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Feb 2019 · 404
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
You took away everything
But failed to take the memories
Whenever l look back it hurts
But l smile because it was worth the pain
Tears dry memories last forever
Feb 2019 · 155
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
So used to being hurt
That pain has become a part of me
My better half
There comes a time when u cant differentiate if it hurts or not
Feb 2019 · 808
Brighter days
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
You cant have the juice
Until you break the coconut
We need the hardships to enjoy the better days
Feb 2019 · 569
Strong at last
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
I wont lie and say cant live without you
But what's the purpose of life with no inspiration
Just having negative vibes lately
Feb 2019 · 363
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
I have fallen a thousand times
And it was hard enough
To dig a foundation
Now I'm stronger than ever
What doesn't **** you make you stronger
Jan 2019 · 386
To the abstract person
Poetic Eagle Jan 2019
If imaginary world existed
Together till the end of eternity
Wouldn't be so far to reach
Thanks for reading
Always keeping the faith that one day forever will be within reach
Or should l let go
Jan 2019 · 231
Despeakable me
Poetic Eagle Jan 2019
I have always made poetry my safe haven
But it always betrayed my conscience
Because l thought you would always be my shield
How can l keep the promise now when you the cause of the grief
If l came, will you console me with more pain
Though you make me forget my sorrow you  always adding more tears
Now tell me how l should keep my words when all you do is give me painful happiness
An imagination forever
Always found solace in my brokenness
Lol Quite unique
Jan 2019 · 311
Love 1V
Poetic Eagle Jan 2019
Love is in the air
Thats why it always disappear(evaporates) after sometime
Love sometimes ain't meant to stay
Dec 2018 · 1.3k
Mon rève ( my dream)
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
You dont need to sleep to dream
Stay awake and watch it happen
Life dreams
Dec 2018 · 733
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
Fall in love??????
Everything that falls eventually breaks

Rise in love????????
Everything that rises eventually falls due to gravity
So whats the pount of being in love whe someday it will all be just broken pieces
However not everything that falls breaks depends with the material its made of
Dec 2018 · 196
Thought l were unique
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
I find pleasure in comments
Good or bad
So they defined me as abnormal
The definition of different differ sometimes
Dec 2018 · 893
Not a poem
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
Only a dog goes back to its *****
Think twice and stop being used
Past is past focus on e future
Dec 2018 · 610
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
Ever felt like living is useless
All you want to is give up
If only suicide could set you free
That makes the 2 of us
So hard 2 enjoy life  
Dec 2018 · 267
what could it be
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
I can't expain where it hurts
I can only feel my heart thundering trying to escape
As l become weak and spend hours sleeping trying to get it in place

Could this be just sadness
I hurting just cant explain where
Dec 2018 · 407
Comfort zone
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
What l thought Was my comfort zone
Turned out to be my worst nightmare
It killed all the  potential l had
Nothing can be achieved in your comfort zone.
Dec 2018 · 303
Fleur de lis
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
forever is promised i won't break it
i'll make a wish for every twinkle in your eye
even if we lock eyes, your smile shall set me free
fireworks you create
is Shalom
leaving vast particles as sweetened pieces of art in wildfires
the nostalgia became a beautiful memory
amnesia is lost in every scent that displayed petals
within flowers i found thorns, in foresight a Lily like you was found
By Mc Donald
Dec 2018 · 986
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
Why cant we all be like stars
They shine despite the darkness
That surrounds them
Light always overpower darkness
Always believe
Dec 2018 · 1.7k
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
It's so hard fighting for things that dont wanna be fought for
It's like fighting an invisible battle
Idk maybe its better to let go
Nov 2018 · 780
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
I thought l would use their judgements
As inspiration
But it's not enough motivation
Maybe l grow with being judged
Nov 2018 · 502
Merci -(thank you)
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
As l reminisce on the past days
All l can say is thank you God
Had so many downs but still got up
Not by might not by power
Better is the ending than beginning of the matter. It's been a long  hard year but behold everything had passed away. After all joy cometh in the morning
Nov 2018 · 328
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
Why is  death
such a jealous man
Cant stop wondering
Nov 2018 · 365
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
I don't know how l found darkness in what they all saw as light
Can darkness be found in light????????
I need answers
Nov 2018 · 430
If only
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
I were poetry l would be seen in between the lines and felt in the words
But invisibility is my super power
Nov 2018 · 639
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
If criticism was a superpower
I would be flawless
Unique in my own way
Nov 2018 · 214
Ma vie
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
How can you be with people and feel so lonely
Maybe its only me who feels tt way
Nov 2018 · 186
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
The ones who can make us smile
Usually cause us the worst pains
The ones who can heal us
Are the ones far from reach
. Maybe it only happens to me. Correct me of im wrong  . Its funny how life can play such tricks
Nov 2018 · 525
free at last
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
the best feeling is letting go
of what you never had
and finding happiness in what
you can have
for the 16 years l have lived l realized we often hold on to things that can never be ours forgetting what we can have. it all starts I n the mind
Nov 2018 · 603
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
When l said you were a dream
I knew l would wake up
That's why you aint here anymore
Dreams are meant for sleeping
Nov 2018 · 2.4k
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
Her  smile was hatred
coated as happiness and love
Not everyone who smiles as you is your friend!!
Know the ones who really mean it
Nov 2018 · 288
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
I told him to let go
Of his mistakes and he
Now I'm wondering if l were a mistake
Why did l encourage him
Nov 2018 · 1.1k
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
Criticism from the wrong person
Is the greatest motivation
Correct me if im wrong.
Oct 2018 · 311
Poetic Eagle Oct 2018
Haters: wake up dreams are
                 meant for sleeping
Me     : l will wake up when l get
Oct 2018 · 166
Poetic Eagle Oct 2018
You away but l feel your gaze
All my dreams are hunted by your embrace
Tried to run away
But ended up trapped in your arms

Your smile keeps me warm
Out conversation give me hope
I'm broken but I'm not bleeding
Although I'm alone now, with your memories will never be lonely

Forever is a long time
But l thought l would have you for a lifetime
I can't turn back the hands of time
Just to see you one more time

It's hard to be focused
When my only inspiration vanished
But l will keep you on a sacred place, my heart
Until time brings you in sight
Couldn't find a title
Oct 2018 · 342
Poetic Eagle Oct 2018
We all thought it was passion,
Because in his presence l could feel his devotion.
It's like when l was with him l lost concentration,
And l became so sure that he was mine.
Little did l realise that it was just an infatuation.

I thought he was my prince charming
Yet he left me hanging
I didn't realise when l drowned in his love the same way l didn't notice his feelings were drastically fading.
He left me crying as he continued running.

When l was with him l was truly living life
But now I'm just surviving.
I miss his singing as well as his drawing .
At times l feel like his around me yet l'll be just hallucinating.
Still l don't picture myself healing.

Through his love l lost my reputation.
I thought l could see his love through his expression
Since his actions were full of connotations.
And his love came with destruction
Yet this happened without realisation
Now my life is full of humiliation
Since what I'm left with now is lamentation.

# Diamond Pickle
Sep 2018 · 279
Poetic Eagle Sep 2018
I wish life was a fairytale
Where happy ever after
Did exist
For the 16 years l have lived l always imagined a happily ever after which has never come
Sep 2018 · 375
Poetic Eagle Sep 2018
I fell so hard , so hard
That my heart broke
The feeling faded
The pain ended
The higher you go the harder you fall and the more pain you will feel
Aug 2018 · 253
What if?
Poetic Eagle Aug 2018
If l die today
Will the world cry
For a moment forget the laughter

Will your heart beat the same
Or erase my name
Will you snore and sleep the same
Or a moment let me haunt your mind
Or the day l die is the day is the day im forgotten

Will you say the unspoken words
Or let me go with all the answers

If die today just know
I tried to dissolve their criticism
I had wonderful journey
Filled with ups and downs

If l die today l die with a smile
Inspired by a poem l read on this site
Aug 2018 · 354
Lost inspiration
Poetic Eagle Aug 2018
I smile at my grief
Thought l would get some relief
But my conscience betrayed my belief

My victory was in my ambition
But l failed to have the determination
What was the use of the demonstration
When life proved to be nothing but violation

Although it hurts l get up
I was taught never to give up
It's hard to get to the top
But the view is beautiful from up

I will fly the highest
Who said l cant be the greatest
When l can work the hardest
And someday will be the best
Not like the rest
Tired of being 16 but the dreams are within reach
Aug 2018 · 388
Heal my soul
Poetic Eagle Aug 2018
"Will love you until the end of forever"
Those were his words

Now I'm running to reach forever
Maybe he will be there
Just hoping the forever will be long enough to let me enjoy all his promises
Thanks for reading. People always lie to be there forever and some are too blind that they continue to hold on to something that will nolonger  exist.Forever cannot be reached let go
Jul 2018 · 443
The story of her life
Poetic Eagle Jul 2018
"I will hold you till the end of eternity"

The few words she valued but caused her grief
She failed to understand eternity  for him  was just a short time

She believed in a happily ever after
But later realised it existed only beyond imagination

She fell too hard till sorrow became the song
Loneliness the chorus

And now she is long gone with betayed love
Thanks for reading.  Just a random thought l had. Please like and comment
Jul 2018 · 206
You beautiful
Poetic Eagle Jul 2018
Beauty is what you see
When you look in the mirror
You beautiful, drop a comment
Jul 2018 · 247
Poetic Eagle Jul 2018
She asked why im always in the dark
My response was "thats where broken people find joy "
Jul 2018 · 256
Dreams 2
Poetic Eagle Jul 2018
They say the 1st step to achieving your dreams is to wake up
Why not dream with your eyes wide open?
How far do u agree. Thanks for reading.  #writing to inspire
Jul 2018 · 260
Poetic Eagle Jul 2018
Some dreams are just illusions
Thanks for reading
Jun 2018 · 220
Poetic Eagle Jun 2018
You are the definition of BEAUTY
Don't feel inferior
Be your own kind of beautiful whether u melanin or not
May 2018 · 243
Love 5
Poetic Eagle May 2018
Love never dies
What dies is what we once saw in the person
Like and comment
May 2018 · 290
Love 4
Poetic Eagle May 2018
Love is eternal,
It never fades
@poetic eagle
May 2018 · 222
Poetic Eagle May 2018
I am only but just a child
Seeking to have an adventure
But l understand
I was taught to understand the world and most times l realise my mistake
I might almost repeat it but if rectified
Don't l deserve some forgiveness
In a split l would have already reformed and  in return what do l get?
Judgement....the kind that leaves you bruised and buttered
In pain n agony only asking why
Why now of all times when l was being good
In the solemn of your pain u battle to sleep
Is it you or misconceptions
Getting wrongly judged
Wrote by my sis @mako
May 2018 · 243
Mothers day
Poetic Eagle May 2018
She said " go out there, find yourself and do what l taught you"
But she never taught me to live without her thats why she never leaves my heart
To all the mothers we appreciate you.  You the reason we here today.  Happy moms day
May 2018 · 555
Blast from the Past
Poetic Eagle May 2018
I see you everyday
You torment my soul
Hunt my dreams
And abstract my vision
And now all l see are your memories

Distance has taken you away
You so far yet so near
Your shadow follows my every step
All our conversation keeps playing in my mind

I wish just your voice could do the healing
But the brokenness needs more than that
Your words brought me to live
And now they keep me awake

I want to be in hope not hopeless
I want to love not to be broken
Dont want to be weak but I'm shattered
I wish l could bring back the old times
I wish l could go back and live in the memories
If only l could.......l would
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