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4.8k · Jun 2015
Love No. 3
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
She has a heart of cedar color
And dreams in shades of peony and lotus stems.
She leaves the smell of cyclamen and ripe apricots
Behind her,
Those who are crying in the shadows of Magnolias
Are finding a shelter within her.
Sometimes I imagine that I'm the sea foam
That is touching her ankles
And the air that envelops her lips,
Absorbing her every move,
That is reflected in the mosaic of her pupils.
Her thoughts are sleeping in the depths of my veins,
In every pore that absorbs her voice
I can hear her breathing.
I remain frozen in her existence
And in the contours of her shadow,
All of what I have seek so far
I have found in every thing on which she brushed.
After all,
I'm just a pale reflection of the stars
In her night sky,
The dying firefly in her garden
Of white poppies and wild rose hips.
Just pure desperation.
2.5k · Jun 2015
Love No. 19
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
My dear,
You don't even know
How much my thoughts are
With you.

It's blue.
2.2k · Jun 2015
Love No. 21
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
I found you half-dead.
In your eyes,
pupils were still giving away the scent of love
Breaking the harsh silence and the dark shapes of ****** footprints
Painted on your face.
The line of your body, turned into a mosaic bloomed scars,
Awakened a yearning inside of me, chopped my heart
In the timid kisses and gave away the color of your veins
Scattered on the fabric of our first awakenings.
In the depths of your flesh I'm trying to find the deafened sobs
I've listened to the dreamy nights
Under the veil of your skin,
Hidden from all sadness hungry of my tears.
I'm leaning your bloodless fingers on my lips
Listening to your presence.
By kissing your ******* I'm diving my touch in your naked
Lungs, spread out like a butterfly
Imprisoned inside your glass body.
With my tongue I'm discovering the taste of your neck,
Decorated with a red line
Of my love.
I'm biting your vocals,
Remembering of your laughter that still echoes
In the spaces of my thoughts.
You're still beautiful, safe in my arms.
You give away your happiness with a smile on your torn face.
Your love reaches me through a mild rushes of wind.
I'm leaning my cheek on your ankles,
The softness of your flesh overtakes me by passion.
And you are giving me your last stirrings of life
That you don't need with the tenderness that my breath is giving you.
I lie down next to you on the bed soaked in red,
I'm overtaken by the smell of rotting roses and smooth juices
In which we sink together.
I'm putting the remains of your waxy face on my shoulder,
I'm choked by soft closeness of your tangled hair
Packed on the pillow.
And I feel your gratitude,
While the sweet sounds of loving
Float through our world,
Safe and bloomed.
A little bit of necrophilia.
2.2k · Jun 2015
Love No.16
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
Somewhere, in the sleeping corners of the Universe
You eat my heart, raw
Removing the sticky traces from the lips
With your teeth
And catching stray drops of juice with your tongue.
With red fingers you touch my eyes
You crush them
Like blackberries and absorb them inside of you.
You bite my thighs,
Sprinkling them with cinnamon and melt in your throat.
You swallow me
Gradually, with seeds
Wiping your fingers on my cheeks.
Do you know that?

You have no ******* idea.
Just *******.
2.0k · Jun 2015
Love No. 23
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
With bitterness.
I bring myself near your face.
In myself I break
All of  desire for happiness.
Be here.
I keep you in the blue spaces of my thoughts,
Where the raindrops can not reach,
Where sunflowers
Wither in solitude,
Where words break the silence
In countless shards of your touch
And the walls are touching the glass clouds
Where I carve your every breath.
I can not plunge myself in your eyes,
I'm drowning in their depths
Of the colors of oak bark and fruit of the first chestnuts.
Don't ask anything,
Just pour my fingerprints on you
In eternity,
In the sound of lips separation,
In the softness of skin pressed against the cheek.
Feel my suffering
Whispering in your ear.
A song for an *******.
1.9k · Jun 2015
Love No. 20
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
Like a cotton candy you're sticking on my lips,
I'm ripping you off with my teeth and melting you in my throat.
Soft, in the echoes of breaths
You are kissing my heart,
Sprinkling it  with cinnamon
And wrapping it in orange peel,
You're wearing my taste on your fingertips.
I'm finding you in every blink
When I forget what you look like in the fall
Standing under the thousands of paper cranes,
Hugging my loneliness
And forgetting yours.
Sometimes, you're gliding down my back
And dropping through the skin,
Burning, soft
In echoes of breaths,
In the salt void
Of a blink .
I like paper cranes.
1.8k · Jun 2015
Love No. 25
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
You love me in intervals of the short beats
Hidden in the blue ribbons beneath the skin,
With a spiral breath you envelope my lost sorrows
In cascades of soft desires.
You dream of me.
You lean your cheek on the purple shadows
Of curved petals of saffron in the frost
Not knowing that
In every line of my heart I seek a part of you.
I stop in the mists of endless contours
Imagining the smell of your hair
And lips of raspberry
Crushed under the fingertips.
Wanting you is like walking on the wire
In another universe drowned in darkness,
Like touching a hot cup
Left on the edge of the table
And like melting the honey under the tongue.
And you,
You love me with a look, gesture,
With every lash that pops into your palm.
That is love.
1.8k · Jun 2015
Love No. 15
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
I'm burning under your skin
I'm drowning in a tide of your blood
I love you with my fingers, with my teeth,
With coral hollows of my neck,
You don't even know it.
Maybe you don't need to know
That I'm eating you
Like unwashed strawberries.
Quietly, I'm spreading you
Over my lips,
I'm melting you on my taste buds,
I feel you gliding down my throat,
And ruling down my bowel,
You are twitching of surprise with
My every bite.
Covered with coconut flour
You are resting on my thighs,
You do not read my mind because for that
It takes more than a touch
Something decorated with Baroque epithets,
Hidden in the meadow with dandelions,
Something that is not ours and should not ever be spoken.
I drink you like wine left in the sun,
I sleep in the corners of your moves,
You don't even know it.

Maybe you don't need to know.
And that's how you left.
1.4k · Jun 2015
Love No. 1
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
I started tearing a tissue.
An old tissue in which the cotton is easy tearing apart.
I tore it into stripes,
Twitch it in the small pieces of cloth.
It was a summer afternoon,
I sat slumped on the kitchen floor.
In the distance you could hear the radio.
Last night I cried.
And this morning.
In a dream.
Under my withered eyelids
You appeared
Bringing the blossomed memories.
In immoral attempts
You want me sunken.
Red dust of tissue
And that tingling all over me
In this icy solitude
They take you by your waist
And it's like you're here with me,
With your head laid on the ****** tiles.
Suffering floats through the air
Darkened with the walls of smoke.
I'm touching your death,
Calmed for a long time,
I'm saving your pain
In the interior of your ribs.
I can not tell whether this is really you,
Grubby and rotten.
With my lips I'm touching the red clusters of your brain
Which is slowly turning into roses
Or maybe cyclamen.
You are still present here,
Your beauty has not changed
Although your eyes are empty and cheeks sunken.
I wipe your face remains with a tissue
And I cry.
I killed you,
And put your soul in a jar
Painted in the colors of my heart.
And now we are here
Together reclining in clotted blood
Covered with cotton threads
Of a tissue.
Just another necrophilia poem.
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
I want to sleep the dream of the apples,
to withdraw from the tumult of cemetries.
I want to sleep the dream of that child
who wanted to cut his heart on the high seas.

I don't want to hear again that the dead do not lose their blood,
that the putrid mouth goes on asking for water.
I don't want to learn of the tortures of the grass,
nor of the moon with a serpent's mouth
that labors before dawn.

I want to sleep awhile,
awhile, a minute, a century;
but all must know that I have not died;
that there is a stable of gold in my lips;
that I am the small friend of the West wing;
that I am the intense shadows of my tears.

Cover me at dawn with a veil,
because dawn will throw fistfuls of ants at me,
and wet with hard water my shoes
so that the pincers of the scorpion slide.

For I want to sleep the dream of the apples,
to learn a lament that will cleanse me to earth;
for I want to live with that dark child
who wanted to cut his heart on the high seas.
Just Lorca
897 · Jun 2015
Love No. 33
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
What do you think of,
When you open your eyes in a blue box of the universe
And when you drown your dreams under the covers
Where you hide your cold hands and my desires?
Do you bite your lip to blood
Casting away your pain through the red fingerprints on the skin
Where I dream under a leaf of nettle
And I burn your fingertips
Every time you want to touch me?
On the farthest star of our meetings
You are leaning on my knees
Not knowing that my flesh trembles
Like you are ripping it of with your teeth
Piece by piece,
Sweeping my remains off your chin
And with a smile,
In the purple hues of agony,
You love me.
Do you think then
How pain tastes so sweet
While you melt it under your tongue like an almond,
Counting my every breath,
And do you remember it in the blue box of the universe
While you close your eyes,
With cold hands and flaming fingertips,
And loving me?
Just some thoughts before sleep.
844 · Jun 2015
Love No. 10
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
Because of you, I have drowned my hopes.
I would kiss your words,
But I do not hear them because you do not feel me here,
On this sad sky
Where sleeping thoughts glide.
Fall in love with my attempts,
Understand that I have nothing more.
My faded smiles seek for you
In these cold corridors of my heart,
But your steps have become unattainable, strange.
You looked at my longings,
Caught by contours that are touching
This restlessness of our non-existing breath
Frosted in your turn on some another love.
And I'm alone,
Destroyed shadows that surrounded me,
Blighted all gateways that are leading to you.
And through this wage contours now I'm sinking,
I call your eyes, to hear me,
To raise me over the hands of despair.
I no longer recognize your face,
The tone of your lips and the line of your neck.
I sank in the salinity of the pain, wondering
Have you changed the way you walk
And how much rain drops you keep on the lashes.

Because I used to know their exact number.
Sorry bro.
804 · Jul 2015
Love No. 11
Maja Sabljak Jul 2015
It's four in the morning, and I'm still in the same place.
In the same position.
In the universe of a thousand light years away from yours.
At the moment I do not feel anything.
That panic that radiated through my every pore
When when you left this afternoon
Merged with the walls of smoke that are slowly drenching
Stripped window glass.
You went forever.
I can not remember where.
My mind was preoccupied with memories of your hair,
The way you eat an orange
And of your eyes of the color of seaweed and the trees that are sunking into the sunset.
Separation went peacefully.
In the manners of black and white films that I can not stand.
You never asked me why.
You left me in silence,
Not even looking back while I watched from the window
How your dress crumpled while you were entering the cab.
Since then, I have no courage to walk through the apartment
Because every corner exudes with you,
Each object is wearing your fingerprint.
I wonder if I'll ever move from this place,
Make that first step without you.
Now officially.
I'm not bitter, I'm not afraid nor angry.
In fact, I feel empty.
Empty like the aquarium, which we stored in the closet
Once you gave our goldfish to your sister.
Maybe I'd feel better if the separation was more dramatic,
With some broken object and with slamming doors.
At least I'd feel something.
Anger, sadness, desire for revenge.
Any feeling that would force me to move on,
To not become a plant and to not stay
Frozen in time and space.
Quiet goodbyes are making you think
Of the things you want to forget forever,
Like your almond scent
And arm movements while you are shaking off cigarette ash.
If that separation was restless
I would do something now, maybe even sleeping.
I would not know the number of sunflowers on your dress
As you entered the cab
And at least I would once again hear your voice
While you would scream, cry
Or laughed at me in the face.
I can not stand quiet goodbyes.
You never asked me why.
Because I'm Taurus in the horoscope.
740 · Jun 2015
Love No. 4
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
I wanted to know the taste of your scent.
Not your name, the way you're biting your lower lip
Or when was the last time you brushed your shoulder of someone passing by.
I didn't want your eyes on me,
I merged with the environment in which I found you,
In the frozen air and in the move of your hands when you remove your hair from your cheeks.
I wanted to know the diameter of your pupils,
A reflection of your face in the water, intersected with lotus leaves.
You stopped between my steps and I remained transfixed,
Terrified by your proximity,
Your universe, thousands of light-years distant from mine,
Your dimension, painted in the colors of purple and rotting peaches.
Your breath, elusive unknown,
Rang out in a space in which I found myself trapped with you,
Bordered by my unspoken longing
And with the way the wind touched your eyelashes.
And you moved on, with my eyes
Imprinted in the depths of your body,
Leaving me and my desire to find out
What shade of blue do you dream
And how many wisps tangle around your fingers
When you pass them through your hair.
Just a desperate poem about a desperate man.
532 · Jun 2015
Love No. 9
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
I have tasted your heart,
I soaked my teeth in softness of shy beats
Of crystal walls that have permeated my entire interior
Touching parts of me that make me mortal.
You touched my face giving me a moment of intimacy
What I've been waiting for centuries,
For thousands of hungry bites
Of excruciating pain permeated with scents of your lips and skin.
The color of your eyes reflects in every area of ​​my thoughts
And floods my world with shades of withering lilies
And cyclamen covered with frost.
I stopped in that moment, dipping my hands
In all that constitutes your being,
Covered with red traces of your moves,
Stunned with the way you move in space
That is soaked with my loneliness, cold pain
And icy sounds of abandonment.
I do not want to be separated from these longings that you have awakened in me,
From the smell of your pores
And from the touch of your hair on my lips.
You're a reindeer whom I dream
Imprisoned by my desire that you really exist,
And that you fulfill my crying hopes
That once, I'll see how you wake up
And on which leg do lean
When you accidentally stop in passing.
A man in love.
512 · Jun 2015
Love No. 7
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
You're the curly thread that envelops my heart
And sometimes it tightens it so much
That beats become blue,
Dark purple as the sky before the storm
And like ripe blackberries hidden below
The leaves colored like veins.
Sometimes you let that the blood in the heart boils,
You immerse into it up to your neck,
You breathe the weight of my breath,
You rinse yourself with the remains my views
And with them I'm trying to find out
The sound of your thoughts,
The length of your touch
And do you look back wen you pass by
If you feel my presence.
Sometimes you break my heart in half ,
Spilling red marks
That burn skin and leave salty taste on the tongue.
You melt it in the heat of your palm,
You bite it like rotten apple
And dream with it under the headboard,
With your eyes open,
Not knowing how much you actually
Hurt me.
A poem about some heart.
369 · Jun 2015
Love No. 12
Maja Sabljak Jun 2015
Today I touched you for the last time.
There are still traces of your skin on my face,
I build the remains of you under my head.
You wanted to die in some different time,
With your eyes open,
Covered with jasmine petals,
In the dim fairy tale without stars,
Without my touch and silence painted in the colors of the sky.
I forgot the melody of your breathing,
The length of your looks between flickers
And the outline of your body left in the snow.
With every breath I sense the taste of you -
Raspberry flavor with the addition of cherries
And sometimes, blackberry wine.
Because I feel intoxicated by your being,
You vaporize through my every pore.
In each one of them I keep you,
Like your fingerprints on my heart
And the softness of your body under my fingers.
Today I touched you for the last time.
If only I knew it was so.
The breakup.

— The End —