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Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I don't have a lot on my mind
But usually peace is hard to find
I fall so deep into my dreaming
I become blind
The significance of wonder can be kind
It takes me places that I've never been
I know I'll reach them; just don't know when
In my thoughts I always win
Just wonder when real life begins
I wanted to write a poem with Travis,  he said, "I dont have a lot on my mind," which I knew was a lie.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
letting my tears fall like rain from the sky
i don't even wipe them anymore
i couldn't tell you why
the pain just becomes
too **** much sometimes
and all i can do is look up and cry
i'm on my knees
and even they don't work right
i asked God why he sent me to live in
such a broken body
every single day is a fight
the fight to be normal
the fight to be free
emancipation from my prison
is what i seek
you say it could be worse
and yes i agree there are far worse things
but days like today i don't feel
strong enough
and wonder why such burden
has been placed on me
every day i hurt
every day i bleed
i'm built to ensure the circle of life
and i can't even plant the seed
what kind of woman am i?
what kind of person is she?
someone who longs to live prosperous in soulful wander
someone who simply longs to be
If you live with a chronic illness, then you may understand first hand what these words feel like. What ever your struggle is day to day, know you are not alone.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2016
and know without trying
that i am doing it right
to know when you see me
you fill with excite
my spirits run low
due to unjustly fights
and i hide behind scarves
and avoid biding light
yet i await for your touch
it will all be alright
in this mask i feel ugly
the day is still night
you've yet to dismount your horse
but aren't you my knight?

i just want to feel beautiful
as well as i might
(C) Maxwell 2016
Luna Lynn Oct 2014
i love you so deep
if time is not on our side
i still fall deeper
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I live a double life because I cannot seem to choose
I have everything to gain
and I risk everything to lose
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
i am nothing but a broken hearted
scarred and scorned woman
lacking the love and attention
that i had so long searched for
though it seems i may have found
a sudden break in the clouds
i'm terrified of what's inside
for even the sun hides sometimes

so when the floods come
and the fire burns out
and i've caused enough disappointment
and there is no tomorrow
and there is no good feeling
and there are no smiles
when the flood of my tears
destroys all you built to keep us afloat
...when it all fails

i may as well take a knife to my throat
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
You are really gone
and they told me it's okay
I finally cried

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
You tell me you're there for me no matter what
So don't ***** when I need a moment to complain about my pain or being sick
Maybe it'd be easier if I was quiet I mean physically I already suffer in silence
So what would make this any different?  
Matter of fact when I die,
don't be one of those idiots falling over my casket making a scene as if you actually gave a **** about my demise
You need attention I'm sure
Oh my poor friend has an illness of no cure
Feel sorry for me see here I am I brought you gifts is that enough?
No ******* keep your material things I don't need them sure as ****
Your condolences and waves of support funny I never do see them
But when I'm on the brink puking into the toilet bleeding in the sink
Then you want to stop and think
Maybe I should offer her help

**** it. I'll live alone and die by myself.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Don't fall in love with me
I'm a total *****
I'll make you let your guard down and you'll wish you never did
Let me be honest i have something to confess,
There's a man I love with all my ******* heart
But confused as **** as to what we want so we always tend to part
and he holds this control over my head making things a mess
Making me a mess
(and people wonder why I smoke cigarettes)

Oh, so you're still listening
This is good I guess
I hate that word.  Because no man and woman can be just friends.
Love was there at one point, it's just at some point it had to end.
Unless it never did and you're one of those sorry ***** in love with your best friend

Okay, so I'm this great person
Am I worth it?
Walk away while you can
I'm a broken, undecided, ball of confusion from loving one **** man
Am I happy?
Hell, I think I am.
When I'm not what do I do?
Spend my days and nights thinking about YOU

What kind of spell do you have me under? I'm all smiling and **** eyes are full of wonder
You make me blush
You make me wet
All my pain is gone and I forget
You say nice ******* things to me and make me feel like the most beautiful person in the whole entire world
It's then i realize I don't deserve you
and I'll never be your girl

It's messed up and I'm sorry for who I am
You say I'm perfectly imperfect
I just hope you truly understand
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
I got drunk today
I wasn't trying to drink you away
for God's sake I need your memories to stay
I just need some time
some time is all I need
I am unsure of what I want to say
Isn't it funny how pain works that way?

I visit your Facebook page every day
and I have your picture on my phone
I'm patiently waiting on you to have something to say so that maybe I can further grasp the memory
of the love you had always shown
The day before you left I thought about sending a message,
I felt a pull; an inclination
Something told me to strike a conversation, but
I didn't
and now I'm a ******* mess because the thought itself is pretty vivid and I said nothing and went about my selfish lie

when that particular intuition was my
only chance to say goodbye
Tears will never end for things left unsaid.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
because it's the only thing keeping me from losing my ****
because the nicotine high is better than hitting a wall
and it's all i've got to temporarily keep my grip
it's always life and you tend to think so hard about it all and your mind is constantly moving
amongst the cigarette smoke
intertwined in the heavy gray
you inhale ****** up
you exhale okay
it's a circle of death they say

man does death feel soothing
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
if I had to pick one word
or two
or even if I could pick three
there isn't enough
there isn't that much soul
on God's green earth
to describe what you mean to me

when my days are rendered dark
when there's scars upon my skin
you pull me close and heal my wounds
you forgive me for my sins
let it be known when I say
you are the best
in fact you mean so much more
i just wish I had the right way to say it
I just wish I had the words

i couldn't imagine sailing
the sea of rolling tides
without you by my side
you've seen me at my greatest
and at my worst
you've seen me deep in pain
you've seen me lost and hurt
but not once have you ever left
not once have you ever gone
you saw our friendship
for it was to become

you asked me to write you a poem
and I'm sorry it took so long
because to sit and write
every emotion I feel
I want to do you most of justice
I don't want to do you wrong

If I ever leave this world before you
will you please promise me this?
Never stop looking up at the beauty in the sky for what it is
For you'll find me in the rays of sun blowing you a kiss
Sending my love in the way of a dove
and through the wind I send you my hugs
and in the entire evening and morning sky
is where you'll see me smile
so please never cry
my spirit won't be bound
and I will always be around

My best friend how I love you so
I hope you never ever go
My best friend you are my all
I hope we never ever fall
Take my hand and we'll walk on

for you have me forever
in life, after, and beyond
My best friend wanted me to write him a poem. Here it is. I hope you like it Junior. I love you. Thank you for always being there when I need you, and even when I don't.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2017
brutal battles fail to cease
from north to south
and west to east
within her head
from heart to feet
it's she against
an entire world
that's quite a job
for such a girl
she tries her damnedest
to say the least
so she lies awake
and fears defeat
(C) Maxwell 2017
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
***** why are you mad
because you are insecure
Beauty is within
A hilarious haiku I wrote with my friend Laquanda. Technically, this is her first poem lol..

(C) Arthur/Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
i wonder if you've made love
the way you make love to me
i wonder if every word spoken
in black and white
was prepared and practiced
and written ahead of our time
i wonder if your love for me shall fade
upon the darkening of the lillies
when the seasons change
so be it if you will
but i'd rather remain alone
this beating box in my chest has
become but a cold center of a core
for every man to lay his hand
softly upon my right cheek
only to slap the left
for every man to say he has
never loved
never wanted
never desired
anyone as strongly as i
only to feel the same for her too
a good woman is always scorned
there's always a past to be ridden
so all the while
you dream of me coming
i'll be dreaming of running away
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
I'm trying to put on my eye liner
you know, get ready for the day
but these tears will not stop falling
and your smile never fades away
Instead of facing the fact you have died
I'm attempting to go on and live my life
but all I can do is cry
just got news of the sudden death of a friend.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
what a waste of night
to count sheep that bleed the blood
of a sacred land
even to count stars
can be an affliction of
the subconscious mind

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
You inspire me in more ways than one,
to bless the world with my thoughts
and write symphonies with my tongue
A fellow writer and friend you have deeply become
I thank you for your wisdom
and insightful teachings
and long conversations
and conceptual meetings
This connection we share is not of the norm, but from a divine intervention with the perfect intention to lead our creativity by storm
So take hold of my hand and let's sing the unsung!
For this is only the beginning;
our time is not done
I wrote this after having an awesome conversation with my friend Daniel Smith (aka freak morbidity). He is also a writer here on HP and be is INSANELY good. Please check him out if you have the time!

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2016
I say I am strong in my voice
You say "only the strong remain quiet"
I say I am nervous
You say "you're overreacting"
I say my passion is to help others
You say I only "seek attention"
I say my battles have been rough
You say my battles "aren't that bad"
I say I've been through a lot
You say "others have been through worse"
I say I miss my hair
You you say "at least you didn't lose it all"
I say I feel ugly
You say "it's not a big deal"
I say I am afraid what's to come
You say "at least you're better than before"
I say the world is cruel
You say "I am different"
I say I don't feel good today
You say "you should be better by now"
I say sometimes I cry
You say "for what"
I say I'm overcome
You say I'm "over thinking"

I say nothing
you say "why are you so quiet?"
(C) Maxwell 2016
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
We met a coffee shop.

Not a Starbucks or a Caribou or anything fancy like that, it was just a plain local coffee shop that served mediocre java and salted lunch meat on stale bread.

The menu was impressive enough to keep the place open, and after all, it's where I met the man who changed my life.

I pretended to be engulfed in a rather boring Sparks novel that I grabbed off the counter to pass the time when he sat down across from me.

His hair was black. His suit was black. His shoes were black. His skin was a smooth drinkable ivory that only accentuated his stunning green eyes. He was typing away furiously on his laptop, but amidst his deep trance, something broke his concentration.


He caught me looking. Frazzled, I motion for the waitress that doesn't see me to come over and refill my already half full cup. Fill it with some of that mediocre coffee of course.


She doesn't come, but he does. He says my deep brown eyes, caramel skin, and tight curls made him want to write poetry. Anyone worthy of that type of inspiration must be approached, is what he said.

I tell him my name. He goes by William. I never got his last name and I guess it didn't matter. By the time we downed our burnt brazilian roast, we were headed out the door in search for a more intimate setting as if where we were hadn't been quiet enough.

I don't now what made me bring him to my apartment, the eighth floor, sitting on the patio soaking in the sounds of the city below us while sweet white wine ravished our veins.

I knew what was coming.

He commented on my blouse, said how it made love to my breast in a way no man ever could. He said my hips were like curvaceous lilly valleys winding around the hills of Maine. He said my hair was sunkissed with natural bronzer that shined eloquently at the turn of each curl. And as his hand brushed my cheek, he spoke of my dimples and how they were perfectly placed upon my smile blessing anyone whom could successfully create one.

As I came out of my bra, he kissed my neck and kissed my chest and kissed and kissed and kissed until he found what he was looking for. He told me my skin was soft as satin and sweet as sugar right off the cane. When my jeans fell to the floor, he traced his lips along my ***** line, saying he had never desired so badly to taste wild honey.

When I was naked and vulnerable at the mercy of his will, he examined me like a feast as if he didn't know where to begin. He entered me so softly, I could hardly tell he was there. He told me I was beautiful. He told me I was perfect. He told me it was tight and wet and he didn't want to be anywhere else in this **** of a world but right here inside me.

I see stars. I see the sun. I see the highest mountain tops after a soothing rain. I see moonlight on a hot summer night and the beauty in the auburn colors on an October afternoon.

William not only rocked my world; he painted it. His hands carried such an elegance about them that my body ached for his touch even more so. With every moan that escaped my lips, he spoke poetry into my ear. Telling me to "look up and imagine Paris" and "close your eyes and build a dream". All of his mumbo jumbo made sense in a weird kind of way.

I always thought people only climaxed at the same time in movies because that's just something you can't schedule. It slowly sneaks up on you like a tiger in the wild, and just when you think you've lost him; BAM. That's when your ten seconds of ohmyfuckinggoshdontstoprightthere kicks in and you realize it was the best ten seconds of your day and of your life up to that very point.

As swiftly and beautifully as he came, he was gone. But before he left me feeling empty and full at the same time, my previous infatuation and excitability had made me succumb to his trance, and I hardly even remembered what (if anything) of which we spoke.

I say to him, "William, please tell me. Who are you? What is your last name?"
His answer baffles me, and doesn't make any **** sense; "You will find me as the candle in the wind, the condensation on a glass, and the fruitful taste of white zin on your tongue in the heat of the day."

And with that he left.
He left me standing there sticky and lonely and satisfied and mad all at once. I figured I may as well clean up my mess, clean up myself, and continue to rule the day.

I begin a motion to take the sheets off the bed and roll them up in a burrito of sin when I had stopped and realized I didn't want any latex melting in the dryer.  
I search for it. Like, really search for it.

Ok, it's not under the bed.

Where is it?

Not in the burrito that I just tore apart.
Not in the garbage.
Not in his hands when he left.
My eyes never left him.
Or did they?


Valleys and flowers and sunshine and stupid *** Paris. STUPID. ***. PARIS.
All that madness and stupid weird *** just ****** me off. It caught me off guard. That wasn't me back there, careless Carrie. No. No.
That wasn't me.

**** it.
I need to shower.

[ be continued...]
This is actually the beginning (intro) of a short story I'm writing that I felt was so poetic in the idea itself so I just wrote in poem form. I may actually continue to write it this way. All rights reserved please, and feedback would be lovely!

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
God* came to me in a rain
and He spoke of Truth you could only seek in His Word
and He sang of songs unheard
of a promise only to His people
God's people

And as He spoke I turned my head,
for fear someone might see me praising the rain like the dead
And the lightening struck in disappointment
and it was then I fully understood
How God created man for the greater good
how sin has taken over the land He created to be pure
how He has created people like me to preach the cure

You see
I let the water hit my palm
and trickle up my arm
and I cupped enough in my palms to cleanse my head
Thanked God for *His
water and bread
and cleansed my soul in the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit
and I thanked Him from the depths of my heart
and I know that He will hear it

So I will carry out what God has asked me to do
He has given me the gift of words
to write what is real
to write what is true
to pour all of the meaningful promise
right into you

Let the Heavens open up and take a look deep inside
See what God has promised you!
The God of Abraham
The God of Israel
The Father of  Christ
and you thank Him
and you seek Him for all direction
For He will provide you protection

Because God is not in selfish churches tarnished by man
He  is  the water
He  is  the land
He  is  right with you
Right in your hand
Oh ye of little faith...
Do you not understand?
It is  God  I say!
It is  God!
It is  God  who will give us the riches of life

**Stop putting your faith into man!
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
and I woke up with you beside me,
you were nestled in my heart
I went to sleep with you on my mind
and you never did depart
I thank you for that
because your warmth;
it comforts me,
it saves me from the dark
Missing a friend.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
in light
in the night
in sickness
in health
beside the bed
you died
i will
never blame

say goodbye
the love
was lost
was old
was gone
with the
we will never
succeed at
in sin

you don't speak
i don't seek
let the fire
burn all
the way out
let ash
become of

love or lust
i never
say goodbye
in the night
in the smoke
we died
even if
we never lived
we thought
we loved
we really did
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
because you think every poem has something to do with something you've done
or something you've said
and you're reading the thoughts that were never read
or you think there is someone else because you just cannot imagine being compared to a sunny day
because your relationship doesn't go that way
because to be deep means surely it has to be about you
and when it isn't then you'll pick apart your brain to see who it's about
just to figure it out
and then you'll realize it was that ***** from six summers ago
let it go
shut your mouth
No I'm going to ask
Who is this about?
Nobody is what you'll say
and I'll know that's a lie

It's hard dating a poet and now you know why
My boyfriend just created a HP profile. We've done this to each other for years. It's rather comical at this point.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
but it happened
and as i lay listening to your breaths
your words flow in my hear
i don't hear
with each ****** of mistaken passion
i look up at the stars on a night so cold
you said it was bound to occur
and so i stare into the mirror afterwards
not knowing who she is anymore
the lines in her face are obscured
clothing myself in guilt
inside i have already been crying
she's looking back at me
and i'll be ******

she is smiling
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I am in love with you
but you are not mine
just like that
I have fallen



in a cold hotel room
I undressed and
became your prey
you devoured my heart
I became your slave

just like that
I submit



my mind is lost
in cigarette smoke
as we puff away the truth
my body aches from your abuse
I know you'll never call

just like that
I believed



your answering machine
is quite lovely
you sleep so good in white
I look to the ceiling
and now I feel ugly

just like that
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Are you really sure?*
he asked me on a blind day
and I said **** it
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
Today marks one year since you've been gone. And as much as I try to put into poetry just exactly how I feel, none of the words come out as they should. I cannot find an easy flow.. maybe it's because this day just isn't easy. I haven't slept all night. I have so much to tell you. So much has happened this past year and I wish I could tell you all about it. Did you know that a poem I wrote for you after you passed was chosen to be published? Makes me so very proud.. even more so that I was once your friend.

A year ago today was one of the saddest days of my life. I got the call, and had to sit down before I could even react. I was in total shock. And my hands.. they were shaking. I had to hang up the phone and call someone else just confirm the truth. Work was absolute torture because you died in the same hospital I worked in.. I knew the processes your beautiful body went through and it haunted me for weeks.

As a community, we were all in a stand still shock. When you died, you left alot of is in the same state, one of which we still stand in today. How could the kindest, most caring and selfless man be taken from us so swiftly, and soon? With no answers. With no avail. With no warning. Just gone, in the blink of an eye. I had always prayed you did not suffer, even though you knew you were dying (which broke my heart even more).

Where ever you reside today my friend, I pray your soul has found the most peaceful resting place, and that you are able to visit your family and children often. And I hope you truly know just how many lives you have touched.. from all ages, colors, and backgrounds. 27 is too soon to die, but you were a man that gave himself totally to life, and I will always admire you for that.

Eric Benford, I love you always and I will miss you forever. Keep laughing, keep smiling, and even in spirit, keep living.

I love you friend.

We are still so lost without you.
Luna Lynn May 2014
Longing to be in Your Presence
aching to be in Your light
for when You suffered
for when You died
You saved my life
You paid the ultimate price
and as I fall upon my knees
unworthy of Your grace and glory
The love of God is placed before me
and you kiss my eyes
and I am born again
I am forgiven
And my God be to glory
I am saved from sin
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 21
it's judgment day
and i'm answering
for every sin

each time my heart
beat for you
took a notch off my life
my chances of salvation
cannot be saved
yet i'm still frantically
digging in the dirt
to find you

the pain is agonizing
so i numb it with
falsetto dreams
and broken windows
because i don't wanna
see the world anymore

i scream into my pillow
the very one you laid your
head down on next to me
living an imperfect existence
we played royalty and
i was your princess

those nights
we held on to each other
like the world was ending
and kissed as if it were
our last goodbye
every time

every time


it's judgment day
no stone is left unturned
i knew they would come for us
pitchforks and fiery stakes
piercing our core
tearing us apart

apologetic forgiveness
to the Powers that be
i beg for second chance
sacrificing my place
in your arms
to save your heart
(C) L.Lynn 2024
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I don't use big words
that doesn't make me any
less of a poet
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
took us to a taboo place
now we have returned
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
waking up to the morning sun
it arrived before I was ready
so I lay here unprepared
my day has to begin
but I don't want it to
I would rather run through a thousand fields or more in my nightmares
than to face the day that awaits me
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
i don't understand how you feast with the wolves
and partake in the festives of painstaking fools
but all the while feeding the devil his food
you'll find there's a plate that's been saved just for you
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
you take my hand and say,
            "i love you,"
you speak as if you'll go tomorrow

i grasp your fingertips and say,
            "i love you too,"
oh how our love has become lost in sorrow

you ask me when and if you'll die
should we be okay?
i ask why would you ask me so,
let's focus on today

you pull me close
i feel your warmth
i could live inside your skin

the very thought of losing you
creates a storm within me
one i pray to not endeavor

"You mean more to me than you know..."
          words could never fully persevere

which is why i fully believe
my god will keep you here.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
In his fingertips
lies the power to draw hearts
right upon my thigh
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Kiss me and make love to me and hold me and hear me and wipe away my sadness and drown with me in my tears and give way to every door I have opened just for you..

Just do it.

Just kiss me.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
Be it the soul to be pure as white
and the kiss of a dove doth kisseth me twice
I shall rest my head upon your skin
and thy slain heart before you shall lie
My prince, is that he?
Did the Heavens reign an angelic rejoicing
of re-hydrating rains
just to strike life back into the dead of me?
Shall he be thine King as I am to be thy Queen?
Playing with words and visuals.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I'm feeling rather *****
Let's go take a shower
Let's get lost in lust and suds
Into the midnight hour
You wash my back
And I'll do your front
Actually you can do any side
You want
As long as I feel the connection
Deep within
And the initial breath of relief
When you slide it in
Hold me tight and don't ever
Don't you ever let go
This doesn't have to end
And no one has to know
Let the water be our blanket
And let it wash our hearts
Let us forgive our past offenses
Let us never, ever part
For a moment here we stand
Let's make it last forever
The fire only seems to burn
When we light the fuse together
So let us get undressed
And take a step right in
Out of our masks
And into our skin
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
back and forth it goes
my mind is doing that **** again
you know, when you avoid difficult decisions but they come back to haunt you and so you lay awake in the dark listening to anything and everything to shut it off

it's unavoidable
the brain will taunt you

so you start to talk to yourself in attempt to find some sort of reason
a reason for all the struggles and all the pain,
the very same storm that sends the flooding rain
Soon enough you're drowning and at this point it's sink or swim;
barely holding your head above water you're praying to be rescued and it's then you realize life's a game

that even if you're pulled ashore
you'll be back in that **** water
and laying in the dark again.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Life is so hard.
Like really hard.
Like so hard if I knew then what I know now
If I could turn back the hands
If I could turn around
It would be different, yes
It just might be
Just slightly
They told me to hold on tightly
That the devil spits his **** like lightening
And even though God is there
It seems He don't care
On my knees begging please please please
In silent prayer
I pinch myself to awake from the dream
I've lost control
No intervene
This **** sure isn't what it seems

When I say life is hard
It's not the bills
The baby daddy the broken toilet
The running water the standing still
It's the battle of our minds
The tugging of our hearts searching
Searching for peace we'll never find
Then we become blind
And leave all sense of reality behind
Still searching for the ****** up fairytale
Buried deep beneath our eyes

Life is hard
Life is hard
Life is hard
There is no easy way out if you think along those lines
Go ahead and **** yourself
Your soul may still decline
Because you didn't leave any of your baggage behind
And then you're left in immortal death
Saying to yourself
Life is hard.
(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
the desire burning within
a place of closed doors
and glimmering light

thoughts to dreams
to fantasy to life
there is just something about you
something about those eyes

that keeps the fire alive

can two souls connect so deeply
they may physically touch?
can one heat get so hot
it ignites an earthly sinful lust?

keep your silver spoons
and all your fancy wine
you can have your red carpet night
even diamonds couldn't give light
to the blind

as long as this doesn't die

but if it engulfs me
i shall accept the gift of scars
for even if the fire burns out
they are the remnants
of what we are
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Sometimes I think my mother hates me
Because I'm a slob
Because I'm not married
Because I'm still at home
Because I'm like my father

Not because I'm educated
Not because I work hard
Not because I try my best
Because I'm like my father

Because I must lie about not feeling well
Because it must not be that bad
Because I'm not the woman she wanted me to be
Because I'm like my father

You're just like your father
You live like a pig
You think that boy will ever marry you?
You don't know how we struggle

Because you're just like your father

I am my own being
but in your eyes
why even bother?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2017
pain in this case is a necessity--
self inflicted to heal the hurt;
causing waves and ripples
of emotions--
quite priceless for what it’s worth
(C) Maxwell 2017
Luna Lynn May 2014
In the dark even
daisies find a reason to
keep looking for Sun
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I praise God as I cry
Lord I love You!

In my pain
In my sorrow
In today
In tomorrow
In my sickness
In good health
In my debt
In my wealth

I praise God as I cry
Lord I love You!

Many friends
Many foes
Many smiles
Many woes
Many successes
Many falls
Many dreams
Many draws

I praise God as I cry
Lord I love You!
Amidst my struggle, I love my God. Today. Tomorrow.  Forever. Amen.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
she doesn't speak anymore
she only moves her eyes about the room following voices


listening to all of humanity become lost within its own realm of despair
becoming engulfed in the loss of hope
all the while feeling the sting from the whips of society upon her skin
simply for not giving in

so she chooses to be still
she chooses not to speak
because no one else will choose to listen
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2017
drink away the pain
it doesn't work
attempt to forget it all
but it still hurts
(C) Maxwell 2017
Luna Lynn May 2014
Rolling around in an abundance of soul searching time
When time is something so scarce
Searching for a dream that seems so hard to find in a storm that's no less than fierce
Lost in so many moments we seek further refuge in memories that do not exist
In doing so we give way to the devils temptations that are incredibly hard to resist
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Through a forest of evergreens, redwoods, and blooming lilies, growing oaks and trailing vines,
you took my hand and guided me through the wilderness;
picking berries and placing them upon my tongue between each kiss, you were everything I had dreamed of.

And as you drew your sword and I bare your witness we braved the mystical creatures with eyes of stone and heads of bats, hands of knives and teeth of silver.
Upon discovering a place to sleep, we found our blanket beneath the stars that moved about the sky in such a way that wasn't natural, but yet it provided the perfect light so that we could gaze deep,
ever so deep into one another's eyes as we became one in our body and minds.

When the sun had risen, we traveled some more, your smile planting roses upon my cheek. I have no desire to be anywhere else in this world at this very moment, sanity is something I shall no longer seek.
We are soon falling.
Between the trees and evergreens and crushing the lilies and berries and seeding bees and soon we found ourselves battered upon a beach.
I am slightly bruised upon my face, you kiss my wounds and they go away. I see diamonds about.. diamonds in the sand. When I glance at your open scars, I immediately realize the true delicacy you are; for your blood is made of the finest jewels, and I now had a lot of protecting to do!

In the distance we see a castle so very high, touching the sun and kissing the sky.
"How do we get there, what do we do?" I am worried and afraid, for we have come so far to have lost our way.
You chopped down every palm and built us a boat. You took the string from your clothing to provide us the rope. My Prince charming you, this castle shall be ours, and we will live in royalty.

As we set sail beneath the sky so bright, you kiss my neck, and you bite my skin, and you promise to never leave me. My existence gives in to yours and I invite you in, not caring who is watching.
And when we are through my smile is wide as the ocean, and your veins sparkle, reflecting the water so blue.
Our perfect sail quickly turned into a raging night as a terrible storm rocked our boat into crashing tides.
Rocking waves and lightening strikes I scream for you in deepest fright, you take my hand and say "It's going to be alright!"
We are thrown down into the ocean of tears, the one that had been cursed by so many fears.
I am slipping.
I am slipping away.
Everything is  f a d i n g
f a d i n g

I awaken.
Face up on the boat, everything has gone black.
Though I see a glistening, and it's beautiful and it's you, and you smile.
"Let us continue my love, there is no looking back."
I am currently reading a book titled "Splintered" by A.G. Howard. It is a gothic modern twist to Alice in Wonderland. I dreamt this scenario (inspired by the book), and it was a dear friend that was with me. I had to pay credit where its due!

(C) Maxwell 2014
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