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8.0k · May 2014
needed and wanted
nnylhsa May 2014
you're everything i ever needed


i'm nothing you ever wanted

3.2k · May 2014
on my mind
nnylhsa May 2014
camera around my neck
tears in my eyes
a lump in my throat
a pen in my hand
notebook in my lap
glasses on face
ponytail in my hair
headphones around my head
and yet, you are still on my mind.

2.4k · Feb 2014
nnylhsa Feb 2014
i scroll through
the symptoms;
the signs once more
finally screen-shotting them
only so i do not have to keep
looking and re-looking
them up

i rummage through the very
personal box of writings
hidden under my bed
i find the paper
with the heading of:
How I See Me, How I Am
following the undepthed title
is a list of short, spiked written words,
words that, all though so very short, mean so much
and ache even worse

down to the bottom of the list my finger skims
my eyes scattered throughout the words
and my tears scarring the paper
finally at the the bottom
i grab the pen and finish the list
with one simple word


2.1k · Mar 2014
short story
nnylhsa Mar 2014
tonight i will replace
draining my blood
and the sight of the dark, intriguing, red liquid,
being wrenched from my body with the familiar of wine.
I've never been one to like the taste,
so **** and untastful,
but it's as if my taste buds have changed and the recipe was switched fore I've never tasted anything sweeter.

1.8k · Jul 2017
toothbrush and socks
nnylhsa Jul 2017
a ratty, mangled tooth brush and
two years of lost socks scattered throughout my house,
is what i am left with.

i go to bed alone.
i wake up alone.
i brush my teeth,
and there lies the toothbrush.
i can't get myself to toss it to the curb,
much like you did me.
i feel that the moment i do that
all hope is gone
and you'll never come back.
chances are,
you aren't coming back,
but i know the day i toss it is the day i not only lose you,
but i lose myself too.

your sock habits always made me giggle.
from holy socks to your moms floral, fuzzy socks,
you always left them everywhere.
we could be mid supper
and you would bend down to take them off.
i used to find it annoying,
constantly picking up smelly socks
in the weirdest of places,
but now when i find those socks
that i hadn't found before,
it brings me happiness.

i don't know if i will ever be able
to get rid of your toothbrush
or if i will ever find the last of your socks,
but i hope that i don't
because the day that happens
is the day i'm forced to say goodbye.
1.4k · Dec 2013
lies vs. truth
nnylhsa Dec 2013
what can i say;
the truth hurts
the truth is a never ending battle
of life or death
of pain
tell the truth
tell the lies
either way you'll end up
the bad guy
the lies hurt
the lies are nothing but a sorry excuse
of hurtful agony
of a road leading to despair
tell whatever you please
tell them all
either way they'll wind up
hating you more
than you already do yourself

1.4k · Mar 2014
nnylhsa Mar 2014
this is to my best of friends
the only one i could trust
and the only one a goodbye is a must.

i finally decided to do the deed
and i surely hope to succeed
im sorry to have to tell you this but a goodbye was of need.

ive been all too sad you see
and to me
i couldnt deal and im sure you are to disagree.

i hope you understand
and i know this isn't so very grand
but im sorry that i will no longer be able hold your hand
and tell you youll be okay to stand.


1.4k · May 2014
I love you
nnylhsa May 2014
sometimes the sun shines
and others it glows,
it's hard to tell the difference
i guess nobody really knows.
we all love sunsets
and sunrises too,
but which we love more, we do not know
but i for sure know, that i do love you.

1.4k · Apr 2014
never ending pain
nnylhsa Apr 2014
is what i think about
when im alone
in the dark
maybe its the darkness getting to my eyes, leading to my head that you have altered
or maybe its the way i can see your glowing smile in the light of the moon
fact over fiction tells me its the pain trapped in my heart
in every scenario, you are the cause of my never ending pain

1.3k · Dec 2013
nnylhsa Dec 2013
my tormentor
is also known to be
the one who holds me
the one who brightens my smile
faster than he can drive a mile
but with this he had
drawn me to the dark and the bad
making him what ruined me so
leading me to this point with nothing else to do
but hide all emotion and go with what is told
with this it was oh-so bold
that he was my tormentor
that dragged me to and fro
leading me to the dark
holding my hand
leading me deeper
and deeper
into pure nothingness

1.1k · Dec 2013
your voice
nnylhsa Dec 2013
craziness is the best way to describe it.

its like the building block for the upcoming dreadful emotions.

its as if your imagination knows something your heart and mind dont.

like its always a few steps or actions ahead from the rest of you.

you can hear voices from all different paths and you know one of those paths will lead you out of that before stage and back to the happyness but you also know the others will only pitchen in color and theyll close you in and there is no turning back to make the right choice.

but the part that is the craziest is i hear you voice louder then the rest.

its as if im going crazy.

it really is.

with the devils and demons and monsters pulling at the threads that hold me together trying to find that last strand.

but its almost as if someone or something is holding onto that last strand.

saving that last strand.

1.1k · May 2014
Mentally gone
nnylhsa May 2014
minutes before the bell was to ring,
i sat down in the seat that i sat in every other morning.
the one that was partially by the window and near you at the same time,
and the way the light reflected of your skin and into my eyes set the mood and made my day better just like that.
but, as the bell rang you were not to be found and so i sat and wondered where you were and when you'd come back.
and moments after those thoughts occured,
i remembered that you'll never mentally come back, because you called us quits.

1.1k · Mar 2014
nnylhsa Mar 2014
as i sat and pondered about my future
our future
i became lost in the alternative outcomes
too busy daydreaming to realize what was really occurring

1.0k · Jan 2014
Best friend
nnylhsa Jan 2014
the moment i met you,
i just knew
we'd be much more
than acquaintances.
but from what id gathered,
i still had much in store.

the meeting of you
has changed my life
in the most dramatic point of view.

it seems,
still to this day,
that there was no middle man.
we went from strangers to best friends.
not a moment dull or grey.

but what still shocks me to have known
is that from then to now,
we have grown.
dont ask me how
for i never thought it possible
to have someone so close.
yet we seem to blow my
previous theories and thoughts away
each passing day.

1.0k · Dec 2013
im sorry
nnylhsa Dec 2013
when will all of this go away for gods sake?

do i tell you goodbye,
or end it in this lie?
either way i just want to die.

ive messed up this time.
there is no fixing this crime.
no flipping a dime,
to solve this in prime.

i guess ill just walk away.
i so badly want to stay,
but i know that is not possible in any way.
i-i just dont know what to say.

im sorry.

1.0k · Dec 2013
nnylhsa Dec 2013
the demonds were inside of me
dont get me wrong
i didnt want them to win over my mind
not even in the slightest
but all at once i did
it was as if they found my trigger
and they pulled it all the way back
waited for the perfect moment
and with two clicks they released it
releasing the demons
allowing them further into my mind
and into my imagination
making it go wild
the demons were my constant high
only the after affect was worse

985 · Dec 2013
nnylhsa Dec 2013
are just a few
things youve
turned our relationship
into in such a short time period.

always daring,
are just a few
things we could
acheive in our relationship
in such a short time period.

871 · Feb 2015
inner behaviors
nnylhsa Feb 2015
someone once told me
"high school turns you into a monster"
but I don't believe that.
I believe high school is the time when the inner monsters living deep inside are finally pushed over the edge and forced to breath, see, and feel through the body it's been hibernating in.

849 · Feb 2015
bloody reminder
nnylhsa Feb 2015
I've woken up every morning
with bruised knees, swollen lips, and a picture of you burned into my skull. But never a memory explaining. I guess it's irony, because you left me, on the floor with bruised knees, swollen lips, and an unforgettable scene, without explaining.

830 · Dec 2013
nnylhsa Dec 2013




- a. m. b.
821 · May 2014
nnylhsa May 2014
one cut
two cut
three cut
cut until i am no more

five cut
six cut
seven cut
starve until it looks like i never ate

nine cut
ten cut
eleven cut
grab the gun and turn to helve

thirteen cut
fourteen cut
fifteen cut
i'm starting to forget all that i've seen

seventeen cut
eighteen cut
nineteen cut
i believe i have lived plenty

twenty-one cut
twenty-two cut
twenty-three cut
i am no more

811 · Mar 2014
nnylhsa Mar 2014
you are two different people
whereas i am the stars.
you're always going back and forth between being the sun and the moon.
but whenever you are the sun i seem to fade away.
im still there, but its as if im invisible.  

808 · Dec 2013
nnylhsa Dec 2013
here i sit
writing to you, my friend,
with my wrist slit.

ive finally done the deed
and a goodbye
is in much of need.

i didnt want to go
without a single goodbye
but i sat and pondered
as to who i should write to.

with the blood gushing
and thoughts slowing
your name came to mind
so now im writng and rushing.

i only have moments left
not that youd care
for you stole my heart in theft.

you had no intentions to give
it back without any wounds
so here i sit not wanting to live.

goodbye my old friend.

- a. m. b.
800 · May 2014
nnylhsa May 2014
i will never forget,
always regret,
and wish we never met.
you were nothing but trouble,
and left nothing besides ruble.
you were always so mean,
and never wanted to be seen,
with me.
why didn't i see,
then, that you weren't any good?
i guess i never fully understood,
how much trouble you were, until now,
but i will no longer let you bring me down.

783 · Aug 2014
nnylhsa Aug 2014
A shooting star is actually pronounced dead way before you see the shooting star
the shooting star is just the reminisce of the dead star
you see, a star will die but it's light will still shine for up to thousands of years due to the fact that light travels at a certain rate and it's so far away from our viewable perceptive
it's quite funny because it was the same way for me
I was dead but it took that final closure to realize it;

it took my physical death to realize my mental death.

760 · Jan 2014
nnylhsa Jan 2014
the sun;
it rises
it lowers
and it has it's light stolen
from the moon.
of all of them
you'd never think it
to be
the moon
to do such a thing.
steal ones light
and takes it's fame
fore with the moon comes
sadness and there is more
sadness than there is joy.

749 · Dec 2013
nnylhsa Dec 2013
i wanted so badly
to be as important to you
as you are to me

youll never believe
how much i love you
only because i dont tell

youre my inspiration
my thoughts and my ideas
youre my passion

and im still
to you

728 · Dec 2013
nnylhsa Dec 2013
i discovered my definition of love
much the way ben franklin did electricity;
it hit something so far up and it nearly killed me,
yet it was so bright and brilliant.

728 · Sep 2014
nnylhsa Sep 2014
I can still feel the goose bumps lingering beneath my skin,
as well as the heat radiating from every place on my body you touched.

your voice is still clearly heard in my eardrums,
it's as if the sound never left.

a fragrance such as yours, so delightful and natural, still smothers my pillows and blankets,
I close my eyes late at night and feel as if you're there.

your lips, oh how i miss them, the taste of your lips entwined with my own was unforgettable,
yet I have somehow forgotten, it's been too long.

all of your features were a treat to any ones sight, but more so mine,
I saw your every detail as if it were a gift from god himself.

i love you, all of you.

723 · Dec 2013
nnylhsa Dec 2013
because of your fear,
of what i believe and understand
to be love,
i am being constantly pushed away.
because of your fear,
in which i believe and understand
to be commitment,
i always become lost in your memory.
because of your fear,
that i believe and understand
to be uncertainty,
i am always going to be not good enough.
because of these fears,
and others ive noticed and witnessed,
we will never be able to move on
from this point.

695 · Mar 2014
nnylhsa Mar 2014
love is nothing but a word
in this world of pain
that we're loving together
hopefully forever

pain is nothing but an obstacle
in this world of hate
that we're living together
hopefully forever

hate is just another spiteful action
in this world of death
that we're living together
hopefully forever

death is just a must
in this world of truth
we're living together
hopefully forever

truth is just another voice we choose to ignore
in this work of lies
that we're living together
hopefully forever

and in the end you realize
there was no forever
but only hope and love

693 · May 2014
a final goodbye
nnylhsa May 2014
earlier, i tried handing you a note, you rejected it.
this afternoon, i attempted a hug, but you pushed me away.
minutes ago, i said "goodbye" rather than my usual "goodnight, i love you.".
tomorrow, you'll realize, that was my suicide note, i wanted you to try one last time, and that was my final goodbye.

691 · May 2014
night of heartbreak
nnylhsa May 2014
tonight, like every other night,
is filled with heartbreak,
of every variety.
the couple outside the bar is yelling and screaming over the music.
the love bugs, that have been together for months, are finally separating.
my heart has heard the note of an opera singer and has shattered that the way glass would.
the ocean currents have torn the school of fish apart.
another star has died and the moon sits quitly in a frown of a glow.
everything, that didn't break yesterday and that is supposed to break tomorrow, has broken tonight.

681 · Aug 2014
nnylhsa Aug 2014
we all base the way we mature on self improvement.
i just wish that some people would realize that they were perfect the way they were.
because they honestly were perfect.

674 · May 2014
nnylhsa May 2014
10:58 p.m.
i found out you had moved on

11:12 p.m.
i realized i hadn't

12:37 a.m.
she told me how you moved on and up her skirt

12:38 a.m.
the urges came

12:42 a.m.
i got sick to my stomach and threw up

12:50 a.m.
i called you

12:51 a.m.
you didn't answer

12:52 a.m.
i realized i had no one, no one at all

1:02 a.m.
the tears started

2:07 a.m.**
the urges took over

665 · Mar 2014
nnylhsa Mar 2014
we're all


so hard
to become
we'll never be


657 · Dec 2013
nnylhsa Dec 2013
you know me so well
you know what im thinking
you know what im going through
you know im writing about you
you know that i love you
you know me by my footsteps
you know my many laughs
you know my eyes, my smile, my every move more than i do myself
you know **me

636 · Jul 2014
nnylhsa Jul 2014
You can only say
hes different around me
So many times
Before you realize you're actually trying to persuade yourself.

636 · May 2014
love you the most
nnylhsa May 2014
i obviously love you more than toast,
because i love you the most.

i definitely love you more than a roast,
because i love you the most.

i surely love you more than the island coast,
because i love you the most.

id hate to boast,
but i love you the most.

this is literally a joke poem but yanno
621 · Aug 2014
nnylhsa Aug 2014
I don't know,
I guess people move on.
and they forget about you
and the memories.
but the aches and pains of
the longing you hold for them never moves on.
and it *****.
it honest to god *****.

nnylhsa Dec 2013
i looked up to you
the way some would do to god
but due to my flaw of not seeing the light
in my darkest moments
i no longer believed in any god
if there were such a god he or she would have saved me
much the way you did

588 · Mar 2014
nnylhsa Mar 2014
as I watched you, drift away,
further and further away.
I realized that, one day
everything will be okay.

586 · Jun 2014
nnylhsa Jun 2014
as i sit,
sit and wait
sit and think
sit and deprive myself of humanity,
which doesn't exist any longer,
i start to question why
why did all of this happen
why now
why me
but then i remembered,
i'm a **** up and thats why

584 · Mar 2014
nnylhsa Mar 2014
i've been driving
for quite some time
or miles, now

i'm not positive
if i'm metaforically speaking
or if it's reality i'm living

I could very possible
be driving to find happiness;
on the road to happily ever after
finding somewhere new and improved

or maybe i'm driving myself
in that i am pushing myself
to be the best i can be

but i am not all too sure
fore the fact that i am numb
and i can no longer feel emotion
except for the feeling of being lost

either way
i'm driving
i've been driving
and some things take time
but i'm still going and i won't stop
until i find what i am unsure of as of now

581 · Dec 2013
help me
nnylhsa Dec 2013
you promised me
you promised that youd be
everything i could ever need
but where are you now
now that im really scared
and i need you more then ever
i think that ive killed myself.

- a. m. b.
577 · Jul 2014
nnylhsa Jul 2014
It just feels like the world is against me
As if my back is arched in the opposite direction of the wind
The suns rays are draining me of my color
My foot steps are all backwards
I can't seem to take a breath with out gasping for air
With every word I say comes a sigh of disgust
My life is full of disappointment and the world isn't making it any easier

575 · Mar 2014
nnylhsa Mar 2014
rarely ever will you meet someone
who doesn't lack originality
or isn't a theif of personality,
fore even the moon takes over the suns light.

565 · Aug 2014
nnylhsa Aug 2014
We expect too much, or maybe too little. In any case of the indecisive mind we should never have to expect someone to be there in a time of need for we all are in a constant time of need.

562 · Mar 2014
nnylhsa Mar 2014
your mind is elsewhere
that i can detect.
your eyes are fluttering
and your voice is utterly low.
as well as your hands- visibly shaking.
on your mind
i do not know.
but as for me
i wish it to be.

560 · Mar 2014
nnylhsa Mar 2014
tears stain my face,
a smile is placed on yours.

i'm beyond repair,
you don't even care.

i text you a message to tell you i still love you,
my contact is erased from your phone.

i'm lying in my bed, dying,
you're out with your friends not even crying

i need you so bad, more than ever before,
you just want me to go away.

i grab the medicine bottles,
you grab your phone.

i take all the pills left in the container,
you try your hardest not to call me.

i call you to tell you goodbye,
you forward the message, too afraid to answer.

i'm finally gone,
and you listened to the message too late.

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