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 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
Red leaves
           fell silently
Under the maple tree
           by the lake
Where we met  
Last autumn
           Late September;
When the maple leaves
             turned crimson
       you made me
blush just like
those scarlet leaves
       That day ...
                                    Autumn came early,
                                  Why don't you,too...?

            Winter's on the way
           Are you, too?

Where are you...?
After you left, the virid sugar maple leaves turned flavescent 🍁 ,then segued into red

 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
Mitch Prax
Our love is
like a polaroid-
it developed slowly and
even shaken along the way.
But no matter what our
perfect picture has endured,
it will always be worth framing
as long as you are
center frame.
 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
Mitch Prax
Perhaps I am
just a window
for everyone to see through,
to lift me up for their own vanity
only to put me down when
the world grows dark.
 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
Satsih Verma
The troubled mind
seeks boundless words
for eccentricity.

You grab the hidden
kiss. Give me the smile
of a mooned heart.

At dusk you will talk
with eyes, trembling hands
igniting dry tips.

the sun's intense touch
has a hard baking effect
upon the landscape


golden leaf tresses
festooned down the aspen's
majestic grey trunk


night's gelid air flow
foretells of a blanket frost
covering morn's ground


she'll be dressed in
a lively floral garment
effulgent of hues
 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
Mitch Prax
Drifting across your sea-
carry me away with your waves
away from these people
and this land I have outgrown.
Maybe I will drown
but that's a risk I'm willing to take
if it means I get to
breathe you in.
The cake burned in the oven
The fridge broke down as well
The plumbing broke
& soaked the floor
This was the day from hell.

So much for cake & ice cream
So much for mopping up
I'm telling you, I have the flu
This day has been a flop!

Not gonna call a plumber
You know how $$$ goes
This happened on a Sunday
That's spendy doncha know!

I've HAIR that hurts, my buddy
I've such and aching head!
Is it a sin to just turn in?

I'll spend the day in bed!.

Catherine Jarvis
My birthday wasn't quite that bad, but I wasn't feeling well. Yucky poo!!
You are like the star in the sky.
Far away and tough to climb.
Urge to touch you still alive.
Nor you can neither I,
This distance can never minify.
This distance is beyond our control...
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