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Sep 2021 · 232
The Phantom Menance
Derrick Cox Sep 2021
You gender is your role
Mine is to be me.
Nationality is your identity
I’m a person from the same galaxy.
You vote for ******* and elephants
I don’t choose sides
That are meaningless and irrelevant.
You preach you’re the greatest of all time
While I move in silence.
You wanna shine close to the sun
I like to keep myself balanced.
You say it’s true
It happened on the news
Fox, NBC, CNN, CW11
let that be your use for TV
I’ll use mine
To fight my way through tekken on the PlayStation.
You come home from Church
Telling me what the pastor said:
Pray for this, pray for that
Come to the house to seek redemption.
Forgive me if I’m not paying attention,
But I don’t sit next to hypocrites
And listen to false prophets
Who **** kids and spouses
Taking people’s money for their suits and taxes.
You’re curious about my opinion
asking why I always close my lips.
I like to conceal my knowledge
Knowing everything is *******.
Like the filters to make yourself look ****
I rather be real enough to show my face
Making money with my own company
But you need thousands of followers
Just to make yourself happy.
Girl likes you for your ink
She’ll trace her tongue all over them.
My scars are my tats,
But she don’t wanna know me
or how I got em.
Your mans say he like you
Because you’re a woman of class?
Nah. He a smooth talker who injures his neck
Just to look back at your ***.
And speaking of which
I really hope you grown men
Would give yourself this chance
To go buy yourself a belt and please,
Pull up your ******* pants.
Your Air Jordan’s are cool,
But they make you broke when you spend.
Meanwhile, I live off Chuck Taylors
and still keep my Benjamins.
You chase after butterflies
Yet they always fly away
You care and fight for those close to you
Because you want them to stay
I’ll be home alone
Sitting on my Iron Throne
with a bowl of Special K
binging on my favorite anime
Then listen to some Backstreet Boys
Because I want it that way.
You solve a problem thinking it’s all over
Guess again *** this is not the end.
Bruce said: life is your ultimate teacher
You can’t buy that kind of education.
Enjoy your mind, be water my friend.
Your American Dream is
go to school, get a job, get married, have kids
But for me
I eat, lift, sleep, repeat,
and stay out of the Matrix.
You say we all have rights
You say we’re all equal.
When will you learn that **** ain’t real
Like your reality shows and relationship goals?
It’s often disappointing
The word that we’re living in
There’s no point of saving it
Because around here
You either die a hero or live long enough
To see yourself become the villain.
You don’t know who or what to trust
You can’t keep it a buck
Or even give a ****.
That’s how we treat each other
That’s how we survive.
Ironic we’re given the name man-kind.
Your folly is wasting your time
While mine is wasted being wise.
You got beef with someone
And so quick to pick up a gun.
Whatever happened to feet and fists
Being the last man standing and then some?
Better yet, before you lose your dome
Give yourself a training day
You wanna go to jail or you wanna go home?
You said when you grow up
You wanna be president.
You’ll be a puppet on a string
Living in Final Fantasy
That’s where they want you to be.
But I don’t play that game
And that’s why they all hate me
*** I’m the one with the brain
The one you never sniff like *******
The one you cannot see
The one watching from behind the scenes
The one who gets in trouble
For saying things that sound obscene
Like Linkin Park
I told you everything loud and clear
But nobody’s listening.
Instead you look at me laughing
Criticizing without understanding
RIP to Tupac
If you don’t know me then don’t judge me.
Word from Jay-Z
Allow me to reintroduce myself
I am the phantom menance
To you society.
Sep 2021 · 164
Derrick Cox Sep 2021
Don’t even.
You weren’t
When you did
What you did

You do something
I thought
You couldn’t do.
Don’t even.
I already know.
Sep 2021 · 167
Rain & Laundry
Derrick Cox Sep 2021
Clouds take a dark turn
I hear the clap of thunder
Here comes the will of heaven
Giving my city a heavy shower

Meanwhile at the mat
For what feels like hours
The machine spins my laundry
In detergent and water

Outside is drenched
After the rain goes
And when the machine stops
I take out my wet clothes

Thirty minutes later
Getting out of the dryer
By the arrival of the sun
My laundry is done

So I start anew
Walking in the light
With my city washed
And clothes that smell divine
We both
Leave the filth behind
Sep 2021 · 152
Wish List
Derrick Cox Sep 2021
Awesome, laid back parents who don’t tell me becareful before I go out the door to have fun.

2. A full blooded trust worthy twin when the rents are incompetent and unreliable.

3. Smoking ****, drinking, *******, and traveling at the age of 12. It seems appropriately early to experience living in the moment.

4. Friends since elementary school so when I go to the club, I’ll have a squad with me to make it lit.

5. My own place between the age of 18 and 21 so I won’t be afraid of being an adult who pays bills by the time 30.

6. An acting or modeling career as a teenager instead of serving the slave labor system called school.
7. A very exceptional IQ to use against people I don’t like who violate the golden rule against me.

8. A fairy tale relationship. Just like the books I read, subconsciously reminding myself how lonely I am because I’m actually in a cliche non-fiction novel.

9. Back to the early 2000s, watching pro wrestling and my favorite cartoons on the weekends that made my childhood happy when the people around me didn’t.

10. Being normal. If that is a wish that can come true.
Jan 2021 · 616
Chocolate Chip Brownie
Derrick Cox Jan 2021
A hug for my heart
Warm, chewy, and chocolatey
What self love tastes like
Dec 2020 · 667
Derrick Cox Dec 2020
You ride the wheels in the streets
it’s the first of many risks you take
But you don’t give a ****
because fear is your *****.
Not every road you skate on is smooth;
most of them are damaged
to make you crack
or make you wise.
And somewhere along the road
there’s always some *******
in your way
to make you crash.
But you’re ready for it
kick flipping over it all
landing on your board
with a smirk on your face.
Life plays too many tricks
to make it ******* you.
But you got tricks of your own
to make it work.
You take flight in the air
like you’re Icarus.
Sliding down poles
scraping off edges
like you’re in an action film.
You fall and get hurt,
but you never die of your boardam.
You get board
and keep on skating.
Dec 2020 · 1.9k
Derrick Cox Dec 2020
You asked me what I wanted from you?

I want you
to make me forget.
Make me forget
Who I am
What planet I’m on
What year it is

Erase my mind
Of every memory
Of every person
Good and bad from existence
And if I should remember
Make me forget it all again

Except for two things

Your name
And your love
Nov 2020 · 455
Derrick Cox Nov 2020
Your mouth
taste like coffee
with cream and sugar.

Your kiss
gives me the energy
to push myself further than before.

Your lips on mine
is what I need daily
to take on the day
and see things clearly.
We all drink coffee. Maybe not everyone, but we all need it to deal with the morning, afternoon, and evening. It puts us in a good mood, helps us think, and it’s delicious. Much like the way someone gives you affection. It does something to your body.
Nov 2020 · 5.6k
Derrick Cox Nov 2020
Yesterday was a grilled cheese
Cheesy, hot, delicious, and simple

Today is boring
A chicken cutlet on a hero
With nothing on it

The next day is not what I ordered
I taste ketchup and mayonnaise
In my turkey, egg, and cheese on a roll
I could’ve changed it,
But threw it away instead

The day after that
A tuna on whole wheat sliced bread
I got it on a hero instead
Since I wasn’t that hungry,
I shared half of my sandwich
With a homeless person
Not like I had anyone else
To eat with

After that day
Was a PB n J
Only I tasted no jelly
Not sweet. Not a big deal either.
Peanut butter and bread
Was good enough to carry on
Nov 2020 · 5.8k
Derrick Cox Nov 2020
Trust me.
You don’t want to be with me.
You say behind my mask
I’m a human who wants to love
And be loved.
It’s not who I am underneath,
But what I do that defines me.

You want me to be Superman.
Your Superman.
But I am no super-man.
I don’t wear glasses and a suit
like I’m doing 9 to 5.
Then change into my gear
to save the world from the bad guy,
get the girl
and live happily ever after.

That’s fiction, baby.

I’ve seen death
take everything and everyone close to me.
I’ve been disappointed
by two-faced people who flip the coin
on the trust I gave them.
I’ve been broken
by many who I opened up my heart to.

I promised
I would never let it happen again.
I built my cave
to live in alone
where it’s safe
and no one to bother me.

The only time I go out to have fun
is in the darkness.
I get into fights
with any joker who ****** me off.
I party till the break of dawn
I drink til my eyes are bloodshot red
I smoke my lungs out
And **** a bunch of girls
who can help me forget everything.

But you though
You do things to me
like kryptonite
that make me feel weak.
And it scares me shitless.
That’s why I need you to stop.

You’re beautiful.
You’re brave.
You’re good.

But I can’t be with you.
I’ll hurt you
maybe you’ll hurt me.
Either way things will be ****** up.

I can’t be your white knight.
But I can be your dark knight.
If anyone ***** with you,
I’ll be your vengeance.
And if you’re looking for a good time,
I’ll give you the best night of your life.
Just flash the signal on my cell.
Batman is my favorite superhero. Him over Superman any day. He’s human. He relies on his own skills and he’s relatable on how we are with ourselves. Although dark, he’s a hero. With me, I wanted to describe my curse with love. Something I knew I could never have because I know myself. So it’s better to be single, shut your emotions off, and not care.
Sep 2020 · 703
Derrick Cox Sep 2020
Everyone! Everybody!
If you all could shut the hell up
For a just one sec,
I like to propose a toast.

I’m the designated driver to my friends
when they can’t make it home
I’m everybody’s therapist
really good to talk to
without questions or judgement.
I’m the priest you confess your sins to
because you’re desperate for forgiveness
or afraid to have a one-on-one with God.
I’m often asked how I’m so lit
without any refreshments.

I’m clear as *****.
I don’t need anything extra
to tell the truth
to have a good time
to say yes or no.

I can dance my *** off
and remember last night was dope.
The morning after
I grab my bottle of *****
drinking my issues, blessings, and my fun.
Sweet as honey going down.

So, if you think I’m lame
I’m actually quite the energy ball.
If you think I’m better than you
get your head out of your ***.
At least I don’t act like a fool.
You think I can’t hang with you.
No. Don’t get the **** twisted;
You can’t hang with me
if shrinking your liver
And burning your lungs like paper
is the only thing on your agenda.

I know you have cancer.
I have cancer too.
We all have it.
And it *****.

So we take our meds
to treat the symptoms;
to feel better
to feel like we’re one step closer
to curing the illness
To feel like everything is going to be alright
even when it’s not gonna be.

The difference between you and me
is that I take the shots
the bartender AKA life
pours into my glass.
I drink
and it’s sweet as honey going down.
Clear as *****.

But please! By all means,
drink what’s in your glass.
Light that **** up.
Just leave me
and my tall bottle of ***** alone.

Because I am about to get
shaken and stirred
until I fall the **** out.

Sep 2020 · 324
The Reality
Derrick Cox Sep 2020
My lady,
I appear to thee.
My face scarred and one armed,
but with a pure heart.
I give you this rose
promising to love you
‘til death do us part.

You reject me.
I am confused
and in agony.

I was driven by a motivation
that was you, my lady
in my imagination
the real thing I wanted to happen.

I appear to thee.
My face scarred and one-armed,
but with a pure heart.
I give you this rose
promising to love you
‘til death do us part.

You take me as yours
with your heart
not your eyes.
You make me beautiful
and happy inside.

When in reality,
I know I’m hideous
and broken.
to dream on in fantasy.
Sep 2020 · 160
Summer Is My Lover
Derrick Cox Sep 2020
It’s the 4th of July
and I ride with Summer
to Coney Island to watch the fireworks.
But she’s the only firework I want to watch.
The only one that excites me.
Her kisses are a flame
burning my flesh
a crimson passion that makes us sweat
with all our hot ***.

August is here
and Summer’s touch is warm air
brushing against my skin
saying she loves me
I can feel her presence every morning
when she is about to wake me up
to go out with her.
Let it be wet and warm in the water
our footprints leaving trails in the sand
Dancing on the floor
like there’s nothing and no one around us,
but us.

I can do this with her forever,
but it’s now September.
I know Summer has to leave,
but I want her to stay.
I love her.

I look at her eyes
as they shine at me like the sun
A light that makes me smile
brightening my world.
She’s gorgeous.
I know she’ll be back
and I’ll be waiting;
just as we both have
year after year.

Leaves are falling in October
And I’ve terribly missed
I look up at the sky
to see clouds spread apart
and the sun shinning down at me.
A warm breeze brushes against my skin.

I love you,
Sep 2020 · 125
Derrick Cox Sep 2020
The alarm rings on my phone.
I want to stay here. With you. In bed.
But I gotta get up for work.

According to the mirror
I didn’t get enough of you last night.
The circles around my eyes are proof.
Don’t fix me breakfast.
I’ll make myself a cup of coffee.
Can’t have you distracting me today.

It’s not you. It’s me.
I stay up late at night
picking at my refrigerator
watching videos on YouTube
until I finally want you.
When I need you, you get cold on me.
I toss and turn
Eyes opening and closing,
opening and closing
until you come for me.

The middle of the day
and all I’m thinking about is you.
I hope you’ll visit me during my break,
but I must stay woke
My coworkers ask me
what I did over the weekend
and all I ever talk about is you.

Clocking out, I hear home, open my door,
and head straight for my bedroom
where I find you waiting for me.
I don’t care about a shower,
or brushing my teeth.
Clothes on or off, it doesn't matter.
My body instantly falls on you
with my mind taken to another world
where I can stay with you
for as long as I can.

Waking up from you
I feel great. And guilty.

I’m sorry I haven’t spent time with you.
I promise,
I’m gonna do my best
to focus on you everyday of my life.
No more coffee, NyQuil or pills.
Just me and you.
Just give me time to fix myself.

Remember when we first met?
It was all arranged. I was a kid.
And I had to be with you
every school night at 8:00pm.
I thought it was ridiculous.
As I grew up,
I realized why I needed that time with you.
Because without you, I’m a wight walker.
You’re important to me.
Sep 2020 · 1.6k
Derrick Cox Sep 2020
I march through a thunderstorm
the same way I marched before
to face my enemy, the devil.

The wind is heavy and violent
trying to knock me off my feet
like a bully I dealt with in school.
But I stand my ground
And keep marching forward
as I have against them.

The sky is full of dark clouds
much like OCD, depression, and PTSD
looming over my head.
But I know the sky will change color;
a beautiful one.

I pass by people running
For their homes to take shelter
and wait for the heavens to have mercy
so they can roam outside.
All my life,
I’ve been running away from my problems
hiding from my enemies.
I have business to take care of
in this storm
and I will get it done
whether the light breaks the fallen sky
or not.
I wait for nothing and no one
And I will fight anything or anyone
that stands in my way.

I’m a stormbreaker.

Thunder strikes
Cowards quake at its roar
The sound reminds me
the clap of the whip
made across my back
as a kid growing up.
But thunder tells me
To be strong and mighty as Thor’s hammer.

I’m offered an umbrella,
but I’m not part of that academy.
I was always shielded from the world
I never took a risk.
I want to live. Freely.
I let the crash of rain
pour on my body like a shower
cleansing me of the filth
I’ve sustained from today.
Drenched from head to toe.

When my business is done
and this storm clears,
I finally rest
and watch the sun rise
on a grateful universe.
I’m aware there will be another storm
worse than the last.

People are fools
believing there’s gonna be sunshine and clear skies for the rest of the week
like the rest of their lives.
They don’t know struggle or pain.
It’s a storm approaching.

And while they will hide,
cover and fear for themselves
I’ll be ready to march again.
Because this ain’t my first rodeo.
I won’t let a storm break me.

I’m a stormbreaker
Sep 2020 · 1.4k
Delicious Things
Derrick Cox Sep 2020
A river of milk and honey
and a fountain of coconut water
was open to any who were thirsty

Colored grapes gave into their feelings
then later gave birth to a drink
that tasted like truth
for mouths to speak

Cherry kissed whipped cream
while fudge, vanilla, and caramel
swirled in their *******

The pies were hot and ready
getting out of the oven
and got laid on the table
whiffing of apples, blueberries and pumpkin

Like a king on his throne
was a thick cheesecake
sitting on a layer of crust
with a crown
of strawberries and strudel

A jar
of peanut butter, oatmeal, and red velvet cookies
was out in the open
for any hand to dig into temptation

Awaiting on a front porch
was basket of
Cranberry, banana, and cornbread muffins
For the door to open
And be welcome into the house
where souls were craving
for something good

— The End —