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 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
the chase
 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
if thieves steal
because they want to be chased
then you are the one
with the heart in your hands
and i'm the one
did you want this?
 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
In this life
there’s an infinite amount of **** kicking’s awaiting you
That is true
Unless you’re a true loner
So chins up
There’s a silver lining to loneliness!!
Traveler Tim
 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
Mike Hauser
If we don't love each other
Can't we at least pretend
Sister to sister, brother to brother
Ensuring that we live
A life that's steeped in harmony
All women, children, men
If we don't love each other
Can't we at least pretend
 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
 Jun 2020 Sourodeep
I tear my fierce claws into you
without apology. I need to eat.
Put us in zoos and take pictures
feeding us like pets. We burn bright
in the night as Blake set us in print.
God cast us in hell's furnace.
Back to the
subtle pool
of dark and deep
that lay below illumination.

Wriggling, slippery
scales of black
in a pool
so hard to see,
so hard to grasp.

Down the hall
in the realm of control,
pulling into light a dark shadow.

Maybe two, but one.

Pull it close
to touch it in mind,
to know it and own it
and let it go.

So deep and dark
and subtle and fooling,
this pool of mind.
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