some days when it's the headache and you, not you and the headache.

just pound after pound, the core of your brain. the beat you never intended to dance to. and look at us, puppets.

like a ball on a string, our heads rattling around, unaware that heads don't rattle.

trying to push away the push of pain through pills that we pop to pop this pressure point.

but figuring out where to place the pin is the pause.

you don't want to make it worse, but if you can't make it better, best to just...not.

how do normal people function? what is this magical nirvana of blissful calm state? how does one close their eyes and sleep?

when headache likes to play, you can only hope they don't pull the string too hard.
sometime you want to drink the coffee and say **** it.
Alaska Dec 2019
the moon comes and goes in these beautiful tidal waves
my love I am drawn to her,
our flame ephemeral
but I’d trade my saltwater laced eternity for a moment of your starlit bliss
her voice a million harps being strung by the delicate fingertips of angels
her eyes the sea glass at the bottom of the ocean.
even if I can’t say I love you, I love you
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2019
A truth is a frightening idea
Even when it's worse
It's not what you want to hear
Might as well be a curse

Better to always live in ignorant bliss
Than face problems and die
You never see what's after you
Win safety but it's a lie

Life's better when in blindness
Honesty and reality equal pain
Call me crazy
To the alternative I prefer insane
Still can't get my thoughts penned right
Rocco Sylvestrie Dec 2019
A love like this isn't a love to miss
I visit my memories of happiness
Of Bliss
In my head
Painted fiction drowns out my vision.
The realization that ...
This isn't Love
Attachment at best
I fear
I fear
my dear , our love is but a game .. a shame
We hurt each other to feel love  we create to blind our pain..
Shadow Dec 2019
Some where in Paris
Empty cobbled street
You look at the river beside the street
There sits a bench under the moonlight
You walk towards it
The street is empty,
The night sky is immense
Even more immense with the blue stars
Flickering in the distance.
Sitting on the wooden bench
Facing the free flowing waters,
Under the vast night sky
You sit alone with the moon
Next to the flowing river
And wish that this feeling would last
Kunal Dec 2019
Your life is the ocean
And your heart is a wave,

Like a dog in the sun
I found my peace in your storm,

As I sail for days
I keep drowning away
Would my Sailors forgive me
for feeling this way
You said,

"Hey Mister!

Do follow through
Let's go and build a house
Big enough to fit us two
We'll weave a castle there

The castle of our dreams

My Knight in dining armour
And I your blanket queen"
Girl you're just like that pretty

With wooden beams."
S I N Dec 2019
God exists, this one I know for sure,
And though to some ‘tis may sound to obscure,
The evidence beheld I of his style
Though ‘tisn’t
too easy to express; just listen:
I was waiting for my friend,
We at the moment did intend
To go and do some exercise
At somewhere’s gym; but never mind;
And so was standing I, awaiting,
Amidst the square donned with the snow;
It crunched and crackled at my step,
The birds with wings above me flapped,
Some children bumping to each other,
Aside - theirs smiling mothers, fathers,
Some riding horses, big and little,
Of peddler’s goods the cheery brittle;
And just behind the row of birch
Emerged Of Holy Father Church;
This not my job to you describe
The Beauty of this fairest sight,
But ‘twas the good, the solemn site
Of modesty; and sheer delight
Derived the every one by-watcher
Who had a fleeting chance to watch her;
And so was I as mesmerized
As filled with ever-baffling fright
What one within so often may
Carry throughout the whole long day;
But wait and hark, for ‘tis important, just when the bell began to chime,
Converging everything, the time,
The place, the sight, the proper moment,
As if of something Greater token,
From sky so high above me then
The snow to fall from there began;
And was so tranquil that a scene,
That drove away my inner spleen,  
That I became with thought conceived
That some Great True was t’me revealed
River Reed Nov 2019
Ignorance is Bliss;
Knowledge is Freedom,
And Freedom is what You make of it
Jake Welsh Nov 2019
the search for bliss is over
one way or another
epiphany upon her
that leads her into space or underground

how are you doing? what are you up to these days? it’s nice to see you in this most lonesome place

i find that balance is achieved here in silence
or in the constant sound of the subterranean; a train passing afar
love of distant past or pain

the search for bliss is over!
finally over
from "salve" 2019
available @:
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