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Sep 2021 · 509
When it's all over
Hope Sep 2021
Testing of my patience
and the miscommunication.
I can't change the past
and for that, I'm grateful
because sometimes
we think we know someone
we never truly did.
Sep 2021 · 3.7k
I said no.
Hope Sep 2021
i laid on the bed completely defeated
with tears in my eyes and a handprint that left my skin heated.
i said no, and i meant it.
but you begged, you just couldn't accept it.
after you ****** me and used me at your disposal
you turned away from me and the phone screen lit up your face
so i turned my back on you and cried into stained sheets.
i never looked at my body the same
after you branded my body with your all-too-common name.
May 2021 · 1.1k
Living With a Ghost
Hope May 2021
Gravity couldn’t hold you to me
Staring at the thins walls that separate us
I can’t hear you toss and turn
I was naive to think we had it this time
I embraced all your faults
But you weren’t ready to hold mine
May 2021 · 734
Hope May 2021
I was just another name to be added to your bed frame
Just a body meant to warm yours
But your racing heart told a different story
Or at least I thought, I hoped
My sheets have turned cold
While you wrap your body with someone I’ll never know
May 2021 · 492
But I'm Scared of Heights
Hope May 2021
i looked around as far as my eyes could reach
i saw blue hues, swaying branches, and beautiful life
is this what life is supposed to look like?

i looked at the birds flying high
and i thought with one more step
or a fall from the loss of traction in my shoes
maybe i could fly too

i looked at the trees shake their green
i closed my eyes, breathing in
there was nothing to be seen
i found peace above the evergreens
May 2021 · 1.1k
Wishes Don’t Come True
Hope May 2021
I wish I knew it would be the last time you’d be over
I would’ve held you tighter
And I would’ve been sober
I wish I knew how much a heart could turnover
I would’ve gone on with my life
And I would forget all about October
May 2021 · 355
Hope May 2021
Going to bed before the sun sets
Fifty two card pickup
And we’re all out of bets
I guess we live and we learn
You’re the spirit that haunts my mind
And I hope to forget about you from time to time
May 2021 · 988
Beer, wine, or liquor?
Hope May 2021
I no longer recognize myself in past photographs
A ghost of my former self forever immortalized
Now I lay in my bed, next to empty bottles
They don’t do much when it comes to company
May 2021 · 660
Strangers in the Same Bed
Hope May 2021
He asked to kiss me last night
I wish I could tell you I told him no
But his lips were soft, he knew just what to do
At least enough to make me think about it the next day
I thought about how he moaned under my touch
How his hair felt between my fingers
How he kept asking for more
How it wasn’t in any way you
And how much I missed you in that moment
May 2021 · 2.8k
Bud Light
Hope May 2021
Brown bottles filled with hops
It seems to be the only physical evidence left
Eleven sit on my bedside table
Ten you finished, one I couldn't, and one unopened
The smell of you is gone from my clothes
Gone from the blanket I hope kept you warm
I still feel your hand on my thigh
Your deep laugh vibrating against my chest
Your hair between my fingers
For now the only thing I can hold between my hands
Is a beer bottle gone stale
But every time I look down at my cold hands
I remember how warm they felt holding you
May 2021 · 2.0k
Hope May 2021
My skin and bones have seen better days,
but I am not asking for your sympathy.
I block out the noise, still aware of the whispers.
Eyebrows creased like my stretch marks,
I want to forget what it's like to have a body.
Instead, see me for my spine
because although it is bent,
it is not broken.
It's just another thing to mend.
Cracked, twisted, and stepped on.
Justifying my hate with forgiveness,
my mirror is used to the repitition.
Finding solace in substances,
I was beautiful before the world told me different.
If only I would've seen that
before the harm was dealt.
Oh, to be faceless
in a room of familiar faces.
May 2021 · 379
Hope May 2021
If only I would've known
exactly what would happen,
and how it wasn't just
something to dismiss.
I wish I would've known
I was witnessing
a slow, catastrophic death.
Apr 2021 · 354
Cassette Tape Nostalgia
Hope Apr 2021
Street lights smeared like lipstick stains,
Driving down memory lanes that don't feel the same.
We feel like we're living on borrowed time,
Trying to find a timing that will never be right.
"Take it day by day."
I'm not sure I have that long.
Apr 2021 · 2.2k
Marlboro Reds
Hope Apr 2021
He said he likes my clothes
And how they smell like smoke
It reminds him of someone he knew long ago
Apr 2021 · 726
Caved In
Hope Apr 2021
Take my body
I no longer need it
My soul is already yours
Apr 2021 · 2.3k
Hope Apr 2021
Even if the closest I can get to you right now
Is just the subtle scent of you on my sheets
I’ll fall asleep with this piece of you wrapped around me
It calms me faster than counting sheep
Apr 2021 · 398
The Cabin
Hope Apr 2021
Trembling hands make their way up bare skin
Gripping into hair, nails scratching
Steady breath pounds against my neck
Legs wrapped like strands of DNA
Always meant to be one
The softest, yet most demanding voice I’ve ever heard
It will convince me to jump
Fingers flared, inviting mine in
Pounding heartbeats, saying what we can’t
Your fingertips dance over my straps
Silently telling me to strip
And so I do
Even in the dark my hands find their way back to you
And your’s back to me, shaking and calloused
Making me fall in love before I could see the light
Mar 2020 · 212
Hope Mar 2020
I feel out of focus
A lost shadow
Trying to find the sun
And the warmth it once had
With storm clouds passing
I feel at home with myself
Solitude in the darkness
A soundless voice
Lost in the wind
Carried away to somewhere unknown
Waves crash above me
It’s been too long since I came up for air
Maybe I will be able to swim to the sun
As it reaches the horizon
Or will I be too slow
And it will fade into the sea
Feb 2020 · 100
Spring of Last Year
Hope Feb 2020
I may not be what you deserve
But I will always be the person that knows you
And I know the little things about you
Your flaws, the details of your smile,
The way you made my heart beat
Every detail about you and your true self
I can’t get you out of my mind
I may not be the person you imagine in your future
But I’ve always thought of you as my life
And you’ve changed back to your old ways
And I know deep down I cant be broken again
So with that said, I’m saying goodbye
Goodbye to the life we knew
Goodbye to the love we felt
Because you’re not you anymore
And it’s time I put myself first
Dec 2019 · 517
Hope Dec 2019
Turning back time
Reminiscing on memories
Innocent I love you’s
Sweet brown eyes
Tearful goodbyes
You resonate inside me
Never to be forgotten
Hope Nov 2019
I can’t forget your calming touch
That I didn’t appreciate like I should’ve
Or your quiet snores
That I didn’t listen to enough when I could’ve
And your soft kisses
That I didn’t get enough, if only I would’ve
Known that you weren’t mine forever
That our time was limited
I would’ve taken in every detail of you
Nov 2019 · 391
Hope Nov 2019
No words could describe the torture of solitary nights
How I sit and watch for the first sign of daylight
Because all I’ve ever known is your warm embrace
And your sweet, loving, beaming face
But now I lay alone in an icy, melancholic bed
And I cry until my throat is sore and red
This will take some time to get used to
But it has been seven long months without you
I don’t believe this feeling will come to an end
And I’m left with no closure and a broken heart to mend
Nov 2019 · 384
Hope Nov 2019
I haven’t visited you in days
But I still feel your eyes on me
We’ve been in a drought for weeks
But it has rained every day since you left
I haven’t heard your voice in months
But your laugh still rings in my ears
The sun hasn’t shined in years
But I still see you in the sky
Nov 2019 · 177
Cold One
Hope Nov 2019
I used to love the feeling it gave me
I would be up, dancing all night
And everything would be blurry
With black curtains draped over my sight
And I would laugh endlessly
Tripping over my own two feet
Admitting my love for others mindlessly
Going to sit, but missing my seat
And when I’d fall on the cold floor
With a hard thud, a scratch on my back
I’d get up to pour me more
Until my conscious would fade and the world turned black
I can’t forget the drunk flirtation
Or the way my heart beat out of my chest
Always giving into the temptation
But now I know what’s best
Because I see him
And his heart is cold
And his eyes are dim
His soul is sold
To the fuzzy feeling
He is not himself
And he needs to start healing
He will never find his own self
His words are loud and sour
His eyes are coal and soot
Because the alcohol gives him power
To stomp with his foot
And curse me all night long
Until I run away
Because I know he is too strong
And his mind is full of gray
So now I turn my back on the bottle
Out of fear that I will end up like that too
That I may now longer walk, only tottle
I want to be like me, never like you
Because to me the bottle is harmless
But to you it is your will to live
And you have turned charmless
With nothing to give
Nov 2019 · 338
Liquid Courage
Hope Nov 2019
My hands have turned cold
No longer warm from your touch
Not like the growing fire in my chest
I miss your radiant smile and
How it filled what alcohol couldn’t
And your sweet laugh
That gave me the buzz whiskey didn’t
And your honey eyes
That made me glow like wine wouldn’t
Nov 2019 · 547
Hell & Back
Hope Nov 2019
Sleepless night, endless
Again and again
Never to be forgotten
Night terrors renewed
Eternal sleep paralysis
Stuck in this repetitive cycle
Infinite nightmares, deadly
You love was timeless
But the timing wasn’t right
You were my person
Why did I have to be selfish
I wake up screaming
Thrashing around in my sweat
Permanently in this nightmare
Never enough nicotine
I miss our nights alone
When there was only you
To have and to hold
Until death do us part
But death came early
And I’m living in fire
Missing you forever
When is the right time
To tell you I still love you
Or to kiss your soft lips
Again and again
Immortal sparks and
Hopeless feelings
That never seem to just
Disappear, like those before you
Everlasting heart and a smile of grace
Who gave you the right
To love me in the first place
Come back to earth with me
You are heaven sent
And I am Bub’s best friend
In a black hole
With no way out
You are the first blossom of spring
The never ending ring
Of constant matrimony
I keep in my heart
I miss you and everything
We never got to do
If only two could hang
From the same branch
We could love continuously
In the river of Hades
And I would know
The choice I had made
Was one to last a lifetime
You cut off your wings
To be with me
Remove your halo
Color your eyes black
Let me introduce
The things you lack
I’ll never let you go again
Through our continuous sin

— The End —