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mjad Jul 2017
I miss the long nights
And the many friends
I miss the loud laughs
And the many regrets
I miss the chances I had
To be a part of something

I miss the way everyone was
So effortlessly friendly
I miss the noises and messes
That we all created
I miss being someone
And having others around me

I miss having friends.
And being with people
I miss thriving
And feeling alive
I miss having fun
Because now it's all gone
mjad Jun 2017
I don't quite know where I am going,
And I don't quite know what I need.
But I know what I want,
And can taste it.
But sadly,
it's so far
out of
mjad May 2017
It can be so hard to make your way through
The crowd of hatred
Of people going against you

It can be hard to disregard
The negative shouts and voices
That tell you you're going the wrong way

It can be hard to believe in yourself
And to simply breathe and understand
That your own voice

Which tries so hard to be heard
May tremble and shake
And that is okay

As long as you believe the words
That are being shaken out
Even though it can be hard
mjad May 2017
why do I
feel like there is nothing for me
never any happy days
or acceptance or praise
just the heavy burden of feeling imperfect
and failing to please a stranger
the stranger being society
and its impossible to reach standards
mjad May 2017
we are running low
on words
on stories to share
on struggles to rant about
and the silence is deafening

we are running low
on each other
on the sound of each other's voices
on the smiles and sights of our joy
and the distance is suffocating

we are running low
on the feeling we get when we see each other
on the butterflies in our stomachs
on the goosebumps up our arms
and the emptiness is shattering

I am running low on you
mjad May 2017
"You are too young,"
"You do not mean what you say,"
Our parents and our friends,
they fail to see our love
but, my goodness is it ever bright.
How could they not see it?
Best friends turned lovers
is so perfectly right.
mjad May 2017
the touch of someone's skin on another's
has been written about plenty already
but I swear to you
his touch is like no other
so innocent and fragile
but commanding and strong
yet gentle and caring
while he bites me all along
the sting and the numbness
the tickle of his tongue
his touch is like no other
so right though so wrong
all my softness in his clutch
his being needs no guide
he knows where and how to touch
as his eager mouth finds mine
his tracing fingertips bring chills
up my chilly and bare spine
his touch is one that nearly kills
but I am on cloud nine
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