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Mar 2015 · 9.3k
Sean G Mar 2015
if life was like a carnival
and we drove on the road like we were in bumper cars
wouldn't we adapt to live in a place like that?
a place where the cars crash and slide into each other
a place where you shoot a target with a real gun and take it with you as a prize
a place where going into a haunted funhouse could mean the end of your life
should a creepy clown venture close enough?
wouldn't we adapt?
Not my best but I kinda like it. I don't know.
Feb 2015 · 3.9k
Sean G Feb 2015
Empty hallways stretch before me
I look around and darkness surrounds me
I hear a scream
Encroaching blackness...
I realize it's only me
Push back the night.
I push it back with all my might
My mind is too weak
And every day empty hallways stretch before me.
Jun 2014 · 4.1k
Sean G Jun 2014
they ask me to describe myself

using only one word

which isn't difficult

becuase only one word

ever comes to mind:

Jun 2014 · 768
Sean G Jun 2014
Lying awake
At midnight,
Eyes to the sky,
Confusion racking my mind.

Thoughts of you
Consume my brain,
Keeping me preoccupied,
Making sleep elusive.

All because
I want something,
I can't have.
Jun 2014 · 1.9k
Sean G Jun 2014
I tried to fix you,
Because that's what I do.
I look for imperfections and cracks.
And as I tried to put your pieces
Back together, I
Noticed that I was
Chipping away.
I am more broken than you.
Instead of putting you back
together, I should have been
saving myself.
Jun 2014 · 726
If You Could See
Sean G Jun 2014
If you could see
the things I go through
you'd get why
I am how I am.

If you could see
the pain I endure
you'd get why
I am dying inside.

If you could see
the way I live
you'd get why
I am always unnerved.

If you could see
the love I long for
you'd get why
I am in desolation.
Jun 2014 · 7.8k
Sean G Jun 2014
If you would see me,

You'd notice me looking at you at any chance I get.

If you would hear me,

You'd notice me talking to you at any chance I get.

If you would smell me,

You'd notice me staying my best for you at any chance I get.

If you would feel me,

You'd notice me shaking over being with you at any chance I get.

If you would kiss me,

You'd notice that I'd been waiting to do this at every chance I get.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Sean G Jun 2014
Words words
***** and *****
She runs away and falls on the floor.

They come after her,
Punching and kicking
Telling her they'll take her for a coffin fitting.

When she gets home
She cries some more
Screaming out for help, she falls on the floor.

She slams the door
And finds a knife
She feels the need to end her life.

This isn't okay
She isn't alright,
All she wanted was one peaceful night.

But peace doesn't come,
It never does for her
And soon her tears make her vision a blur.

She takes the knife
And cuts her skin
Realizing how ******* up her life has been.

People call her emo
And laugh in her face
Not daring to put themselves in her place.

She just smiles at school
And let's it all go
But at home she just watches her blood flow.

She ripped at her skin
And can't take it anymore
And as her blood drips and stains the floor

She grabs a chair
And some rope, too
Then undressed and slowly slid of each shoe.

She took the rope
Hung herself in the dark
And no longer has the best of a heart.

Her friends cry out
Once they hear she's dead
Her brother sobs as he sleeps in her bed.

She's gone
She's done
Because people made fun.

She's buried on Sunday
People are crying
All because one girl had completely stopped trying.
Jun 2014 · 3.4k
Sean G Jun 2014
We laid eye to eye,

a thousand thoughts raging through my head.

Should I?

I'd been waiting for so long

to finally do it.

Will I?

I'd been building up the courage

to finally do it.

Can I?

I'd tried to read you and see

if you were finally ready.

Am I?

I hadn't thought about it

before my lips finally neared yours.

I will.

And I finally did.

— The End —