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Zero Nine Mar 2017
Hand over hand, checklist and
A pen
Hull breach after hull
breach blown
Liquid leaking uncontrollably
Blank black space, vacuum
Eating up luminescence lost
Clarity, comfort me
Vacuum dines on comfort, too
EVA whistles somehow sad between
Waves of static and silence

Where is the sunrise headed?
Where is the new dawn?
Is this transference, or
164 Eva cuts my cheek
leaves seeds embedded
in flesh that betrays the blood.
If Earth is the lonely world
I'm watching the worst sci-fi short
I'm a hero with no extent,
all patched pores defeated
By carbon in the end
matthew Mar 2017
The astronaut wonders why
His heart still beats in time,
When there's no one left to love.

He grips his chest and cries,
Tears dripping from his sorry eyes,
Mourning the ones he lost.

He glances off into the galaxy,
Hoping anyone could see
Him trapped;

Stuck in space.
N Jan 2017
the soft sound
of the turning of
newspaper pages
in the morning

the damp circle left
by your coffee cup

the gentle kiss
planted on it

the tiny smile
that reveals a perfect
on your right cheek

a yelling neighbor
and fine china breaking

let's move to pluto,
you say

you leave me speechless
half of the time

and i nod in agreement
Isa Augustine Dec 2016
Starlit seeking waves against a summer's blow
meet a shallow shore on a midnight of May.

A day dreamer grazes white lights of a night sky
with twinkled gazes-she wished for a touch,

bare feet tickles wet sand,
heartbeats skips a harmony,

a longing desire locks and loads
firing wanderlust into star-soot boots
on and upwards she goes
becoming breathing breaths
of a dream, that wished to live,

and live it did

10 Mays later-

amidst violent radiance
a contrail climbs- through earth's window
and into a void of shadowed dawn
                                                            she goes.

The End.
work in progress, rip it apart.. any suggestions? Trying to write about a girl who wants to go into space to explore the vast universe; but I want the poem to be a picture of a moment in time when she realized,  it was possible. I don't like what I have written so far so don't pander me with a generic comment about you loving my poem (blah blah blah); Please don't do that, it irritates me. If you liked it, tell me why and tell me what needs to be improved.
TinyATuin Nov 2016
I wear the void like Sunday dress,
I wrap myself in nothingness
far away from solid ground
moons exploding without sound...

I spin around my weightless self.

Shining stars of every color
welcome me like long lost lover,
sending stardust to my aid
telling me "You shouldn't stay"

...but still in the void I float.
N Sep 2016
slow dancing in the dark
like we have all the time in the world

the world isn't a war zone
and a massive grave

the ghosts
in this house peek through the holes
in the ceiling, blushing and turning away
as we kiss

i taste christmas in your mouth
and slowly feel myself flying
through space

                                             was that the yellow balloon i lost
                                             when i was eight?

your laughter in my mouth
brings me back to earth and i apologize
for gripping your hand so tightly

i can't let you float away and never return
like my balloon did
jack of spades Aug 2016
in 2028 we will have a space station circling mars
i have never felt something rattle me so deeply through my heart
my bones will not stop trembling when i look to the stars
i can not stop the twitching in my toes telling me to go
i always threw out “astronaut” as a dream of a dream
something there but always out of reach
but now i know that i can touch down before i’m in my mid-thirties
i see the full moon and i can’t stop the shaking
send me home
send me home
send me home
a teacher asked me if, given the opportunity
would i take a one-way ticket off-planet,
and never look back?
and i laughed
and i told him
mars is not far enough away from earth
send me to saturn and pluto and tie me to halley
i am ready to touch other stars
i love the sun but she is not my Sun
i love the moon but she is not my Moon
i have been sick of earth since i knew that i could be
send me on missions to put it all behind me
“what about your family”
what about anybody?
what about anybody?
i don’t want to be alone in the cold of space
i want to find something out there that might be companionable to the human race
i want to go home
i want to go home
i’m not sure how far that will take me
and i’m not sure how far past it will be from mars
but i know that getting up there will be the hardest part
houston, we’ve got a problem
i don’t have enough rocket fuel to get out of this solar system
let’s use a gravitational slingshot to throw me out of orbit
i’ll love earth when she is the little blue dot on a map of the stars
andromeda holds my heart
send me to mars
send me to mars
let me return to the red of my heart
this is weird bc i rhymed so much??? v different from my usual. idk
i'm just really hype about outer space (as always)
Spenser Bennett May 2016
I've always wanted to be
An astronaut in the deep
Galactic sea where creation wrought
All that is exploding into naught

I know that this could
Not last the empty starlight wood
But I would hope you should ask
To bear the burden of a faceless mask

We could become wild-human-angels
Answering the unending questions
But we're not

Leave the grass and the leaves to dust
In search of intergalactic rust
Sink into the ink of darkness perched
Awake from death, supernova rebirthed

All power to the grace of the distant
All glory to the face of singular instant
Bear the weight of tomorrow
Become the force removing sorrow

We could become wild-human-angels
Answering the unending questions
But we're not

Such a quiet desperation
Such a dying fascination
Garret Dychiao Apr 2016
You once told me that you’ve always wanted to be an astronaut.
An explorer of the galaxy, an adventurer of the universe.
You said that there’s so much wonder and beauty
that the great beyond holds ;
That beyond our world was something
indescribable and phenomenal.
You told me that you wanted to be an astronaut
to see perfection beyond what’s within reach,
when all this time all you had to do was take a look at yourself.
Your wonderful and amazing self
that not even the entire universe could match.
Stop looking out and look in
because to me, you’re more stunning than any constellation.
Lunar Apr 2016
maybe i will learn to love the moon again when it's far away. but i swear, i loved you so much to the point where even my words loved you. and i could see your craters of flaws where you got from absorbing my negativity, only to radiate positivity. and the gray skin under your eyes where you got from watching over me all night, only to make sure i was asleep safe and sound in your arms. even if i don't see you on some nights, i know you're there, quiet in the dark sky. you may have left me for now to continue orbiting the world, but I'm your astronaut and I'll always continue to watch and love you.
to the moon of my life, wjh, who watches over me in the earliest of mornings and the latest of nights.
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