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4.3k · Oct 2014
Stormy verse
Lucca Roberto Oct 2014
Sounds of rain
Bounce off
My window pane
The night
Can feel
Ever so bright
Yet full of
The sheer clouds
Cover up
The lambent moon
Lucca Roberto Oct 2014
This night advances past the evening.
The dead moonlight shines in, gleaming.
The tick of the clock is the present sound.
The tea kettle boils on stove, steaming.

A burst of wind punches through the windows.
The candle light's flame no longer shows.
Gently, a sound trees sway through the night.
The tea kettle screeches like a train's whistle.

As shadows crawl across the wall.
midnight moonlight minimally falls.
Light travels down the hallway.
But it dims down and settles as dull.
1.1k · Aug 2015
Owning what we Owe (10w)
Lucca Roberto Aug 2015
We thought owing this world
Would bring us to owning
874 · Jan 2015
A wish
Lucca Roberto Jan 2015
I wish to see
A world that's free
Just for you and me.
Running through fields
Across the trees
Thats where I wish
To always be.
706 · Oct 2014
Shivering Winds
Lucca Roberto Oct 2014
I hear its crashes, like a sudden wave
knocks upon the formless shores.
It's resonant echoes prevail the
skies obedient structure.
The power of the lightning's
Roar casts out into open flame
across the weeping sky.

Above comes down the fragile
tears, beating upon the ground.
The weariness of the shivering
winds blows through the doors.
Eliminating structure of all
established natives.
Hope is left soaked in the soils
of the earth's truest form.
654 · Sep 2016
One Like Them
Lucca Roberto Sep 2016
The misfortune
of having it all

I’ve become one like them
Growing accustomed to the norm
Finding peace of mind in
the minimal
Pretend people
practicing prayers
they don't believe in
truth be told

They ran, for they feared
having something real
They wanted to have security
in falsification
Those little laughs in between
re-lived stories of the time
when nothing really happened

Nothing ever really happens for them

Rather than love and happiness,
Money and clinical-depression
Censorship in their realities
They had nothing having it all

In the end
we are all but one
Carrying the deeds of
another man's profits
While street prophets
carry out the deeds of
our days that will
never be shed
onto the normality of
the dead
626 · Sep 2016
Lucca Roberto Sep 2016
I've met familiar faces in the
Darkest scenes ever unfolded
Maddening their faces, screaming for
Everything and anything that would
**** the pain that drove them insane
They've become locked in patterns
in cycles in fixated routines of needing  fixes

Fighting is all they have ever done, and never done all in one
Once it was easy for them to fail, now it's getting
Harder as the days thin out, as their waists and hair follow

Glorifying junkies and
embracing apostles of death
They had no true motivators
No one to ever look out for their
    interests, only their pacifiers

Who do you call
Who are you to call
on them?
Calling them demeaning
slurs to protect yourself
from your own degenerative
routines & drastic disdain for
the rest

You wash your brain with the
notion that you are
When in fact, you are but a defect
in the washed-up pulp persona
The epitome of plastic in a seashell
Nothing could ever change that
which is your ignorant existence

Deny the Denouncing  of Doubts
that were there to distract the
dancing hippies in the rain
from their ultimate decisions
to become such disdainful
primitive degenerates in the eyes
of the rest of the cockroaches
of 9-5 shifts & 3 minute  *****
in the Fast Food toilets

Come, let them get off together

They come and go and come
and blow
They never leave the circle
of fixated cycles

Yes, I have met these familiar faces
in the darkest scenes ever unfolded
But I never thought introductions
would lead me any further loaded
617 · Dec 2014
Nature's Pastoral
Lucca Roberto Dec 2014
Relax dear child
For the world is your home.
Grow your garden
  with poetic songs
Feed your soul
  intrepid wanderlust
Build the forest your imagination
  enlightened meditation.  
Bring us your life,
   all your integrity.
547 · Oct 2014
A European Escape
Lucca Roberto Oct 2014
The end has paddled
It's way through waves
Crashed upon the shores
Of Roman soil.
They wait for the
Rain from winter's plague.
Riding the desert highway
Across the northern lands.
Spreading on the cold face
Of a european escape.
536 · Aug 2017
Red Thin Line
Lucca Roberto Aug 2017
I remember being on the red thin line
Becoming & epitomizing Destitute
Blessed it too that I found myself wanting
to break from the clenches that bound any exemption, and sought after a new means of
Achieving ultimate ecstasy in a world purged of natural euphoria and anything besides the contemptuous judgment that is almost granted and given at the onset of life in a place that taxes one from the unembellished pleasures a life should often always experience
497 · Oct 2014
Somewhere in my mind
Lucca Roberto Oct 2014
I've been in my mind
For quite some time.
It has become lonely.
The suffering has done much crime.

No stop it's fine
It's truely okay.

Just get through dawn
And break away.

A wise man once muttered

  – Seize the day

Tell the people to sit
         and pray

Forgetting my mind,
                  It has increased
                  Its decay…
483 · Oct 2014
Feed the light (Free Verse)
Lucca Roberto Oct 2014
What lies within the darkness
  – Fearless souls
The fear built up
  – They feed off of
Nothing more they see
  Serve the dark
– To feed the light
480 · Oct 2016
All of Us
Lucca Roberto Oct 2016
All of us
We all just

Please help the last dying
Caress me gentle maiden
Stab me loving Brute
& destroy me
Ninth Crusade

Between all of these deeds
I’ve seem to be just a tad shy
on the pleas  provided by
We, the people

I just want the freedom I get
from preaching my internal
to be shared
amongst the gods and devils
on my left & right shoulders
The shrinks and pill-poppers
on my back & streets
Even to the minimum-waged
coke-heads over at the convenience stores

When a clear-conscious is crafted
and often misinterpreted
The mischievous misfitted maniacs
begin to adhere to the thoughtless
criticism and go forth to self and peer
The man of non-discretional
flaccid progression stands high and mighty
before a crowd of unrestrained deplorable
rightists that never seem to get it right
We let it happen
We think it is a sitcom!

All of us
we just
scream at how funny it is

Yet none of us will be smiling
come the day of the last man’s death
The gentle maiden’s true intention
The limbs of Caesar and The Crusades
as they all prevail

All of us
will just
Lucca Roberto Aug 2017
Aimless as we are
Drifting thru the somber sights
Drifting thru street lights

Directing us to the never clear

Late nights alongside a fearful

I drive her home as her favorite melody
repeats in our heads
It's as if we've loved perpetually
And resented somewhere in between
However, the case is we will never know how much really lies there for the other
Regardless of ulterior endeavors
& Alternative societies that will
keep us mirrored
Whether it is one-way, anyhow.
7/10/17 1:51 a.m
~room for more~
397 · Dec 2014
So distant
Lucca Roberto Dec 2014
So distant I was
  Against the mountains of sand
Pressing my sadness
As wind seizes to gust
Running in shadows
  Sharing luminance
387 · Aug 2016
Paris & Rome
Lucca Roberto Aug 2016
It's funny, you know?
How we used to talk of Paris, Rome –
one day where we would call our home

But no longer do we talk, and I have a flight booked
to Paris; I've already been Rome

You are still close to home, talking to others now,  of
Paris, Rome
I am just rediscovering my account on this website... It's been over year since I've posted.
378 · Aug 2017
Idenfinite Suspension
Lucca Roberto Aug 2017
You lead a life which happens to be fallacious
You live inside your head and happen to never travel far from it
In fact, you praise the open road
and travel, still you sit relapsing on
obscure memories that only ever bring you to the borders of insanity

No one could have dreamed this up but yourself
The world continues to rival and thrive
and wallow and rise from malign characters and sensibilities

Or that so you think

All you ever happen to do is not much but
Drive your self dry in misprinted thoughts and distract yourself from the evidential truth

Post-parched, you continue to further down a path which is only going to crackdown upon your world of disinfected affairs
Soon, will the sooted streets that chafed your unworn boots collude
And all that was ever known, even if it was but the faintest of an understanding as to how this time in space truly functions, Will soon perish in sanctuary

Soon will contemporaries all alike
Recede with tides anew
Soon will it onset the primitivism
Locked behind plywood doors
Soon will you know unfortunate
Tribulations beyond recovery
Soon will you be segregated from
Yourself, indeed

Indefinite suspension will bestow
a harrowing animation that will find
Itself repeating until you finally cross the
aforementioned border without any luck
Of returning home to the sheer bliss that
Was only good to you in youth
Fair enough in the last years adolescence
But unforgiving come the dawn of manhood
And soon on
362 · Sep 2016
Keep my Change
Lucca Roberto Sep 2016
Keep my change of heart
Tell them to leave my bed
I don't need it anymore
I don't think it's time
No, I don't think it's time
to begin the spiteful intentions
Leave those for another day
Today, just sit back
The world is burning right before
my eyes
It's beautiful, trust me
Fires never really burn like this
But today, I see everyone's smiles
Melting off their fragile masks
into grey ash where
they all once stood
lying their
lifeless lives away.
329 · Nov 2014
Edge of Your universe
Lucca Roberto Nov 2014
Meet me at the edge of
Your universe
We will travel
To your parallel
Where we find
In such opposite.
260 · Sep 2014
Take it
Lucca Roberto Sep 2014
Thoughts whisper to me
           They speak of guilty innocence
            Death to thee they plea to me
         They wrong me with a false sense

                              Take it
               They urge me to finish it
              Take myself I call my own
             End my life that I shall throw
                  And see the darkness
                  At the end of the road
189 · Dec 2019
Lucca Roberto Dec 2019
Could I die just one last time
inside your arms
Before our narrow minds & empty eyes
have tasted the kiss of a thousand blind cries

We try to escape the momentum of the past
but our light can only go so fast before
time catches back up again
We are fading as the dusk fills what we
had once then

I watch her shed the tears I so
desperately tried to hold back

You're going away now
for a lifetime or two
but before you go
so that I know we'll get thru -

Could you die just one last time
inside my arms
& taste
    my silent,
             blind cries?

— The End —