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Sep 2019 · 688
Nocturnal Sunshine
Through limerence a longing lust lingers,
Beginning by stroking your face with my fingers,
A sensation wells from my ocean as my body swells with more than emotion,
Helpless to my impulse to begin slow smoothing motions,
Across your soft skinned irresistibly gorgeous pert body,
None of you remains untouched apart from the parts the animal in me wants so much,
As smoothing turns to grasping heavy breathing turns to gasping,
Breathing and heaving in unison as I hold you tightly within my clutch.

You whisper softly, longingly your desires of the night,
As our breath becomes heavier we can't control ourselves try as we might,
The rustling of clothes as they become dispensable items,
Only serving to ready us for the sound of skin on skin as the intensity heightens,
Light thuds as clothes fall to the floor,
You moan in a way that lets me know you want more,
In our underwear we hold one another our lips smacking,
Our movements make the bed make sounds of creaking and cracking,
You gasp for air and sigh loudly with delight,
Your body underneath me is the most glorious sight.

My hands can't help move down your sides to that thong you have on,
While they stay on your hips a while as I kiss your stomach I know it won't be on for long,
I slowly slide it down past your thighs,
As I kiss the inside of them we are both on a high,
I move my lips to your lips below your hips,
Taking care to do here what I do there as you begin to flip.

I move my head up slowly to yours as I kiss along the way,
I'm rock hard when I reach you but I stay outside to play,
I slowly move inside you as you feel me throbbing strongly,
As I move in and out my hands don't stop as you start moaning loudly,
The bed it rocks from side to side as if on choppy waves,
The sound of you in ecstasy is what my body craves,
As we reach the top of what we got I leave some of mine in thine,
The afterglow is so bright it's like nocturnal sunshine.
You look at me as I come by
A strange allure as you say hi
I look you up and down for now
I want to get close to you somehow
Dec 2018 · 301
Tasting Your Kisses
I find you against the shimmering moonlight
That dowses the scene in a serene glow.

I hear your soft breath in the dead stillness of night
Softening against the natural sounds of the night
The crickets whirring and the wind rustling the leaves.

I smell your sweet perfume, invading my nostrils
Giving me that comfortable feeling of being with you.

I feel at home when you are here, tasting your kisses
Noting that your mouth tastes like milk.
Dec 2018 · 476
Our Unique Paths
Striving forward, the bustle of the daily grind
The need to be that one percent better each day
We're all putting in this effort to find
The goals that lead us on our way.

Remembering not to compare ourselves to anyone
To focus on our own path and growth
Taking care not to forget to have fun
And to avoid the things that we loathe.

Each and every one of us has a unique story
That unravels as we work towards what we find worthwhile
For some its joy, for others its glory
That motivates us to move in our own style.

On our way we meet other people
And really this is the trick to life
To surround ourselves with those we feel
Are also working towards something worthwhile.
Nov 2018 · 506
Could you be using me?
Helplessly I surrender to the sight of her bare flesh
Another instance of lust embellished by her perfect figure
The pull of magnetic attraction
Is this all we long for in each other?

Helplessly I try to align our lives
Make time to find common ground
I want to know her from within
Deeper than what meets the eye.

But our intentions seem to differ
She spends very little time at mine
And within that time together
Not a single thread of fabric touches my skin.

I ask her "could you be using me?"
She says "We're having fun aren't we"
But I long for more
Than what happens behind closed doors.
Sep 2018 · 461
She speaks to me in whispers
Beckoning me to the dawn of the day
Awakening me with her voice
Soft, caressing and dulcet.

She speaks to me in whispers
Her voice present without a body
She floats in the ether
I wonder can anyone else hear her?

She cleared the energy in my space
Banishing malevolent entities
Although I've never seen her face
Her voice is a reality.

She tells me about the minds of others
Thoughts I cannot hear
Between all the psychic clutter
She makes my energy clear.

She says she is a shaman woman
And works with energy
I see her as someone
Who understands me.
Sep 2018 · 392
The Time Thief
It's sticky and fogs your mind
This green friend of mine
Inhale to feel just fine
As slowly it steals your time.

It comes in the form of a leaf
With it there is no grief
It leaves behind some keef
But it is the time thief.

Many days can go by
****** or completely high
Without blinking an eye
Time begins to fly by.

It makes you do less
You begin to forget success
All you want to do is rest
And smoke it to your chest.

When its time to quit
You realise you're unfit
And couldn't give a s**t
You'd rather smoke and sit.

You might become addicted
Your brain power is restricted
Completely self inflicted
Your motivation misdirected.
I left this poem without a resolution to make a point.
She has yet to enter my life
Like a ship approaching the coast
The winds that carry her to me
Are my own thought vibrations

My thoughts about her ring out
And create waves
Bringing warm waters
To my shores

She has yet to enter my life
Like the sun on a summer's dawn
Bathing the pastures in glowing warm light
She is the warm rays in the morning of my life.
Life has a way of speaking to you,
If you allow yourself to listen
So many days fly by without notice
Without meaning or difference.

Life has a way to show you the path
When we think we are travelling all alone
Sometimes we don't know where we're going
Living life blindfolded.

Life has a way of showing you
Your true self and that of others
If we would only tune in
To those around us.

Life can give you abundance
If we only realise the true worth
Of the things around us
We take for granted.

Life can give you true happiness
If we only let go
Of our comparison with others
And if we take ownership
Of the direction of our lives.
Sep 2018 · 507
My inner self
The earth, the oceans, the sun, the wind
The truth is revealed when you look within
No longer troubled by material things
I am a fountain from which life springs.
She tosses her hair to the side, revealing a naked neck
A subtle invitation to play
As her eyes display a deep furious passion.

She balances her head on her cradled hands
A signal of her interest
While her eyes deep passion demands
That I don't stare at her *******.

Remaining calm I meet her gaze
Her pupils dilate in the shadowy evening
I've been thinking about her for days
Her beauty and poise is sincerely striking.

I bridge the gap our bodies leave
And gently touch her hand
She draws breath in, her chest it heaves
I proceed without a plan.

My mind is free from carnal thoughts
But filled with opportunity
To know this woman and her thoughts
As her eyes see straight through me.

She responds well to my touch
Her eyes now have a mischievous sparkle
I want to hold her now so much
My movements smooth, I don't want to startle.

As she goes to leave she whispers in my ear
Her breath creating a sensual tingle
She tells me what I want to hear
Words a man wants to hear when he's single.
Sep 2018 · 199
I wonder why I think of her
She lingers in my mind
Like soap around a basin
Light, bubbly and fragrant
As time begins to hasten.

Years go by but still
Her face is in my mind
This happens against my will
And in my daily grind.

My feelings for her are nill
Yet she appears in images still
I wonder why I think of her?
I wonder what these thoughts are for?
Oct 2016 · 371
I saw her again
Winding down the week I find,
Your eyes meet mine as you pass by.
Our mouths in sync they form a smile,
Two strangers in the street say hi.
We get paid in ephemeral digits,
For contributing our time,
Another figment of the mind.

Our time is only valued,
Based on descriptions of our experience,
That befit a prescription by others,
A judgement of our function.

We choose our experiences,
So that when they choose us,
We fit in neatly,
A cog in a machine.

All this we do, for the large part,
To free our choices,
To have the freedom to experience,
As we choose.
work money life experience existentialism choice freedom
Oct 2016 · 450
We Spread Cupid's Spell
Our energies combined makes us more attractive to passers by,
No reason to deny, our love makes others high.

Hand in hand we bound around with abandon,
Carefree loving as if we're flying, no sign of landing.

Our laughter and voices compose our own song,
Leaving a sweet feeling in the air long after we've gone.

Like pollen our love mist hangs thickly in the air,
Arousing lovers, darlings and romancers everywhere.

Unconscious are our actions, the outside world is blurred,
We carry on unaware of those who we have stirred.
Feb 2016 · 505
Many waiting ruins from yesteryear,
Begin to beg for play, for sharing.
Spaces left hollow, only by lack of play,
By lack of bustling movement.

These ruins wail the aural ecstase,
Like a holographic butterfly effect,
Still there, yet causing memories,
Effecting wanton, screaming for times gone by.

These ruins they lay still, a picture yet,
Passers by gossip the new owners,
Its orphaned attendees are those who scream,
In their minds, in their hearts.
A poem for a meeting place recently shut down, for music and celebration. There were other functions to the building beforehand, hopefully still others.
As the resolution of an inevitable ending lingers

In my mind, in my waters

Thoughts of a love left like an open book

No perfect closure of a chapter forgotten

Leaves empty pages for the scribbles and nonsense

Of anyone who pretends to care.
Copyright: Doy Le Rama
May 2015 · 493
Life is a sequence of songs
Albums a time in your life
Discography your memoir
Chorus your glory
Verses the hard work, your story.
Harmonies the times you connect perfectly
Dissonance your arguements
Noise your chaos
Silence, your true self.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
The Years' Limerence
Bounce into my life
Like spring waking the seasons turns
Breezy as cool light air
Of a tender morning dawn
The sunshine of my curtains half drawn.
Apr 2015 · 844
The first time I saw you..
The first time I saw you,
You didn't see me,
The second time I saw you,
I had another girl with me,
The third time I met you,
We were with friends,
While I couldn't stop my eyes from delighting,
When your eyes touched mine in that lighting,
The next time we met we touched,
A little too much to be friends as such,
So I kissed you,
And I'm glad I did.
Because now we meet as lovers.

— The End —