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 Sep 2015
CA Guilfoyle
Nights, we take the boat out
paddle our way green through water
swum by inlet waves, full moon apace
shadowy, ancient tribal faced
lose all trace of the shore, black
but for phosphorescence
glowing, trailing from the oars
a haunting ghostly art
green and breathing, disappearing
back into darkness, swallowed
by black water, by night
strange this death,
this rebirth and breath
felt in each and every moment.
 Sep 2015
Liz And Lilacs
I read somewhere
that we dream in
           why is it
that my dreams are vivid,
                         and life is dreary,
          only colored with
                              crimson blood stains?
 Sep 2015
Dreams of Sepia
night rain scratching
at the lonely windowpane

a house spider crawls
to the safety of darkness

cars chase stars
down hollow highways

I now believe you meant it
when we said goodbye

the last blackberries
rotted in the garden

someone said recently
there are other universes

other than ours
I believe them
 Sep 2015
Vert Clair
Mistresses of the moon, decadent like stars,
temptresses made of the galaxies.
O, my sapphic heart cries for you,
for your hearts to match mine.
Made of the star dust,
and of the atmospheric blue silks,
my soul forever belongs to their endless nights.
 Sep 2015
am i ee

nocturnal creatures,
moon, stars
for company

still air
gentle breaths
summer's last gasps

the night speaks
i listen

in the silence
i can hear
silence & peace...
 Aug 2015
To all the people in love with the moon,
and to those who love the sound of the rain;
this one's for you:
We're one and the same.
 Aug 2015
Cecil Miller
Her memory, the love of she,
In slumber,
That time when sadness sooths itself,
Pays to me a call.
And I, a lone warlock in the dark,
Feel the mattress demit as she sits,
And know her gentle touch on my face,
As I did when I was young.
I  am trembled by her resonance,
(*******, I am trying to sleep!)
Then, I wake to understand what has transpired.
Then, am blessed to have felt her love once more.
Then, I bid her go to God.
But, I do thank her for her visit.
This is a new poem. I submitted it as soon as it was complete. I spent about half an hour working with it. It is very personal. 3:49pm. Aug 19, 2015.
 Aug 2015
Dreams of Sepia
The night gathered around
that suburban house,

amongst the dreaming cedars
& the telephone rang

I picked up, said I'd be there
so I caught the bus all the way to town

Berlin at 3 a.m
was a beautiful stranger

especially Lehrter Bahnhof
moonlight shining through

it's half-completed arches
like through the dead ribs of a Whale

out that late by myself
& at first not a little afraid

looking over my shoulder
aged seventeen

I was still feeling younger
you were catching that plane

& we friends were to meet
you to say goodbye again

& I, hello to the beginning
of the slow journey to the end
Lehrter Bahnhof - Literally meaning ' Empty Station' is an S-Bahn ( Overground train) station in Berlin which was still being built at the time I lived there.
 Aug 2015
Arlo Disarray
each of your letters so carefully traced
and each gap in between oh so perfectly spaced
lining out your distrust, spilling out your distaste
from the likeness we shared that was poorly  misplaced

sometimes, dear, life is just easier this way
with no time to elude in a constant relay
i was caught by my voice and had nothing to say
it was ripped from my chest and promptly thrown away

nothing matters inside the deep vacuum of space
when we're split into bits and our lives are erased
with no sound to discount, with no hum to embrace
we lose our train of thought and forget this cold place

hopping from star to star on our worn, tired feet
we've no place to come down, and no hole to retreat
only past reminisced on a memory sweet
leaving a gritty taste on the back of my teeth
 Aug 2015
Arlo Disarray
jupiter has been longing for our skeletons,
ever since we took our bones to saturn
when we wrought our bodies into the shape of the moon
waiting in darkness for the sun's return

all the fires burning beyond the blankets of space
have carried our breaths to a far away place
though our lips never spoke any words face to face
all the planets aligned in the black, cold embrace

the vacant sky we swim inside is nothing but antimatter
so i guess nothing matters here
 Aug 2015
The moon is now bright and full
showering silver romance,
to the leaves of tree so dull.

A cricket humming his chants
deep in meditation behind
the dark unknown shrub's branch.

Somewhere in a nest, a hatchling can't sleep
letting out feeble hunger cries
her mother did not fetch enough to feed.

While on my walk, I see those eyes
hiding behind a trunk, peeping
I assure it safety, I know may be lying

Night is the time for them to be,
struggling to enjoy independence and security
this unending night leading them to the unknown
what will remain I wonder at the crack of dawn.
What future can we give to these plants and animals, we have already invaded every inch of land and air.
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