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Aug 2022 · 870
This is my heart.
Tierramxrie Aug 2022
In the beginning of my first heartbreak it shattered into a million pieces. I laid in it for awhile before wanting to put it back together because I was numb and depressed for a good minute but then, piece by piece I started taping it back together taking my time with it not leaving any piece behind. When it was put back together it didn’t glow for awhile…months…years until I got a small glow from someone and then it stopped and then it eventually glowed again and then eventually stopped… and then it glowed somewhat brighter and stayed light for a couple months and then…it stopped and some pieces shattered. I began to fix it putting the small piece back in place hoping it would glow..praying it would light up for who I want or who I needed in someone…and then it did it glowed super ******* bright it started to heal itself in a way that I wasn’t used to it was uncomfortable and scary but it stayed glowing for weeks that lead to months that lead to a year and another year and then another year…and then it shined a bit brighter it was uncomfortable I didn’t mention there was a cage before when I picked up the pieces to my heart the first time… my heart was glowing inside of the cage shining brighter and brighter like when you look at a sun and you squint…it was that bright…the cages began to melt away and it stayed lit for those weeks, months, and years…it was ready to share a heart a small one so it can shine brighter…it was ready to say yes a million times over and over…it was happy…and then it stopped…it didn’t dim like when you turn those lights off to make it the right light just for you no it cut off…and it exploded the pieces are even tiny this time the pieces you can’t even see the outline to even attempt to put it together… this time is different…this time it doesn’t wanna be fix it wants to lay in the destruction…it wants to decay. This is my heart.
It’s been a while. I feel like I’m only creative when I’m hurt.
Sep 2021 · 1.3k
Tierramxrie Sep 2021

If I wrote the way I thought I would run out of paper. I know it would be a disaster cause my thoughts are drastic I unintentionally cut myself that’s my bad habit but it helps —in that moment I don’t feel no pain I don’t think about anything but when it’s over that’s when it hits.
My thoughts. Tmarie
May 2020 · 220
Tierramxrie May 2020
Can you be patient with me?
I’m still under construction.
I’m still trying to project what I
Feel better.
I’m still trying to figure me out.
I’m still trying to understand.
I’m still trying to love you a little better.
And I’m still trying to get use to you.
Forgive me but I’m not you I don’t know how to
Love in ways that you do. I’m still trying to love myself and love you.
I’m still trying to be the best me possible for you..for us.
—I’m still trying
May 2020 · 221
Way too much.
Tierramxrie May 2020
I give too much of myself away and end up not having enough left.
What do I need to do so you can see me? So you can understand how much this hurts me.
I’m just one of those people who feel too much and love too much.
I’m one of those who just can’t seem to let go when I know I have too and my only reasoning of not letting go is because I love you too much to do so.
But what about me? What about what I need out of this?
I’m fighting for a love that probably never really belong to me—was it temporary? Am I only good for temporary things?
Do I make you feel—anything?
Jan 2020 · 130
Tierramxrie Jan 2020
Never was shown true love.
Never knew what actual love felt like.
Never knew what it felt like to be loved
With no boundaries.
Without limitations.
With no requirements.
Jun 2019 · 307
Tierramxrie Jun 2019
My mind needs to be worshipped just as much as my body.
May 2019 · 336
Tierramxrie May 2019
I wish my heart can just give up on you because I am tired of feeling these feelings knowing you feel nothing.
I wish they can go away.
May 2019 · 349
Such a waste
Tierramxrie May 2019
You have a good woman
Who did any and everything
For you.
It’s such a waste of her time.
It’s such a waste of her effort.
I couldn’t see before but I understand
Why you don’t deserve her.
Apr 2019 · 692
Self love ❤️
Tierramxrie Apr 2019
Lately I’ve been really thinking. How can we love someone unconditionally but can never apply that unconditional love for ourselves? We need that love too. I wanna love me to the moon and back. I wanna be comfortable with loving myself to the fullest.
Apr 2019 · 610
Tierramxrie Apr 2019
I have this love you crave for and it’s embedded on my lips, come taste it.
Apr 2019 · 438
Tierramxrie Apr 2019
Time is a precious thing. So while we are here now while we still have time. I’m getting on my knees begging for you to be mine.
Apr 2019 · 329
Questions, Thoughts
Tierramxrie Apr 2019
Let me ask you something
Do you have the capacity
To love me?
Do you have the will to
Love me the way I need
To be loved?
If I give you all of me
Will you take it and hold on
To it as if it was the last
Thing you needed on earth?
When I feel like the world is
Against me and life gets
Way too hard and I feel
Like I’m on the verge of
Giving up will you still
Love me? Will you still choose
Me? Are you able to love me
Ruthlessly? Are you able to
Love me unconditionally?
If you see me deeply reaching
Out for you will you reach back?
Feel like my love may be too deep
For you I can love without hesitation
I’m thinking these questions because
I’m Looking at you and I can see the hesitation
And I can slowly see you leaving
Apr 2019 · 379
Untitled 2
Tierramxrie Apr 2019
Take good care of my heart
Protect it
Nurture it
Love it
Apr 2019 · 455
Tierramxrie Apr 2019
Understand that silence is actually loud.
A woman’s silence is very deafening.
Apr 2019 · 301
Tierramxrie Apr 2019
Can you tell?
That I’m going
A mile and
You aren’t even
Budging an inch.
Can you tell?
That I’m trying
For the sake
Of us.
Can you tell?
I’m putting in
Effort to keep
Us alive.
Can you tell?
I’m slowly giving
Up cause it
Isn’t the same
Can you tell?
Sometimes you just have to let go..
Mar 2019 · 321
Am I?
Tierramxrie Mar 2019
To feel like you aren’t enough for that one specific person. It hurts.
What can I do? Am I enough?
Mar 2019 · 405
Tierramxrie Mar 2019
Caress my mind, heart, and soul
Touch there... and there
Mar 2019 · 210
Tierramxrie Mar 2019
When our lips touch it didn’t quite feel the same maybe because somehow I knew someone else took away the taste I was hoping for.
Tierramxrie Mar 2019
You deserve everything there is to give.

You deserve to be called beautiful every single day whether you believe it or not.

You deserve waking up to breakfast in the morning.

You deserve your feet rubbed after a long day at work.

You deserve a love that matches your own.

You deserve happiness.

You deserve parts of me I’m too afraid to share.
Mar 2019 · 295
I’m sorry
Tierramxrie Mar 2019
I’m sorry they hurt you.
I’m sorry they couldn’t understand your love.
I’m sorry they broke you.
I’m sorry that they didn’t see you try.
I’m sorry if you ever felt like you weren’t enough.
I’m sorry if you ever felt like what you said never mattered cause it did.
I’m sorry that you had to cry yourself to sleep.
I’m sorry they didn’t acknowledge your pain.
I’m sorry they didn’t try as hard as you did.
I’m sorry if they made you feel like you didn’t amount to anything.
I’m sorry you went through this you shouldn’t have to go through this.

I know saying sorry wouldn’t do much because you probably heard it so much to the point it’s meaningless but I’m sorry you went through that they don’t deserve you whatsoever.
You deserve better. You’ll find better.
Feb 2019 · 821
Tierramxrie Feb 2019
I know how things are
I’m just trying to breathe
I’m not trying to hurt you baby
I’m just trying to see
If you truly love me
You’ll get down on your knees
And please me the way that I like to be please
The way you gripping me I can’t even think
I get wet easily just by you touching me
And the way you holding me
I still can’t even think
I can’t even speak
Your touch is engraved in every part of me
From my head to my feet
I really love what you doing to me
So I’ll get down on my knees
And please you the way you please me
Let it out and just breathe
Feb 2018 · 501
Tierramxrie Feb 2018
You savored your solitude because it’s much healthier and better then giving someone your entire all just for them to not reciprocate and by doing this doesn’t make you antisocial your protecting your heart after all you know your heart better than anyone why allow your heart to be torn and ripped into shreds when in all you could have just enjoyed your peace of knowing that know one deserves a love from a woman who has giving her all to a man/ or woman and all they’ve done was taken her love and heart for granted
It’s nothing wrong with being alone and finding peace within yourself.
Feb 2018 · 1.1k
My Type of Love
Tierramxrie Feb 2018
My type of love Is the type of love that's rare.
My type of love Is the type of love that's unexplainable.
My type of love Is the type of love that'll leave you breathless.
My type of love Is the type of love thinking of me thinking of you type love.
My type of love is the type of love that will have you wondering if I'm dreaming about us being in love type love.
My type of love is the type of love that'll make you feel good inside only difference is this type love is so much real.
My type of love is the type of love that when you close your eyes and imagine this type love it makes your toes curl.
My type of love Is the type of love were you'll never forget how much I love you type love.
My type of love Is the type of love where we spend hours on the phone not saying anything but enjoying the sound of each other's breathing.
My type of love Is the type of love where even though you be playing 2k not paying me no mind I'll be your personal cheerleader cheering you on type love.
My type of love Is the type of love that will seem to good to be true.
My type of love Is the type of love that'll make me serve you breakfast in bed.
My type of love Is the type of love that will caress your body gently and make love to you.
My type of love Is the type of love that will motivate you to succeed no matter what obstacles come your way because you got this.
My type of love Is the type of love where you'll pick me up and put me on the kitchen table and show me how much you want me type love.
A love like no other. Inspiration came from shihan “This type of love” Def jam

— The End —