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May 2014 · 3.6k
Wolf Irwin May 2014
I smile all the time because I don't want to be sad,
I work towards my goals because one day I'll be glad,
I'm on a search so ill start with inside,
And I do fail ill be happy I tried,
Shout out to the movers, the getters, the doers,
Leave the old you behind today couldn't be newer,
I can see in your eyes i can feel through your heart,
Nothings to hard just be willing to start,
This life is a risk so please take your chance,
Might not be a party but still we should dance,
You can cuss at the rain or think of the flower,
You can be super use perspective as power,
Hopped in the rocket told Louie to the moon,
Finally got my chance results coming soon.
May 2014 · 518
Keep going
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Opened your eyes the light at first hurt,
Love is our religion and nature is our church,
Suffering can be Devine intervention,
Gods way of saying "Sort out your intentions!",
It's not the end as long as you wake up,
Life can begin choose to make the cut,
Today is not gloomy no anything but,
You declare your beaten wait, hold on, what?
Thats not you at all your a fighter and a lover,
You must raise up to adversity not simply duck for cover,
Its been said many times "as above so below"
Well grab that shovel, start digging, go!,
Trust the process and leave doubt in the past,
Thinking not of the future if you intend to last,
This concept of happiness is a tough one to grasp,
If you feel broken then just get a cast,
Sometimes we all need a little lay in the grass,
Sometimes we should slow and stop going so fast,
The possibilities of content are oh so vast,
Even at the bottom of the barrel you can get out of that trash,
At the core of your being rest all of the wisdom,
For the human condition you have all the symptoms,
Its ok relax you'll arive on time,
Then you'll realize you have always been fine,
The best way through hell is to keep going through it
I won't say I told you because you always knew it.
May 2014 · 736
Wolf Irwin May 2014
If you want to understand where I'm coming from then take your mind to the darkest place it can go, build your wall to keep others out so high that it surpasses the stars and beyond. Closed your mind, lose hope, and let hate engulf your being completely. Then imagine living like this for 10 years. All of the sudden one day, for whatever reason, you consider the fact that maybe your wrong and that there is still good in the world. That your not alone and being happy is a choice not a circumstantial emotion. Realize only in complete darkness can you truly appreciate the light. Realize there is a reason for existence and its to find our way home while loving and aiding others in the same journey. Us humans, we are just billions of pieces of the same puzzle and only when we fit together can we perceive the bigger picture. We may be at different levels but those levels are just different steps on the same staircase. Maybe if you can consider even trying to see me with eyes of understanding, them maybe I can understand you too.
May 2014 · 852
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Saw this girl I said "**** what you doing down here?",
She said "Uh excuse me? Could you be more clear?",
I said "Did jesus come back and bring you along?",
"Because girl when I saw you all my composure was gone!",
Lost for words so I spoke with my heart,
I said "God must of used his paint brush on you to define masterful art",
She giggled a little with the cutest shinning grin,
So I marvelled at her beauty took a pause and then,
I took a leap of faith and asked "Coffe sometime?",
She replied "That would be lovely so I told her "The pleasure was mine!",
She kissed me on the cheek just to seal the deal,
My knees got weak I wondered "Is this forreal?",
Last thing I remember is her gorgeous green eyes,
Wrote my number down quick but to my surprise,
She slipped hers in my pocket,
I was on top of the world flying in a rocket,
I wore that smile the rest of the day from ear to ear,
But she never answered my question what was she doing down here?
May 2014 · 347
It's just love
Wolf Irwin May 2014
It's sharing one umbrella,
It's being one lucky fella,
It's two coffes on a cold day,
It's the silly way we like to play,
It's just love,

It's going on a movie date,
It's brought together by the chance of fate,
It's laying down bathroom tile,
It's astonishing at your beautiful smile,
It's just love,

It's running my fingers through her hair,
It's simply knowing she still there,
It's never ever being the same,
Its experiencing all of her pain,
It's just love,

It's laying up all night,
It's rethinking our last fight,
It's admitting that I'm wrong,
It's no matter what just hanging on,
It's just love,

It's acceptance on the deepest level,
It's receiving life's greatest medal,
It's commiting to never give in,
It's willing to do it all again,
It's just love.
May 2014 · 1.0k
Hang on
Wolf Irwin May 2014
You been hanging by this thread for so **** long,
And the skin of your teeth is almost gone,
Like walking on ice through a torrent snow storm,
Wondering to yourself will you make it to dawn,
Just relax it's not over yet,
In the casino of life sometimes you gotta bet,
If you lose big you should never regret,
Should you change for the best or blend in with the rest,
If your hearts hold many burning desires,
You hold the matches why not light this fire?,
Chase after your dreams untill you legs get tired,
******* your wings if you wanna go higher,
One step at a time just remember to breathe,
Atleast your closer to earth if your brought down to your knees,
The bright side is what you should  to see,
Live right now let go and be free.
May 2014 · 419
Wolf Irwin May 2014
We're all on different roads headed to the same destination,
I can't wait untill we stop imagining this separation,
And join in this one group contemplation,
And work together towards human preservation,
Who are we to judge anyone else?
I bet you'd be kind if you truly knew how they felt,
And if you don't care then why the **** are you here?
To live miserably, die alone, and then disappear?
I don't understand a spiteful angry man,
Choosing hate over love is like folding with a royal flush in your hand,
If you get mad well those are your own problems,
Better get to work because won't noone else solve them,
When your mean to others you start heading south,
Hurtful words always leave a bad taste in your mouth,
If you think I'm wrong well good think what you please,
But youll never stand higher by bringing someone else to their knees.
May 2014 · 998
Star crossed
Wolf Irwin May 2014
I'm star crossed and kind of lost,
On my way but it's safe to say,
My destination may change,
Like the season do,
And one things true,
I'm still going still going,
Im up stream still down for rowing,
Light guides me,
The one hides me,
From evil and tyranny,
We are only human and thats fine with me,
What is life?  
Its the birds chirp and the zebras stripe,
Only together can we reach new hights,
Lets hold hands while we venture the night.
May 2014 · 580
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Spirituality is my mentality,
Its my life style too,
If you have the audacity to act passively,
Well then thats on you,
Personally it brings out the worse in me,
And thats the truth,
I'd rather die alone and on my own,
Then with the wrong group.
May 2014 · 1.6k
Mind over matter
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Mind over matter,
Don't mind the things that don't matter,
Don't let negative thoughts make your confidence shatter,
Let's get personal on a stranger level,
See what I did there?,
I see what you did where,
Where you pretend to be victim to your mind living unaware,
Sometimes I seems like you don't know you're pretending,
Spiraling down a scary path your descending,
Seems like this rabbit hole is never ending,
Like I said before its all mind over matter,
In wonderland your the queen, the cat, and the mad hatter,
It's doesn't matter your gender your still Alice,
Chasing this cheese loosing this rat race,
Theres a way out you just transcend gravity,
Look to the coulds take a walk with me,
The easy way up is I guess to take the ladder,
Or you could jump,
Its all mind over matter.
May 2014 · 410
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Woke up sweating from living in hell,
No more using pennies on that wishing well,
Devastation ushers revelation,
I beg you be you in this conformist nation,
Where are we going? Yeah I'm not sure either,
But I know this road leads back to the ether,
Striving to reach our cool, calm, collective,
What is life? Well I guess thats subjective,
Tell me your idea of serenity,
And ill tell you to find it inside of the we,
We could stand together like a group of red woods,
Well I suppose we could, should, would?
I certainly hope so there's so much we don't know,
Keep going at your pace wether fast or slow,
I feel so alive when my heart beats fast,
In this current state this world won't last,
Those things they classify as commodity,
Are actually sister's and brother's to me,
We are all living in hell as we know,
It's so hot and I'm just praying for snow.
Hell together life love snow pray sister brother we heat heart
May 2014 · 543
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Hello mother I wanted to take a moment to say,
That I'm not quite as bothered on this eleventh of may,
Although your body is gone I know you are around,
I can feel you in the sun , I can hear you in all sounds,
Your time seemed short and my pain seemed endless,
I wrote your name on the top of my wish list,
I can finally speak your name and think of good times,
If theres any light in me you're the reason I shine,
So proud to be your son, so proud to share your blood,
Your love sweeps away my worry like a cleansing kindness flood,
I can think back and learn from the things you've said,
I choose to only remember the laughter instead,
You fill my heart with joy,
I'm still your little boy,
Although I was only apart of your time,
You were my whole life and apart of all of mine,
I miss you just as much as if it happened a second ago,
But I'm finally ok with what I've come to know,
Hello mother I just wanted to take a moment to say,
I think of you every moment and happy mother's day.
Love happiness mothers day may acceptance
May 2014 · 1.8k
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Theres so much that I notice,
And things that I hear,
I use to be so hopeless,
But now I have no fear,
I seen your picture the other day,
You were in that sun dress,
I can remember thinking,
"Without you I'd be a mess",
That I'd simply fall apart,
That I'd be incomplete,
You name was branded on my heart,
But I just couldn't take the heat,
Its funny looking back,
All the memories we share,
I was ready to make a pact,
It doesn't seem very fair,
I'm not really bitter,
But I haven't totally moved on,
I was your baby and you my sitter,
Its hard to believe that your gone,
I'll still be your friend,
But I must redirect my focus,
And realize its the end,
And let go of all the things I notice.
May 2014 · 2.7k
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Positive through the derogatory,
I use the light as my allegory,
There's a happy ending to this sad story,
**** happens so no need to worry,
You can face it there's no need to escape,
Or spend time replaying the tape,
There's still time as long as you wake,
If you never give up then its never to late,
Fight for love, fight for love,
One mind devine from above,
You should be happy just because,
High on life with a nice buzz,
Love life and it'll love you,
Thats just a fact I know is true,
Theres nothing more that you can do,
But let go of hate and just be truly you.
May 2014 · 1.6k
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Silence is key,
You won't hear much from me,
I just want to hear,
The whole world is a mirror,
Woke up in a dream,
Things are not what they seem,
Your sight has to be keen,
If you know what I mean,
Seeing through the smoke screen,
Guided by the light beam,
Living out the larger sceam,
***** for truth and yes I feen.
May 2014 · 328
The difference
Wolf Irwin May 2014
My brothers are crippled by fear,
These days that's all we hear,
Hate and greed built up over the years,
Leak out of our faces as blood, sweat and tears,
Being spiritual doesn't have to mean religious,
In my opinion thats a little pretentious,
I can't grip why people try to force religion,
Can't we respect everyone and their own decision?
Maybe I'm wrong and I don't understand,
But wasn't religion created by man?
Personally ill choose natural law anyday,
I see no need for all these labels anyway,
You have no reason to live a life afraid,
Your the director, composer, and lead role in your play,
Believe what you want,
But there's no reason to flaunt,
Is it all just a stunt?
Our own ghost is what haunts,
Dont accept one truth without investigating for yourself,
How could you just blindly trust someone else?
I know it can be scary,
That results sometimes vary,
We should rely on love when push comes to shove,
Regardless of what you do choose to believe,
In the end It's the same air we breathe,
Can't we agree to disagree as the we?
And live our lives through peace, love, and harmony?
May 2014 · 400
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Everything's the same in my habitual mind frame,
I'm thankful for the good and I learn from the pain,
Inside a picture is a 1000 words,
Inside your soul spin 1000 worlds,
Possibilities are endless hope is my mistress,
Put down that wish list just go out and get it,
There is levels to your mind,
The deeper you go the more you find,
I'm truly sorry if you think your in a bind,
You'll realize it's all an illusion In good time,
Sanctified while I'm passing by,
Rectify my dysfunctional mind,
Put future in front and your past behind,
Like a skate boarder just stay on your grind,
Looked up to the sky and asked god why,
Why is this world dressed up like a suit and tie,
I look back to hell with an evil sigh,
As I noticed the devil in the mirror looking out of my eyes,
Between evil and good I think you should,
Pick love you see I knew you would,
On my own two feet I understood,
My house is at the corner of peace and love in my neighborhood.
May 2014 · 691
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Wake up my brother,
You're not what you think,
Wake up my sister,
And your problems will shrink,
Simply keep talking,
Someone is listening,
Simply keep loving,
The sun is glistening,
Speak your truth,
With no regrets,
All you can do,
Is do your best,
Hold on tough,
But remain kind,
Search inside,
And Peace you'll find,
It's never the end,
Unless you say,
Wake up my friend,
This is a beautiful day.
May 2014 · 479
Wolf Irwin May 2014
As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
The only thing we can do is do our best,
On the journey of life there is no map quest,
But you do have a compass beating inside your chest,
Unfortunately life isn't an open book test,
Thankfully life is what you decide nothing more, nothing less,
To live serenity all your short comings you must confess,
There's not much more to say and so I digress,
Through out the world beats one singular pulse,
You think your a lost cause and I say that's false,
To understand you must rise up off your knees,
Wake up and feel the magic in the breeze,
Its time to live up to your full potential,
Inside your being awaits the ultimate credentials,
Ill tell your exsistence is not one forsaken,
Im sorry but this resistance has you mistaken,
Our mission is one that is never over,
You can definitely make it without a four leaf clover,
Just ignore the little demon perched up on your shoulder,
Spirituality is being drunk on ego working to get sober,
Hold on positivity endures,
Thats hope and its the one wonder cure,
Lets walk hand in hand on our way through the unknown,
We are lost together just following the bread crumbs home.
May 2014 · 536
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Harmony is not far from me,
Kind of startled me that it's apart of me,
Delighted see because my heart is free,
Locked in hate? Love is the key,
Happiness is not a wish,
It's just a choice to feel the bliss,
Natural law we abide by this,
Eyes open life's serendipitous,
Time won't fail so use it well,
The world is lost its not hard to tell,
Into a spell I deeply fell,
The train won't stop so ride the rails,
It isn't over untill it's done,
Just have fun and use your lungs,
If you wait your time will come,
There's no shadow if you face the sun.

— The End —