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 Nov 2015
Dreams of Sepia
An egg, boiled fresh
a matryeshka doll watches
                                                     somewhere the last train
                                                     makes it's way down the tracks
past the lakes
& the reticent pine trees

                                                          ­            the street lamps
                                                           ­           shine wearily

                                                        ­                                        & again, the rain
                                                            ­                         is starting up once more
she reads Kurt Tucholsky
' Schloss Gripsholm' with a dictionary

                                                     ­                     writing down his odd words  
                                                                ­       daintily as if they were glass,  
not to be handled
except lightly                                                          ­          the city holds her
                                                             ­                              like a child
Kurt Tucholsky was a German writer, mostly known for writing in the Berlin dialect.
 Nov 2015
Dreams of Sepia
Dear Night,
please *******
out of my life
back to your bars,
& big neon city lights
don't visit the suburbs
of this small town
where there is
nothing to do
but wait for the dawn
& write
because yeah
I'm even tired of that
old hat trick
& again
there are no stars
in the sky
to comfort my
rickety heart
& no-one on the telephone
& no nightingales
in the garden
I think I am going to have to catch a bus & go into town now or I shall scream because the Suburbs at night drive me insane except say, in the summer...
 Oct 2015
The scared little girl is still hiding in the closet.
Hiding from you and from him, at the back of the closet.
She's under a blanket, barricaded in the closet.
Holding a flashlight, off, dark, on the floor of the closet.
The scared little girl is still hiding in the closet.
Because everyone is home, which means she's all alone.
- - -
Happy Thursday. I love thursdays. They're my favorite.
Maybe because it's supposed to be the day God created the stars...
 Oct 2015
CA Guilfoyle
Nightfall, dark with planets
cold desolate sky home
stars amid nebulous winds swirling
cool icing, caked in frozen states
cynosure of volatile fates
the fiery red that melts blue
tonight a slow float of milk clouds
a diaphanous transient veil
drifts its way across
the moon so pale.
 Oct 2015
Scratched letters among  fragile pages
Echoing the  melody that is so ageless
I heard them once and still remember:
The song of forest rivers in November

And far -away birds' bittersweet ring
Reflected from mind in sudden swing  ;
A handful of warmth in cold winter
I carried in a heart, -  my love's splinter.

Let tears exhibit feelings as beautiful
As lost of them made present dreadful
Do not know why  I was given to you,
But I let the road lead me as you did too.

Don't be quite- paint a sky on a window
And will be new sunrise on old meadow.
Beyond the horizon the promised place ,
Where fluffy clouds move in swift pace-

It's all what I will take there with me
It's all what I will let after me to be.
 Oct 2015
CA Guilfoyle
I am surrounded by night, windless
hot as fever, even more troubled
the places I've called home, abandoned
along with everyone, days in a desert alone
I speak to no one, only the sky
the night moon, my mother
whispers in metaphor
something brilliant
I tremble, quiver
in time with
the stars.
 Oct 2015
Rob Kingston
An emporium full of visual delights, moonbeams bounce and dance, around a pitted cloud clear site.

A shooting star shining, a whooshing sound if heard, lights the sky as it blazes bright, starting in the east, accelerating, disappearing out of pleasured sight.

Stars blaze illuminating dark, the galaxy forming its magical map of horoscopes in this glorious orb, Its North Star guidance for some who navigate upon our planet earth be it on land air or under the sea, a million or more miles the distance should we achieve the ability to or want to go see up close these glowing planets of rock, gas and ore.

Dying stars growing in their brightness, as if, a last attempt of holding life,
Glowing brighter than before their internal charges disperse, fading no longer able to ignite.

Dancing colours in the north and south, painted great abstracts wide and far,
Hues of fusing reds oranges yellows greens across dark blue,
Spectacular moments for those with time to sit, observe and view, these magical electrically charged special dancing hues.

Reflections distorting down below, hues shading, appearing blushed as oceans gush and light rides upon a moonlit magnetic heaving tide, a tide awaiting, a stage set for two

Only you can see the magic being created in front of misted, barely woken if open eyes,
Only you can see the rising spirits coming up to play upon the core of sphere,
Under the kaleidoscope twinkling melee filled bustling sea and sky.

Rise up, a beckon, a call to you, come join this light filled orb of invisible tunes,
Where a piano plays a serenade and the orchestra complements with
Soft sounds of Trombones, cello’s, violins, tuba’s, drums and flutes
A tempo set to sweep excited people off their seat and on into their dancing shoes

Rise up in your sparkly dancing dress and shoes for you are floating Imagination growing with every timeless move

Twinkling stars blinking approval, reflections in the agreeing tide as it ebbs and flows.

Rise up, move, dance, sway, step and jump to those imaginary magical tunes
A prince of darkness, a dreaming queen  
A loving scene, a glory electrically charged night time dancing dream.
 Oct 2015
Rainey Birthwright
The clouds are blushing
Tonight, a great weary eye
Bloodshot, it weeps above
The unfinished conquering
Of the used, tired, blue earth
And all the sky is pointed tonight,
A bullseye omen bleeds earthwards,
Matadors have red caped the world.
 Sep 2015
Yesterday doesn't matter
Just love me tomorrow
So today won't hurt
Hello. It's the return of my short little nothings.
Please ignore, and enjoy your day. Thank you.
- - -
I have a song stuck in my head, please take it away.
 Sep 2015
Paint me.
If you can't paint, then
Paint me.

          Let me be a draft:                                                           ­                       
M o l d e d       from        your
All of your    PASSION    in one place
                                                           ­                         And then
F o r g o t t e n*      or*      *trashed.
 Sep 2015
jeffrey robin

Picture Perfect

She sits there with her Teddy Bear


Outside in the rain

The Homeless Man

Searches for Food



( the song )


Everybody dancing in their underwear


                                                  ­     ( liberation (?)  

sitting naked on the fire escape


She is a poem sitting there


You can even read her singing from

The farthest star.


The young boy wanders by


Discovers the purpose of life

& all who know him

Become fulfilled


The Only Homeless One

Is God - himself


We seem like aliens on the earth itself

Will anybody tell me why


We act like  being victim is alright


Outside in the rain

Searching for Food
 Sep 2015
Dreams of Sepia
two a.m coffee
burns my mouth, my cat purrs like
a child's wind-up toy
bag with old writing
packed yet I'm not going
anywhere, mother
the nights are no
longer young either
*hush, now, don't speak
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