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mjad Sep 2017
there is only ever small talk
the silence kills me
the conversation is dead
i miss how it was before
story after story
never a bore
it changes as the seasons go
soon it will be melting along with the snow
mjad Sep 2017
There is never ending pressure
To be the light in such a darkened society
But what can a candle with no wick do
Besides melt at the heat of another
mjad Sep 2017
What is happiness?
It is merely the name of an old friend...


What is sadness?
Sadness is more than a friend;
It is tangled with me like a lover in sheets.
It drowns out all laughter.
It drains all energy.
It shatters hope.
It devours joy.
It is not a what,
But a who.
mjad Sep 2017
Emotions are so overwhelming
Even in their simplest essence
They build and break and destroy
They shape and form and create
The hardest thing about emotions
Is having no control over what to break
And no control over what to create
Because sometimes
A heart can break
And the only thing created is a tragedy
mjad Sep 2017
You may know you are better,
But that can mean nothing,
When everyone thinks you are not.
mjad Sep 2017
My edges may be burned,
But I can set your whole life on fire,
And I will take everything that you have not earned.
mjad Jul 2017
The sun shines on everything
It doesn't choose where not too
The rain pours on everything
It doesn't choose where not too
Our words affect everyone
We don't have a choice of who
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