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398 · Jun 2015
Song of the leaves
Sourodeep Jun 2015
On this windy night
standing on the balcony
enjoying this lovely sight,
moon peeping from the side
of that cloud in mischief,
the gush of wind passes
by my ear, bringing
a message from the big
tree near me, leaves swaying
in harmony and urging
me to join the tree, to sing
the melodious symphony
of unspoken minds,
as we both after a long
hectic day, need to unwind
to sing and dance
and loose ourselves
in this wild trance.
396 · Aug 2019
For our little earth
Sourodeep Aug 2019
For the purity to blow
For the neatness to flow
For all the clarity to glow,

Lets sow more love
Lets pour more kindness
Lets wipe out all tears.

        All the beauty is here
         it is in our hands
        we can creat smiles
        we can bring near
        the better tomorrow
               for all of us !
393 · Dec 2015
Sourodeep Dec 2015
All I know is I can hold this drink
God knows how
pours out this ink
Cheers friends !! :)
390 · Jun 2015
A storm is brewing
Sourodeep Jun 2015
I just want to hug you tight
as you are the only rock for me
when the clouds above grow dense
and the sun is not so bright
In those testing times, when all I see is only chaos outside, being with you makes me strong from the inside.
Sourodeep Jul 2015
The beach is dry
sea appears green
the sun light blazing
on a sky so clean
Adding my lines to Nicole's idea ... dunno how it will sound :P
search for #growingcollab to find other lines
374 · Sep 2016
Sourodeep Sep 2016
Hope never dies
in this land of chaos
truth floats over lies
all you need is a stir
and a heart that's wise

A jolly smile and beady eyes,
pitcher and crunchy fries,
in this tipsy walk of life
with friends it is always cheers
down to the last mug of beer.
I am sorry I was not active here. Missed reading wonderful poems you all wrote, I hope I can catch up now :) :)
Cheers my friends !!
368 · Jul 2015
Ready for LOVE (10w)
Sourodeep Jul 2015
make yourself available
only when the pain
is bearable, **again
332 · May 2015
Sourodeep May 2015
Its straightforward what I told
just that the content was too bold
not so simple that you can hold
please, don't turn cold
close your eyes, try to unfold
things we long ago have sold
Now *we have grown old
314 · May 2015
Praying against disorder
Sourodeep May 2015
In this world full of chaos,  wilderness
                                    I sit at a corner, ponder
what will happen of the essence, remains
                                     Do we even stand a chance
If struck by a devastating thunder
      for a stable future, I pray to you, help us *sustain
312 · Jun 2015
Quest of the Honest
Sourodeep Jun 2015
If you look hard, there will
   always be a point from
       where we cant see
           further ahead      
                 but if
            trying more,
        you will find the
     way, which will lead
you to the broad highway
298 · Jan 2019
Sourodeep Jan 2019
Bang on the wall
thoughts got stuck
after another painful fall,
she just ran out of luck.
285 · Sep 2019
Things we do to live on.
Sourodeep Sep 2019
I jumped a foot high
but did not like
what caught my eye.
There were two poles
a thick rope tied,
an uncanny beat being played
by a skinny man on the left side.

I jumped again,
this time I looked right
and sunk low by the sight
A pretty young girl
tying her hope tight,
getting ready to walk
on that thick rope.

Now I needed no jumping
the act was already up high
as the crowd let out a sigh
as the girl did all balancing.

The bread hard earned,
life is always on the edge
silently I have learned
deep inside we might all be
just on the same page.
Walking on my way back home after a tough day I saw this performance in the street, kept pondering whole night about what life means to different people
279 · Jan 2018
Colors of uncertainty
Sourodeep Jan 2018
Play of colors
by nature
seldom happens in transition
of one hue to another.
Every feature
has a distinct shade
from the brown soil
the clear blue river
to grass's green shiny blade.
The chaos of colors
amalgamate into a tune
forming a melody
a raga of fortune.
Wind blows away
the sand that never settled
new paths made and broken
where the sky meets the sand dune.
When the leaf loses its charm,
and falls on the earthy ground
creates ways for travelers to follow
a path filled with uncertainty
with an attitude never so yellow.
271 · Nov 2019
At the beach today
Sourodeep Nov 2019
The clouds seem distraught
torn apart by sunbeams
scattered all over my world
with happiness
only peeking from cracks
as the sour sun sets
on the blurred horizon
abstract cloud patterns
gives me laughs
at some corners
mixed with sweet satire
and a friendly whack
on my lazy ***.
268 · Oct 2019
Sourodeep Oct 2019
Why the frown,

wearing the angry grown

what goes around comes around

with deepened scars

and hatred more profound
262 · Oct 2018
A song once sung
Sourodeep Oct 2018
A surreal landscape,
A elegant bend of the river,
A small pebble taking shape
For us its now or never.

A song once sung
By the chirpy sparrow,
The grass where we belong
Now captured by the hollow.

Somewhere far away
Few words get scribbled
Few tunes get murmured,
Wrinkled faces prayed
But on the yellow sky,
The sun faded and faded...
258 · Oct 2019
Hope remains
Sourodeep Oct 2019
Rhythms and beats touch our hearts,
music turns us into believers
as it helps us bear the everyday pain,
In the song we find our prayers,
and the hope remains...
The festival of Durga Puja in India, where we worship the goddess Durga as embodiment of power destroying evil. Hope we are also able to overcome all evil from our world too.
226 · Apr 2020
Musings of a lonely soul
Sourodeep Apr 2020
Above this cloud of madness
flows a gentle cool breeze
drifting  away all the sadness
striped butterflies flapping at ease

sound of the waves are heard
once suppressed by the chaos
rhythmic crashing no longer weird
silent therapy broken by the gentle dose

If only one drowns deep can one taste
the salt can be the much needed sweet
where there is no emotion to waste
and only generous soul to greet.
More lonely writing sitting by the window.
209 · Jun 2020
The small space of mine
Sourodeep Jun 2020
A small space of mine,
a sweet four square feet,
I fold a chair just fine.
My mind flies over the lake,
which reflects the morning rays
I hear the calls of cranes,
adding tranquility for calmness sake.

In my balcony ,
three pots of plants
with colorful smiles,
give me silent company,
gentle fragrance of love,
spreading freshness for happiness' sake.

I sip my coffee,
the green, blue and orange,
help gulp down my bitterness
and let out a breath of hope,
subduing pain for today's sake.

no words uttered, no song sung,
just a dose of nature,
through the small space of mine,
helps restore my love so amateur,
and for my days to shine.
208 · Oct 2019
Wild pets in my den
Sourodeep Oct 2019
I moved here
found a place to stay
no ground here
just a view over
lofty terrace.
I can see the filthy
lake behind from
my window, filled
by stinky drains
But I got some green in me
bought some plants,
placed them in
colorful pots.
Some are on the floor
some sit on my centre table
A couple just beside the door
now the weather seems bearable.

The wild has become pets in my den
but I wonder when I can set them free
back to their home in the open.
What a reversal of natural beings we humans have caused now. We need to plant more trees in our cities for a better future
188 · Oct 2019
Shining hope
Sourodeep Oct 2019
Hope made her eyes glistening
like behind clouds silver lining.
181 · Oct 2018
The Vase . . .
Sourodeep Oct 2018
The sense of it,
falling leaves on bare shoulders
while on the bench I sit, and see,
through leaves sunlight creates wonders.
Nothing seems to pass
time, wind, momentary stillness,
******* out life, creating
emptiness inside a beautiful vase.
The splendid vase reminds me
the life that could have been,
not the hollowness which I now see
its been a long while
since the time when I was not greedy,
changing the water and trimming
orchid sticks made me ... smile
Glad I have resumed writing again. Feels like ages have past since feelings were penned.
159 · Apr 2020
Dream to sleep
Sourodeep Apr 2020
I lied down last night
closed my eyes
it was a terrible sight
snakes flying high
and clouds sinking deep
I could not
understand why
my world seemed upside down
though I knew
it was the same
for someone else.

why me, why me
why she could not see

In bed I turned on both sides
but my dreams could not fit
though the mattress was wide.

Some love not given, some shown too soon
can I get back there and amend,
at least in my head I will be clear,
for when I made lunch for that special friend,
it was already dark before noon.

If only, I could catch the bus again
get down at that stop, pass that very lane
below the tank we could meet,
see you once more,
and then,
fall back to my eternal sleep.
157 · May 2020
The professional devil
Sourodeep May 2020
A suit behind the door
a mask in front of the mirror
turns frowns into smile's galore
sweet smell of the devil's horror

A tight buttoned cuff
a neat knotted tie
polished words are so tough
that truth is worse than the lie

A pair of shiny boots
a clean shaven face
civilization cut off from its roots
devils are now applauded with grace.
Professionalism is the necessary evil
its protagonists turned into devils.

Laugh you idiot !
Sourodeep Dec 2018
Build my dreams,
    soak my fear,
drift away to the unknown
far, yet so near.

Naive thoughts gather,
  above the mountains,
and shower down with vigor,
melting all our hard pains.

Giving shape to my emotions
making the world appear bright,
a trip to the heaven and back,
my imaginations taking flight.

            Captured by the mystery
            of its unknown sources.
           Mesmerized by the beauty,
            of its short-lived form.
         I try to follow its path,
           of which there is no norm.
         Only randomness everywhere,
           nature's order in the chaos below.
#clouds #flyaway #unknown
149 · May 2020
Grilling Chicken
Sourodeep May 2020
The necessary evil,
like the brakes on my bike
this lockdown is now what
I hate to dislike.

Though life is a stanstill
lockdown roasts me slowly
I try to take things easy
and prefer the chicken to grill.
Tried the slow grilled chicken today !
Little happiness in these gloomy times.
Sourodeep Mar 2020
The alarm wakes me up at seven,
I get ready to face another day,
with nowhere to go even
the whole day at first seems grey

But birds peep through the windows,
worried about the change in norm,
as the world goes through it's lows
I stay indoors during the invisible storm.

A sweet boredom clouds my mind
to maintain my sanity
I travel to any tranquil place I find
in my head and away from earth's gravity

I write, I paint, to go out I refrain
I hear the birds chirp, from my window ajar
I count the twinkles of that lonely star
I observe things I earlier looked in disdain

I try to pluck words from the new garden
where plants imbibe love of the sun
undisturbed, attended only by its own brethren
and my scattered thoughts do not cast shadows
while I watch another sunset at the horizon.
Penning some thoughts after a long time now that my mind needs some exercise more than anything else.
117 · Apr 2020
Love at the time of Corona
Sourodeep Apr 2020
She pinged him in the morning,
excited to relay her dream
they had met last night
over coffee and whipped cream
His smile could not be contained
within the mobile screen
while just twelve hours had passed
he texted her how long it had been
The couch looks so depressed
pillow flatter than ever before,
empty bowls of food lined up in front
late night love talks keep eyes sore
She did not care about her top and hair,
wearing a smile was just enough
the excitement of a video call
made both look lovely, although rough.
They chatted and took it slow
having all the time to let love grow
and just keep going with the flow.
106 · Apr 2020
Focussed Falcon
Sourodeep Apr 2020
Poised in his eager stance
he eyes his scared prey
undergo a jittery dance

— The End —