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3.0k · Jun 2017
Jair Graham Jun 2017
He's sandstone in the desert, I'm the blue sky wrapped tight around him.
I kiss him with raindrops and in return he makes flowers grow.
We are like a lion and a nightingale; nothing alike but our marriage is the truest union.
1.2k · Mar 2017
Jair Graham Mar 2017
I, your oak tree ask, will you rest your painted wings on my branch?
I know I can't make your fleeting candleflame of a life last more than your few bright days, but for now rest upon my ancient bark and hear the lullaby of my leaves.
If rain should cause you to falter I'll bend my branches to shield you from the icy volley of raindrops.
As stars fade out in ink of night, I'll let a leaf fall from my bough and I hope it brings some comfort, in your last glimpses of this cruelly beautiful world.
1.0k · Dec 2016
Jair Graham Dec 2016
Dahlias, little blue fence, the sweet breeze; long grass in the frontyard.
Kisses with intent lips, September; lemon-poppyseed cake.
The big moon.
Dogs howling, a scratch from a bramble on my wrist.
10pm and the rainfall.
9am and a rainbow arcs over our house which resembles a doll house.
Who is the antagonist in this mess of a story?
Burning love-notes in the kitchen,
The coffee tastes wrong, WE used to share it.
You take the puppy and leave only flower-petals in the sink as proof you were ever here.
Cigarettes and nightwalks, dawn; waking in the backseat of my car and hangovers hanging over.
Goodbye dahlias and house with little blue fence,
Bye comfort.
The world is a newborn.
I am at my beginning too and I take a breath....
Jair Graham Jan 2017
One million dollars in between her fingers,
Chipped blue nail-varnish.
A cigarette; a tired frowning mouth.
Black denim jeans.
A petrol station, expensive perfume on her neck.
A flower patterned halterneck, a bottle of liquor.
The faded sun hides behind cloud bodyguards.
The woman is alone at midday,
The breeze is cool, the alcohol is sweet, her tears are hot, the mascara runs black.
She's tired; is she lonely?
She's lost, but a lone hunter.
The girl is beautiful, mid 20's with dark rolling hair and freckles.
The girl is tragic.
She wipes her eyes and leans back against the red brick wall, half concealed in shadow.
She eats an apple.. takes of her worn leather sandals,
Sits on the hot dirt, then the rainclouds come.
Rain falls and chills her clothes and skin.
She applies pale pink lipstick and calls a taxi from the payphone.
White peonies, 300 or more.
Dark oak coffin.
A lady in a grey fur coat, an embroidered handkerchief.
Tears, blonde hair, the smell of hairspray.
A young couple with dark eyes and bronze skin, their hands grasped.
'True Colours', a male pianist, stained glass, high ceiling, arches.
Loss of friendship.
Fingers crossed.
Will love enter and lightning strike some wonder into the girl-woman's life?
She holds her sister's cold porcelain-white hand, stops a moment to take in the tattoo of a shallow in black ink.
29 years old.
Always one year between them but there might as well have been 20.
It's been four months since they met for coffee out near
the motorway where Helen was working at the time.
A golden locket; Helen places it around her sister's slim neck.
673 · Mar 2017
Jair Graham Mar 2017
I was an empty house before you found me;
You have planted wildflowers in the garden of my soul.
Now I walk beyond every horizon and paint the morning sky with our story.
616 · Apr 2017
Jair Graham Apr 2017
She's a newspaper.
There's her headline bold and brash;
But read the small print and she becomes a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.
The words are memories which moulded her, the pictures are dreams, aspirations and fears.
Her paper pages may be thin but each is woven with lines of strength.
Her heart lies at the epicentre of the fold in the pages and it's the most wonderful thing.
Jair Graham May 2018
Hold my hand like that time in Eugene.
Please save me from this pill-routine, this empty dreaming time.
I am a shard of glass fallen from a high window and now I can only lie here until you save me, pick me up.
I'm a newspaper left in rain-showers, my sense of self lies in inky pools on the sidewalk.
I am lost in that same endless Monday when you left, took your suitcase and everything inside of me.
Could I have my heart back please?
467 · Sep 2017
Jair Graham Sep 2017
She's tired of being a doll.
She no longer wants to be locked in a drawer with her pale pink dainty lips pressed against the ceiling of her rose-petal scented nightmare chamber.
She's old news now, Julie is the one to they all dote over, her hair's a shade lighter and glossier and her little boots are a more brilliant pink. Julie's dress isn't frayed like Arleta's, the flowers on the new doll's dress are more detailed and eye-catching.
Julie's perfumed with lemon and jasmine, Arleta used to smell of roses plucked at dawn after rain, now the once-sweet scent is toxic and she can't escape it.
She met a boy-doll once; Marr.. he looked at her as if she was a ship freshly painted and awaiting her maiden voyage over apple-green seas. Her tiny china heart had flipped that day and then never beat with such lovestruck ferosity again.
He'd fallen from a 3rd storey window and had been too broken to be mended, just like her worn little doll-heart.
But if she could dance like the young girls in the village do, in the buttercup fields.. if she could share carrot cake as dusk approached across the river and could sleep the night away in a hot air balloon!
If her legs could run and leap, and her delicate lips could kiss a charming boy..
She holds hope in her chest and crosses her porcelain fingers, maybe luck will fall into her lonely life like a jewel in a hail-storm.
455 · Mar 2017
Jair Graham Mar 2017
His lips, honeysuckle.
His hand on her chest, warm and soothing.
A hot kiss at the base of her neck,
His strong fingers running through her hair...
Whiskey on her tongue;
Two bodies, touching, feeling, receiving.
Hot, delicate, sublime;
Tender, creating sparks,
439 · Jan 2017
To feel something more
Jair Graham Jan 2017
Kiss my lips,
Find me where I lie in icicle-blue shade.
Throw me the rope;
Inside this canyon I'm flower-like reaching out desperate for.. something.
Let me feel your hand against my chest,
I need to feel some tenderness, lately I've stumbled in this hurricane world.
Can we watch stars from the porch and cry and feel everything?
Your tourmaline eyes will calm my mind;
Our love is brave and invulnerable.
439 · Apr 2017
Cloud 9
Jair Graham Apr 2017
The swimming pool in Kansas.
Grey eyes!
Your hand brushed mine;
The water was cool and there were chestnut-coloured butterflies in the air.
It rained and we kissed eyes-closed in the car-park under an elm tree.
No communication, only a shared moment and then into the night you walked; walked away, away.
422 · Jun 2017
Jair Graham Jun 2017
I wake up only to fall into your galaxy-eyes;
We lived before side by side on some other planet where the dirt was pale-blue and poppies grew in every direction for miles.
We were identical to the people we are today but had different names.
I found you again; it's magic.
We'll forever keep meeting one another, I know for certain;
So don't be afraid of time and ageing; we'll never be truly gone.
417 · Feb 2017
Jair Graham Feb 2017
Pearly-white teeth, grey eyes.
I imagine that your arms could be my castle.
We'd be strong together,
I'd fight for you.
416 · Apr 2018
Jair Graham Apr 2018
Charcoal lines of society try to contain us, but like flames we'll leap right over...
In your dark eyes, I see, atop a craggy-cliff a garden of bliss.
Dancing colours painted onto flowers; there dreams rise from soil and new-leaf by new-leaf a beanstalk of aspirations is born.
As blood brother's are bound, so us too will share a connection deep as a diamond mine.
I know we will be happy winged creatures when we finally reach the shores of the place we were always meant to call home.
380 · Mar 2017
Jair Graham Mar 2017
In your eyes I find strength to go on,
In kisses from your lips I find love,
In the way we hold hands I find hope,
In you I find everything.
360 · Jan 2017
The Return
Jair Graham Jan 2017
My arms are open and waiting for you to find a road that leads back in my direction.
I'll kiss you;
With starry eyes I'll hold you.
You'll kiss me;
And I'll be held by your brown eyes.
348 · Mar 2017
Jair Graham Mar 2017
Holding you, it's magical;
Like flying.
As I lie broken vase-like you reassemble me.
You're a slender flower, am I the petals?
Now, always;
294 · May 2017
Jair Graham May 2017
Eyes, lips, soft hands.
You kissing me is like moonlight falling on still midnight seas.
Up to clouds you carry me; I'm held so close I can't break like before.
Us; something that's real.
We'll be defying time...
290 · Aug 2017
Jair Graham Aug 2017
When you died I planted a seed in my garden soil, a laurel tree seed.
I think of it as your heart living on even though the rest of you is gone.
Its leaves are all your life experiences and when it rains I'm sure your shining leaves curl just a little at the tips from joy; you always loved the rain.
Hot days come and I lie in your shade and listen to your versions of the times we shared, spoken soft into the wind.
Yes I cry at times, I can't wrap my arms around bark and feel the same comfort that you brought.
But when tears roll I swear your thin branches frolic; to me maybe you're saying there are still such good things to come.

— The End —