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Nov 2019 · 365
I'm living in two worlds.
Gemini Nov 2019
One where I’m happy –
Where I can laugh with sincere glee.
I can appreciate all the things given to me.
I can look in the mirror,
and like what I see.
It’s a world so perfect –
a world where I want to be.

But then, there’s another –
a world full of misery.
Where every time I meet my own eyes,
I wonder why I even try.
I don’t like my smile, my laugh, or my thighs.
Sometimes I wish, even with temporary bliss,
that I was blind.

I doubt all I am and all I ever will be.
I don’t trust myself or anyone around me.
I try to be strong and to keep my head high,
But it’s exhausting – going back and forth.

Up, then down.

Ecstatic, then depressed.

Something, then nothing.

Two worlds, I live in…

Yet neither belong to me.
three worlds, really, but two important ones
Jun 2019 · 347
When the sun goes down...
Gemini Jun 2019

There’s something I have to say.

I know it might not seem true, but lately, I feel really…

It gets really bad when the sun goes down,
and I wonder what life’s all about.

It doesn’t really seem like there’s much to it,
No reason to be – no reason to get through it.

I can’t fall asleep and I can’t run from it.
How many nights until I give in to it?

But then the sun comes up,
chasing away the dark clouds hiding its rays.

And suddenly my questions seem silly,
and I can make it through the day,
like anyone else.

But when I’m all alone, alone once again,
I’m left wondering why I try.

Why I smile.

I don’t feel like I mean much to anyone.
I don’t feel like I mean much to myself.

I don’t like who I am and I don’t know if I can.
I don’t think that I have much going for me.

Will I be happy? Will I succeed?

Is there a happy ending for me?

Is there a happy ending for anyone?
Most of my poetry was written years ago and no matter how angsty it may be, I still find myself wanting to publish it.
Feb 2019 · 352
The Life I Have Lived
Gemini Feb 2019
I’ve made a few mistakes down the road
Some keep me up late at night
I didn’t think then they would make me lose control
And it hurts how much they impact my life

Back then I never thought how or why or when
this or that could come back to haunt me again
I was foolish and desperate and blind, I know now
And because of that, I have ****** up my life

Guilt, more guilt, it eats me alive
It doesn’t matter how young I was,
Not in a predator’s eyes
A mistake is a mistake and it will nail me to my grave

No coming back from that now
What will they say, what will they do,
is there a kind of escape I can hope for - am I doomed?  

Just let me live in peace, just let me scrape by
I’m terrified the life I haven’t lived is over,
I’m terrified I won’t find my light

I’ll say it once, I’ll say it twice
I’ll say it as many times as I need
I’m sorry, I apologize, I’ll get down on my knees
But please, oh please –

Don’t hold my adolescent sins against me
Sep 2018 · 489
I'm Searching for You
Gemini Sep 2018
Do you know what path you seek?
I know not what I want, not what I dream.
But still all I see is an open road –  
taking me back, taking me home.

Trees are green and skies are blue,
I have a feeling I’m searching for you.
In this life or the next and the last,
all I can think of is your whispered laugh.

So deep in the forest where the birds all sing,
let’s make a house of branches and leaves.
Away from the city, away from the noise,
comforted only by each other’s voice.

What more could I ask?
What more could I need?
Love is far more important to me.
Leave all your worries, leave all your doubts.

Together right here, together right now.
I used to sing the second to last verse to my sister when she was upset and would go hide behind a tree in the backyard. She's a cutie.
Sep 2018 · 1.1k
The Ocean
Gemini Sep 2018
The ocean –
consists of a large mass of water.

It’s Salt Water.

Swallow and it slowly eats away at your sanity.

It’s Deadly.

To an open wound – a scrape, a cut – it does miracles.

It Purifies –

it’s Terrifying.

The power to destroy,
the power to cleanse.

A medicine?
A poison?

Who cares…

To heal memories troubling hearts and skin.
To free even the most complicated of minds.

To steal lives in instant, violent ways.
To steal everything you love right from your hands.

It's Cruel.

It's Beautiful.
Was a short story that I started playing with and... well... ended up making it a lottt shorter.
Aug 2018 · 1.5k
Gemini Aug 2018
And I just wanted you to know…

That he knows that we know.
That she knows that he did.
That I saw and you heard.
That he wasn't and she was.
That she knew that he swore -
That they couldn’t and he wouldn’t.
So she won and he lost.
So she scowled and he wept.
So she left,
and I looked closer.

She was gone and he was alone.

She was moving on while he was sitting at home.
She was getting over him while he cried on the floor.
She lived her life freely, while he didn’t make it much further -

And that was it.

So I told you and you told them,
and they told her and this time -
she fell to the floor.
Promises made in vain years before,
ignored first by him but in suit by her.

And because he's gone -
because she left him -
because he broke -
she did the first thing that came to mind,
and did what tore them apart in the beginning.
Getting over her addiction to him,
with the one he had broken her heart with.

So now she's alone and he's no more,
she's crying on the floor and no one knows,
not me nor you - she's behind closed doors.

And I can't see through them -
I can't see through her eyes.

But apparently, according to the note -
and everyone believes notes -
a life without him was what she had wanted.
And a life without him was what she had gotten.
But when life took him away with no second chances,
life without him was something she no longer could handle.

So she went no further.

And that was it.

So her parents told us and for the first time,
we had nothing to say.
Not once, but twice, and in the same way...
two people we'd followed with our eyes, ears, and mouths
were no longer fueling our conversations now due south.


You went your way and I went mine,
he went his way, and she went on her own.
The rest spread out like Jacks before we dropped the ball,
and we were all alone this time.
Not just one, no -
Not this time.

And that... was it.
Gemini Aug 2018
I met a boy –
in the middle of the ocean, with no prenotions.

Eyes soft as the waves –
rocking us down our way, smooth sailing my way.

I knew it wouldn’t turn into something bigger –
than a summer crush, a summer fling.

We were just living in the moment –
living young, wild, and free.

Out on the Caribbean –
where the sun shines brighter than I’ve ever seen –

I shared a kiss under the stars,
with a stranger, only at 17.

Didn't matter how many stories we told
bout the lives we lived back on the shore,

We were just basking in our short-lived loving –
lost on the ocean, my storybook romance –

I’ll forget your name, I'm sure you’ll forget mine,
but I won’t forget your face or our time.

No strings attached is a little too extreme…

It was just innocent lovin’ on the seven seas.
He had the most beautiful eyes, I swear...
Aug 2018 · 365
The Banana Hearted Bear
Gemini Aug 2018
Deep in the forest
Hidden in the trees
You’ll find a fuzzy creature
Its eyes agleam

Wandering around its home
Its yellow heart begins to ache
For no one wants to play
With a banana hearted thing

Salty water fills its eyes
Soft whines escape its snout
It too is a bear
That’s a promise to you all
And just because his heart is different
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t care
During freshman year my Creative Writing instructor had us draw a fruit and an animal, then told us to write a poem about them. I... got a bear with a banana for a heart.
Dec 2017 · 613
Gemini Dec 2017
Sometimes I can’t help but wonder why
society chose to ignore our cries.

Rather than saying we would be alright
they told us to look in the mirror,
and find a reason to survive.

You’d think it’d be easy to find a reason why,
to continue down the hall with a smile oh so wide.

But in reality, our demons never really die.

No matter the circumstance,
Negativity plays a role in every life.
Quadruple Oof
Dec 2017 · 718
Beginning Again
Gemini Dec 2017
When the sky grows dark,
and the sun falls away.
The moon rises high -
planning to stay.
The stars shine brightly,
inviting all eyes
as the darkness takes over
the city tonight

But fear not,
for soon the moon will stray,
as the sun rises again,
bringing the day;
again we’ll see
the beginning, again.
And again we’ll walk
in the light of the day.
Oof again.
Dec 2017 · 670
Desperate to be Free
Gemini Dec 2017
The hardest part in pretending to be okay
is knowing that you are alone.
They see your smile and hear your laugh
and then they walk away.
Your scream is shattering, yet silent
and for a reason you have yet to discover on your own.
Your words are a game of scrabble
That no one seems to be able to decipher.
It all seems really pointless, now.
Why do you even try?

You’re not okay,
And you’re not okay pretending it’s supposed to be this way.
Forced laughter and twisted smiles,
You never thought life would end up like this.
No one knows and no one cares,
It’s a tragic way to live indeed.

But for some reason, you still want to live.
You want to breathe, you want to dream,
You want desperately to be free.
Death is not something you fear,
But you don’t desire it in the least.
Explain these mutated feelings to me,
I’m lost in hopeless thoughts.

Are you sad, or are you happy?
You don’t seem to know yourself.
Should you cry, or should you laugh?
Opposites to each other of course.
How could you begin to describe this life?
It’s a question mark with no sentence.

And at the end of the day, tucked into bed
Countless hours are spent staring ahead.
The good things,
The bad things,
And all the things in between -
Spiral in your head with no apparent ending.
And you begin to think that maybe, just maybe...
It won’t be as difficult tomorrow.
Nov 2017 · 245
Gemini Nov 2017
In the dark of the night,
where there is not but a single light.
The children, they play,
rather than waiting till day.
You can hear their quite laughter,
and see them up in the rafters.
Not a single tear falls,
As they play till dawn.

— The End —