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Long since forgot
But never once forgot
The days before
Think of sharpened scents
Wafting through forgotten places
Petrol fumes or sea breeze air
Think of far off sights
Red roofs reflected on the surface
of glistening rock pools
Yellow light running through it all
red against powdery blue
Think of it all
Again and again
All long gone, but not forgot
 Mar 2015 Marie-Chantal
Thomas EG
I go out, for once.
You appear before me and reach instantly for my beloved treasure chest, but I am uncomfortable. No means no tonight, as does it every other night.
You do not step back.
Only the chairs' arms are willing to support me, so my own small hand reaches for your twelve o'clock and now it is you who must flee.
The candles' tongues lick you on your way out.
Are you happy now? Where's your horse and carriage babe?
By the way, you dropped your ******* shoe.
Hahahaha. Ha. Alcohol does good things to my brain. Good vibes.
 Mar 2015 Marie-Chantal
Rosie Dee
To me, you're like a rotten peach.
Once good, now bad-though you still looked fine on the outside.
Just a few marks here and there,
A scratch or two,
No harm done.
I was happy with you-happy to have you in my life.
You turned out to be ****-bitter and rotten on the inside.
Such a ****** disappointment
I found this old poem i wrote whilst clearing out my room today. Was one of the first poems i fully wrote that wasn't for a school assignment or anything like that. As you can tell, i was in a very bad mood when i wrote it and not very happy with someone haha. Anyway i'm aware it's very odd but i thought i would share it with y'all anyway.
 Mar 2015 Marie-Chantal
Thomas EG
I am but a few brittle bones
With a not-so-respectable amount of flesh
You have slowly become my skin
Clinging to this lost body
No sense of direction
No sense of emotion
Consuming me
Consume me
And now I cry through my teeth
As I lie from my eyes
All the while
Hiding behind
And beneath
Intimidation in a situation
Intimacy in simplicity
Cover me
No longer smother me
A moment's fresh air
Crisp as your gaze
Do no more harm
To these legs
To these arms
I've got a blue thumb
Botanist of disappointment
I gather crops
As my mood drops
But if my fingers could speak to you
If my lips could reach out and touch you
I wonder if they'd be as gentle
As my words and movements are now
Because my friends help me get by
And you
You make me feel as though my life
Is all one constant high
But there is nothing poetic
About the way that you
Dismiss my feelings
Yet don't dismiss yourself
You are a joke
Never straying afar
From your obsession
Or was it my depression?
We come to the end of yet another session
But I will see you before next week
**Oh how weak you are
He could have crushed it if he'd liked
That squirming thing in between his fingers
Tiny black Bulbous eyes, staring up at him
trying in a panic to speak without words
Arrange some kind of bargain for its life

Yellow Lilac tinted wings
Perfectly symmetrical, pulsated with fear
Taking the left one first, he tore at each end untill hearing the tiny snap
Then the next one
turning to sick crumbling dust blended into the mud

A thin black strip of a thing in the dirt
If life was fair, it could have been stood on
But was not granted such dignity
He would leave it for the sun or the  buzzards  
An eye for an eye, after all
 Mar 2015 Marie-Chantal
Rosie Dee
Licks up the air around you,
Intakes it all,
Constricting your very thoughts, fears, feelings, pains until...
Everything goes black
In quite a dark mood right now. This poem probably wont make any sense to anyone-hell it doesn't even make sense to me. I don't even like it really i just figured i'd post something because it's been a while and i'm feelign a bit off right now, I just wrote what was in my head and..voile. Too lost in thoughts of the past. The past is a tricky subject i suppose. Heres to a better and happier poem next time aye?
 Mar 2015 Marie-Chantal
Thomas EG
I love your eyes I love your hair
I love your clothes and how they fit you
I love these bright, shining lights
And the pure ways in which they hit you

My hand begins to slide
Slowly, slowly, up your leg
Soon I see your eyes roll up
And to the back of your head

My name trembles on your lips
My warmth hovers on your tongue
You say that we're just friends
I agree with "sure, it's just fun"

But we both know that this is deeper
Yet neither of us want to admit
That careless ******* does not come close
To what this really is...

You whisper, you shiver
Pull me close until I quit
You let out a breath of air
As I lean in to bite your lip

Swore I wouldn't let myself
Fall in love ever again
But I guess your body upon mine
Was enough to let me just forget

I am done with emotionless love
I'm sick to death of being hurt
I won't let you get away, oh no
I will always put you first

So I turn the lights back on
Let them lick your bare skin now
I thought that I loved you before
I think I spoke too soon somehow

Your body sparkles in the glow
I pull you closer yet again
Confess my love and let you know
We are so much more than just friends

Oh, I hope this never ends...
I wanted to try writing some risqué poetry... Feedback would be  greatly appreciated!
 Feb 2015 Marie-Chantal
Tim Buggy
I'm chained to this system,
To these rules and regulations,
A constant spiral of the same sights,
Forced artificial happiness,
Recycled reinvented pleasures.

These comforts can only numb the aches,
Until dark skies and cold weather,
Expose my wounds to the wind.

Lack of materials, lack of all,
Keep me trapped in dizzy frustrations,
Fantasising new sensations and places,
Knowing the happy, coloured blurs will sharpen their lens,
And reveal their familiar, colourless forms.

Sitting on my fixed space of land,
Still rooting for the next month to win me over,
For the next week to triumph against the last,
I tug at my tired chains,
Hoping to God there's that there more than this.
First poem I've written, so be nice, but I enjoyed writing it so hopefully there will be more!
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