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You ran a blitzkrieg on my heart,
Invading like the Mongol's carte,
Menu of skulls and bones.

After your attack,
You settled down,
Sweeping up the bruise and blood.

Then you just left,
What? I thought you wanted this nation?
I guess not.
An old poem with some new lines inspired by history class.
Carlo C Gomez Feb 11
Building a conflict
Morning steps out on the ledge

Gone in your wake
We share the same skies
The waiting makes me curious

Windows on the world
To pieces of mosaic

This ruined puzzle

Gravity's rainbow
Given to cataclysm

As above, so below
Suspended in history
Aimée Sep 2024
Social Anxiety,
Doesn't mean that I'm weird,
You don't know me at all,
And I'll make it very clear,
I have many talents,
That you don't even see,
I'm good at many things,
And that's what makes me me.
When I go out,
I get quite overwhelmed,
The panic attacks are awful,
self conciousness turned up to 10,
I get mean looks
everywhere from strangers,
Staring into my face,
Trying to read me like a newspaper.
Getting laughed at isn't nice,
It doesn't help at all,
How would you like to be made feel, So very small?
Calling me awkward,
Making me feel like I'm less,
But wouldn't you act the same out in public,
If your mind was a ****** mess?
Step into my shoes,
And I'll give you what I have,
Is it funny anymore?
Now do you feel very bad?
You were mean to me,
When I was struggling like this,
How does it feel in my shoes,
If the perspective was switched?
This is a poem about how it feels to suffer from crippling social anxiety, and how society can treat you differently or like an outsider because of how you act due to having it.
Anais Vionet Jul 2023
“You can have any wish,” the genie said.
“Any ONE wish?” the girl asked, a little disappointedly.
“One wish,” the genie answered, shrugging.

“Oh.. then” she said, thinking it over. “I wish for.. a banana,” she said whimsically.
“A banana?” The genie asked, hesitantly.
“Yes," the girl said, nodding her head.

A banana appeared on the table.

“As a banana pudding, please - in a bowl,” she amended.
The genie nodded, and a large bowl of delicious looking pudding took the place of the banana.

“With a spoon?” she asked sweetly, and a spoon appeared by the bowl.
She tasted the pudding and it was, indeed, magically delicious.

“A jewel encrusted spoon.” she corrected, and again it was so.

Then she blurted, all at once:
“The Spoon is In the hand of a handsome prince, who’s genetically identical to Timothée Chalamet and is so in love with me that he proposed a moment ago - to the delight of his father, the king, who knows we will both live long and happy lives, having several delightful children - that will rule long after us - but who, unbeknownst to anyone, has an immensely serious heart condition that, sadly, will claim him roughly fifteen minutes after he pronounces the prince and I husband and princess!”

The prince appeared, and the happy king.. It all happened.

As the ensuing dramas unfolded, the genie took his leave.

“It’s never just a banana,” he said to no one, snapping his finger and vanishing in a puff of wispy white smoke.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Whimsical: something playful or amusing.
KyleB Apr 2021
The limp body laid on the floor
Fairy lights outlined the cool form

To move
The weight too heavy
The whole world

the fairy lights are burning

Body and light
Will never touch
And it stings
It already burns
But it cannot warm the body

Different colours
Different brightness
Various behaviour


they will all cease
When time comes

The scene is romantic - the consequence is not
The bright success, expectations
The failure is in the middle

Nobody talks about its darkness
Lights are the hot topic.

Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
The crooked claws of darkness clashing
Targeting my weakened soul
Upon my broken mind a'gnashing
Sizzling like scorching coals
Hope and faith they're busy slashing
Torturing with many wretched tools
As the world around me crumbles and comes down quickly crashing
How they've defeated many fools
After all is said and done

The fiery fangs of darkness mawing
Targeting my broken mind
Upon my sanity they're a'gnawing
As I'm running out of precious time
My freedom to live they are a'stalling
The hope of peace sounds so sublime
As I fall to my knees and attempt escape
By crawling Freedom sounds divine
Desperately losing the battle as I'm frequently bawling
Because I know I'm trapped inside
When all is said and done

Consumed in reckless insanity I still ponder
The depths of evil is quite the wonder
Will I be forcefully cast a sunder
When all is said and done?
Just some thoughts I have.
Lion Jun 2020
The Invisible enemy
Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, the invisible enemy you have attacked 2020 world-wide taking lives nonstop...

What I'll tell my kids not that I'm a storyteller but what I'll tell my kids and future generations about you, I can't see you, you kept us (people) apart, no more touching, no more kisses, no more hugging, they call you covid-19 I call you the invisible enemy...

What to tell my kids about you? You are bad but I guess I won't tell my kids a bad story...
I'll tell them how God protect us (the alive) and how He safe the gone souls (the death)...

The invisible enemy I can't see you, attacking 2020 careless but you won't last forever and 2020 you won't come back, sorry 2020 it wasn't your fault its covid-19 without control 😭

4 Yet it was our weaknesses He carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought His troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins!
-Isaiah 53:4 (NLT)

- Isaiah 53 4 (NKJV)
Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.
The Invisible Enemy - covid-19 - 2020
Carlo C Gomez Feb 2020
So here I am
out on a raft
just me and my anxieties
trying hard to get
away from a vessel
taking on so much water
I think I see Jack and Rose
swimming towards us
Cherish Jan 2020
Teach me how to be happy again
I’m too tired to be sad already.
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