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1.3k · Oct 2017
still I rise
hlynnn Oct 2017
you may write me down in history
with your bitter, twisted lies,
you may tread me in the very dirt,
but still, like dust, I’ll rise

does my clumsiness upset you?
why are you beset with gloom?
‘cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
pumping in my living room.

just like moons and like suns,
with the certainty of tides,
just like hopes springing high,
still I’ll rise

did you want to see me broken?
bowed head and lowered eyes?
shoulders falling down like teardrops
weakened by my soulful cries.

does my haughtiness offend you?
don’t take it awful hard
‘cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
diggin’ in my own backyard.

you may shoot me with your words,
you may cut me with your eyes,
you may **** me with your hatefulness,
but still, like air, I’ll rise.

does my hotness upset you?
does it come as a surprise?
that I dance like I’ve got diamonds
at the meething of my thighs?

out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
up from a past that’s been rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
i am the dream and hope of the slave.
i rise
i rise
i rise
— A.P.
815 · Oct 2017
she dried her tears
hlynnn Oct 2017
she dired her tears and did smile
to see her cheeks’ returning glow
how little dreaming all the while
that full heart throbbed to overflow

with that sweet look and lively tone
and bright eye shining all the day
they could not guess midnight lone
how she would weep the time away

— J.C
660 · Jul 2020
our chemical hearts
hlynnn Jul 2020
maybe we weren’t for each other
maybe we were just like group of stars
desperately refracting light in the darkness

maybe we were just bunch of atoms
aligned in a specific pattern
ready to be dispersed
to be a new cluster of atoms

maybe we weren’t a compound
we weren’t like the other elements
that were made for each other,
to create an inseparable bond

maybe we’re just an element alone
constantly waiting to be discovered
constantly waiting to be classified
to be put in a particular group
contantly waiting for that chemical reaction to take place
but time stopped
so as our reaction
this is when i finished reading krystal sutherland’s our chemical hearts
496 · Nov 2017
hlynnn Nov 2017
Ringing in my ears your voice,
deep, as an underlying tone
in my favorite song.

The note you have hit perfectly,
as you sway by the music you have mastered
is shattering, in an ethereal habitude.

A second of mutual sight full of emotions
we haven’t yet discovered,
we grew scared, cowered away.

As the rays of endings dawn upon us,
we realize the truth of our false inquisitions.

— j.c
466 · Nov 2017
hlynnn Nov 2017
The saddest word
in the whole wide world
is the word almost.

He was almost in love.
She was almost good for him.
He almost stopped her.
She almost waited.
He almost lived.

They almost made it.
439 · Nov 2017
like the water
hlynnn Nov 2017
like the water
of a deep stream,
love is always too much.
we did not make it.
though we drink till we burst,
we cannot have it all,
or want it all,
in its abundance,
it survives our thirst.

in the evening we come down to the shore to drink our fill,
and sleep,
while it flows
throught the regions of the dark
it does not hold us
except we keep returning to its rich waters thirsty,

we enter,
willing to die,
into the commonwealth of its joy.
426 · Nov 2017
just i love you and goodbye
hlynnn Nov 2017
Not once did I expect this to happen.
Never in my wildest dream that I've fallen,
To a boy who wasn't my prince charming
Nor to someone who is my friend.

It must been your sweetness that melt my heart
Or your gentle smile could be the start.
Whatever the reason for me to feel this way
One thing I know, this strange feeling grows stronger everyday

All this time I've been praying
For you to see and look at me as a lady
Every now and then I woke up dreaming
That I can be your girl, not just a friend

Then reality broke me into pieces
It wounded me bad as it came to my senses.
That you belong to someone else
And I'm left alone with all this heartaches

A few might have a clue
But nobody knows the pain I've been thru
They can't guess the sleepless nights
Nor count the tears I've cried.

My friends see me smiling and laughing
Yet deep inside there's no place for denying.
I know a have to surrender and let go
At least to cease and ease the misery

Still I'd be happy,
Coz happiness means seeing you being one.
And let me say this for once, I Love you...!
But I love you more, so Goodbye......
426 · Nov 2017
fire and ice
hlynnn Nov 2017
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
405 · Nov 2017
the darkness in that night
hlynnn Nov 2017
A chill in the air awoke him
And he pulled his blankets tight
The ***** was running strong
It had been a good night

He felt sick and tried to sleep again
Relaxed and breathed a sigh
The room was dark and silent
And he could still taste the rye

He laid there dazed and lazy
But something was not right
He felt the need to investigate
The darkness in that night

He sat up and rubbed his eyes
And looked over at his side
When he didn't see her
A fear crept up inside

He knew something was wrong
She is never up this late
Now his curiosity
Would make him investigate

He strained his ears to listen
Hoping he could hear her
But couldn't hear a thing
Only his heart beating fear

He stood up and walked to the door
And pause one more time
Again he heard no sound
But saw a dull light's shine

It came from downstairs somewhere
And he knew she must be here
He went down the stairs to find her
And grab another beer

He went down the stairs slowly
And turned the corner to the hall
Took two steps to the kitchen
Two steps that was all

He stopped and stood silent
His body frozen in shock
His mind trying to comprehend
As time ticked off the clock

He watched the look of pleasure
The passion in her eye
As she took everything he had
And gave it to another guy

His body began to tremble
His emotions ran hot
He was going to **** them
Right there on the spot

He walked into the kitchen
And tried to grab a knife
He wasn't going to listen
Just going to take their life

They heard him open drawers
And panic filled the air
They were caught red handed
But could only just stand there

He screamed at them and threatened
And smashed everything in sight
This was it for him
He would deal with this tonight

She tried to walk up and grab him
But something held her in place
She knew something was wrong
By the pain on his face

He fell down on the floor
Overwhelmed with grief
He knew it was too much
He would find no relief

The pain was too much for him
And he began to fade
The anger in his blood
Spilling out along his blade

All the screams became silent
And he felt no more fear
This day would never shine on him
For he would not be here

He prayed the dark would come
And take him away
He would not have to feel this
For even one lonely day

His body shook and he knew
That his time was near
When she came to hold him
And whispered in his ear

I'm sorry love, you know I am
Please don't leave me now
I'm so sorry, please don't die
I'll make it up some how

She told the man to call for help
And tried to save his life
His last words to her were
I wanted you to be my wife
403 · Nov 2017
if you’ll ever love me
hlynnn Nov 2017
knowing that you’re gone isn’t as painful
as wondering if you’ll ever come back

did i really mean that little to you?
cause you left me easily...
almost like I was nothing...

sometimes love is not enough
and some things were never ever
meant to be. you just have to
accept it and learn to let go

someone asked me,
“ what kind of person do you want to love? “
i replied,
“ someone who is not strong...”
i added
“ not strong enough to let me go “

my mind understands that you’re gone
but my heart refuses to accept it.

you took a piece of my part with you
when you left and knew that,
i must keep forward
even though it’s hard,
even when you left my heart empty.

if you’ll ever love me please let me know,
if not, please gently let me go

395 · Nov 2017
our numbered days
hlynnn Nov 2017

why’d you leave me?


it’s indeed our last kiss.


i lied when i said “ i’m fine “
391 · Oct 2017
hlynnn Oct 2017
the pain

the pain that you feel,
but can’t touch.
a pain you know of,
but can’t explain.
a pain so fierce
you go insane
the unknown pain
that clutches you heart
and burns in your soul
the pain
in your life
too strong to carry on
the unknown pain
that clouds your mind
and devours every thought
the pain of broken promises
broken dreams
the pain
that’s unheard of
the pain that’s
not seen

— J.C
349 · Oct 2017
pain in pleasure
hlynnn Oct 2017
a thought like a flower upon my heart
and drew around it other thoughts like bees,
for multitude and thirst of sweetnesses,
whereat rejoicing, I desired the art
of the Greek whistler, who to warf and mart
could lure those insect swarms from orange-trees
that I might hive with me such thoughts and please
my soul so, always. Foolish counterpart
of a weak man’s vain wishes! While I spoke
the thought I called a flower grew nettle-rough.
The thoughts, called bees, stung me to festering:
Oh, entertain ( cried reason as she woke )
Your best and gladdest thoughts but long enough,
And they will all prove sad enough to sting!

— J.C
296 · Nov 2017
who’s dumber?
hlynnn Nov 2017
i love you,
you love her.

who’s dumber?
hlynnn Jan 2021
i am mother nature

i am your home
i gave you shelter
i gave you warmth
i gave you comfort
i gave you food
i gave you water
i gave you air

i gave you everything

i am what you called your safe space
i am where you planted your first flowers
i am what brings you from one place to another
i am where you belong

look around
all you see are pieces of me
my trees
my oceans
my clouds
my land
my entirety

every single action
determines your future
every single action
shapes your environment
every single action
is what makes you

before doing anything
think twice
think thrice

when all the trees are cut down
when all the oceans are filled with trash
when all the air are unsafe to breathe
when all the land are abandoned
only then you will discover

the importance of mother nature

listen to me

start picking up your trashes
start consuming less plastic
start throwing your garbage properly
start living rightfully


if I am kept unhealthy
humans won’t survive

i am here since the earliest of times
i have witnessed the evolution of organisms
i have given birth to various creatures
i have seen them died at my own hands
i don’t actually need them
they need me
you need me

if you won’t take care of me
i CAN NOT take care of you

i am not a fragment of your universe
i am your universe

i am inevitable
200 · Nov 2017
first person
hlynnn Nov 2017
as their eyes flicker,
sparks of enthusiasm filled them,
as if something is peculiar...

and yes!
this time it was definitely implausible.

their hearts
craving for each other
drives them insane

I, on the other side,
hoping that “ their “ and “ them “
will be altered
into “ our “ and “ us “
187 · Jul 2020
by mistake
hlynnn Jul 2020
A spoken poetry

I remember when I texted you, hastily heading home with Nikki,
In the busy streets of a lively city.
Standing in the façade of a high-end mall,
Constantly texting the number whom I thought was Grab.
A notification popped,
battery critically low
I frantically borrowed Nikki’s phone,
Sent my last text, instructing him to shout “Lily” when he arrives.
As Nikki bids goodbye, my heart started beating unbelievably brisk.

I remember when I met you, in the middle of the night,
under the bright light of the moonlight.
A matte black Corvette lit up my whole face,
Still processing the thought of a Corvette being Grab,
The debonairly-dressed man stepped out, and shouted, “Lily?”
His words, ringing in my ears, deep as an underlying tone in my favorite song.
His illuminating beauty syncopates with the moon’s aesthetics,
Left me freezing, unable to utter any word.
He shouted once again, “Lily?!”
But this time, it was full of annoyance.
The exasperated tone struck my reflexes, causing to raise my hand,
neurons fire without purpose.
“Get in.” his expression was bland and unreadable.

I remember when you told me, words of regret you feed me,
Words you thought would destruct me, but I found it atypically addictive.
The pain you inflicted sensualizes my wounded psyche.
Subconsciously, I was craving more.
I tried to converse with you, but all I receive was hatred.
You discharged bullets of abhor,
But I threw them into the stream,
and persevered to alter your feelings.

I remember the first time you laughed,
Science was your forte, and mine was in the comical aspect.
I kept bombarding you with science-inclined humor, hoping to connect,
And later on, you found yourself battling in the arena of emotions.
You taught yourself you can’t be in love with me,
But it was contrary to your actions.
You started replying to my nonsensical chitchats,
You started talking about me.
Everything seemed perfect until my eyes became clear of what you were doing,
and reality hit me.

I remember when you broke my heart,
Did you deserve all the romantic thoughts I have of you?
Maybe we don't belong together, maybe I'm just desperate and delusional.
The imaginary love was so sweet, it makes me sad to see it crumble away.
But maybe all you are is a boy, who wants her girl back.
And all I am is a girl.
And maybe we are just people,
Searching, searching for something we have yet to find within ourselves.
So I will let go, I will let it sail into the wind
All that poetry, all those thoughts.
And I will learn to love myself,

I remember the time you came back,
We were about to get lunch, when you shouted my name amidst the crowd.
Reluctant, I declined and proceeded to walk past you,
But you were different that time.
You held my hand tight, with certainty,
As I look upon you, your eyes were filled with solitude.
Your face painted a peculiar type of persona,
And with that, I have depicted the real you.

By Mistake, I found the love, the best I could have, until the end of time.

— The End —