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Luna Lynn Apr 2014
is it too much to admit that I find myself drowning in an ocean of dreams every time I am in your presence
is to too much to ask for a tad moment of your time so that I can become lost in your consuming
is it too much to wonder how life would be if you were apart of my future promising me every little girl's dream
is it too much to love you so truly that my adoration is borderline obsession and I just cannot get enough
is it too much to find myself losing grip on reality when all I can think of is loving caring admiring being with you

lucky to be lost in your presence
cursed to be succomed in your gaze
lost in time that seems but a dream
when you believe friends is enough
i am hopelessly subdued into *you
I'll never tell.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Becoming one beneath the motions of love and beautifully blended in skin;
I don't want to be anywhere else

Engulfed in your all as you pour out your heart and kiss my soul;
I don't want to be anywhere else

You wipe my tears of overwhelming passion from being lost in the moment
from being lost in your eyes
from being lost in your touch
from being that teenage girl who only fantasized about being loved so much

And here you are
in my arms
in friendship
and in so much love
I don't want to be anywhere else
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2015
Once upon a time
there lived love at first sight
a vision of most intriguing wonders
a feeling of mutual gravitational pull
and as their hearts intertwined
their worlds became one
one in the same
And soon they couldn't bear
not one moment apart
not even the idea of another
would settle easy in love at first sight
but a sudden wind came in
spinning it all out of control
and their world became threatened
although their hearts protected
forever would never be the same
a future would never hold the promise
it had once gained
and now the love has to live
amidst the sorrows of the coming goodbye
but love will never end
even if the body dies

when it's love at first sight
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn May 2014
Laying beneath you
as I become devoured
into the night
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
Here I am falling helplessly uncontrollably arms flailing breath ailing screaming silent waves of terror while you sing amazing ******* grace and release white doves into this space of nothingness you refer to as happiness
Here I am a living walking breathless lifeless corpse paying dues blindly searching for the fork in the road while you skip down the golden brick path in your ruby red shoes
Here I am riding the horse of death and there you are a shining fairy drop of sun
Here I am wondering what went wrong
and wondering how you won

Here I am

barely breathing

and I am

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
i went for a walk in the woods today.

and i can tell you there is a newfound peace among fresh fallen snow,

and i can tell you the crows are smiling even though they await the spring,

and i can tell you the trees create a gothic illusion that all thoughts cling to air,

and i can tell you that although the wind blew the water was still,

and i can tell you that even my very own footprints could not lead me back home.

i went for a walk to clear my head,

and became more intrigued by the mind instead.
(C)Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Jan 2017
even if i cry
they will say i'm not worthy
of falling black tears
(c) Maxwell 2017
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Is my favorite kind of night
Even the dead is asleep
There is no witching hour at
The wind has picked up
The trees are kissing
The moon is high
and glowing giving light to life that doesn't exist at
The righteous sleeps alongside the wicked at
as I lie awake
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
here i lay
***** for life
and you already came
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Feb 2015
taken aback for a fool
how silly of me to dream
to wear my hard work
right upon my sleeve

as i watch it feather to dust
the envision of trust

isn't always as it seems
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Mar 2017
a glitter of hope
a rise of happiness
sudden fade
not this time
i guess
not yet anyway

(C) Maxwell 2017
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
sadly, captive souls
lie still somewhere awaiting
to smile again
I wrote this Haiku after watching a special on Gina Dejesus, Amanda Berry, and Michelle Knight. God be with the missing everywhere tonight and every night until they are found. God be with the those suffering captivity. God be with those locked in chains. God, be with them.
Keep hope alive in that the missing will be found.

(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Mar 2017
frustrated all to hell
i know this feeling all too well
a broken record i've become
yet my words still loop
on the tongue
you say that you do
but i know that you don't
you say you believe
i know that you won't
the chance has past
and come and gone
to prove myself
that you're all wrong

i am a diamond
shining quite bright
within a cave
in deep moonlight
but because the sun
shines brighter on you
it's assumed i don't crave
the same sunshine too
i want to feel heat
the same love and affection
i like to be wanted
i want the attention
but my lack of the day
and the way i was raised
made me look in depth and darkness
for all of the good
and because that's so different
i'm misunderstood
(C) Maxwell 2017
Luna Lynn Sep 2015
i'm biracial
no i'm not an oreo
no i ain't your zebra
i ain't the best of both your worlds
i ain't mulatto either

i am white
i am black
living my life with a sense of inequality
my race always seems to follow me
no matter where i'm at

white people have jokes
black people have questions
my hair appeals to some of you
while the rest of you have suggestions

who said i needed you to tell me who to be?
who said i needed to explain who i really am underneath?

striving to be normal and thriving to be equal
i just so happen to be a white girl
that knows what it's like to be black
and that bothers a lot of people

my race may not define me but it is apart of who i am
so yes i get offended when you refuse to understand

that i am what i am
black and white
white and black
light brown complexion
***** curls front to back

a strong black woman resides inside and it's she you see
a white woman is there but will never be
but i never deny my lines culturally

because they are me
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Feb 2017
the good days--
i hate them
because i am
constantly reminded
that my time with you
is limited
as the sun sets
every dusk
the idea you
chose me
to walk beside
your short journey
is just plain luck
so i sit and reminisce
in your memory
while you're still
here with me
even as it comes to this
it's a must
(C) Maxwell 2017
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
In this very moment
at this very stance
I breathe in the tithes of wonder
I give new light a chance
and in the days I felt I never could
I lift up my soul to dance
For there is no other place
nor spare time spent
that could replace this very heaven
this place of content

The tears that form are that of joy
there is no room for sadness, you know
and as I lay down my heart
with so many feelings to deploy
my happiness will only grow
Lost in music and rhythm so
the lyrics paint my life in melody
for the songs write my story in notes

I give way to the sounds that soothe me
Oh, how the music moves me
I started a contest with some friends on my poetry page.  I asked friends to give me a topic about anything and that I'd write them a poem about that topic.  Here, my friend Jenny asked me to write about being moved within a certain place or time.  This particular moment depicts being at a concert.  It fits so perfectly since her and I often share these moments when we see our favorite band Hanson. :) Just having fun!

(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Maya was murdered behind
Union station while beggars held out their
Rainboots for change and while the
Diner workers made food until fully
Exhausted and hobos hung out along the stair
Rails smoking cigars

She was once beautiful until
He took it away and left bruises in her
Eyes which were a dusk fall evening gray

While her mother paced the porch and dad
Racing home their baby never returned
Only her memory had burned deep into
Their minds and hardened their souls
Everyone hurt when Maya didn't say no
My first time at writing this style poem. It was fun mixing fiction with poetry.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
like the melody of song
does my heart beat itself for you
and at the bridge of every lyric
each beat presents it to be true
my life you have become
filled with joyous harmony
your voice brings life into my bones
You see you've become a part of me
with every whisper in a change of tune
i'll remain loyal in my stature
the way our souls are intertwined
our bond is solely second nature
your touch upon my skin
creates a bit of electricity
as your lips graze the tips of my mine
i know my soul is free
keep singing my love,
keep singing this song to be
for i don't mind a broken record
nothing of you is broken to me
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn May 2014
I thought I knew you,
now I feel like I don't know
who stands before me

A stranger in stance
ready to take my life; he
who once adored me

A wave of sadness
speaks of humiliation;
the trust is long gone

This is all madness;
you seek retaliation
and don't think it's wrong
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
My only dream
is a dream come true
May I be your voice?
May I touch your heart?
May I use words to see through you?
Take my hand and feel free to get lost
smell the flowers
dance in the rain
appreciate the thunder
embrace all of the pain
Let me reach a place that has never been seen
Let my words anoint your emotions
Let my visions be your dreams
Let me understand your struggles
Let me solve your troubles
Let me inspire the sun to shine
and the moon to light
in the night
Let me hold you in the arms
of the poetry I write

May my dreams come true
My only dream is to please you
To move you
To help you
To soothe you
With every word I write
I give my all
I give my might
Won't you dance with me tonight?
Across the page
as if on stage
and hold each other tight?

Let's celebrate our feelings
and make our dreams come true
Let me be the poet I dream to be
All because of you
This is a poem written to those that read my poetry and sincerely enjoy it. I would love to have a "fan" or two, and just knowing that may actually be possible is nothing short of a dream come true. I hope to one day be published, and share my work with the world; if the world will have me :)
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2015
would you believe
it is the simplest of things,
could it be the top of the world?
in comparison, that is what it is to me
my love, you hold the candle by all means
to lie next to you at the end of God's day
is pure perfection, you see
i am merely beneath the covers to dream
and doing so next to you,
is my favorite place to be
I love you forever, T.

(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Death is coming close
I cannot avoid the dark
My soul seeks refuge
(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jan 2017
my hair is your obsession
because it's *****
it's curly
it's exotic
it's ethnic

i wrap it up because it's fallen out
and you call me aunt jemima
i wrap it up because it's damaged
and you call me carmen miranda

you taped a photo on my desk

how about i tape a photo to your desk?
compare you to every white person you remind me of
touch your hair every day and point out your split ends
your bald spots
your imperfections
and send you a photo of the whitest white woman
and say,
this is you;
you are her

your ignorance fascinates me and yet
i'm not allowed to say ****
i sit in my chair
and i let your micro aggressions build up
into volcanoes that make me want to erupt on
your fantasy island
where all white is all right
and all black is all nap
and latinas serve your tequilas

you always want to put your ******* fingers
where they don't belong
you believe your simple gestures are innocent
but you're wrong
(c) Maxwell 2017
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
your skin is soft like wonder
your smile makes me weak
even when you make me angry
angry words are hard to speak
and when you lay upon me
the slightest touch or kiss
i'm giddy and I'm blushing
and the rush i feel is bliss
i don't ever want to let you go
even if it hurts to hold on
you are my light in the dark
when i'm weak you are my strong
i've loved you long before you ever knew
and your presence makes me feel anew
if you are God's way of sending blessings
than i am ever so blessed that He sent you
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
somewhere in the breeze
a violin is playing
the saddest of songs
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2015
a ****** at her worst
i am opened raw
vulnerable and naked;
no wall

care for me delicately
before you toss me away
understand my flaws,
get to know me
but don't make me change

rock bottom; so it's as they say
i'm thrown a rope of thorns
to find my way

i hear a sound in the distance
it's a voice of reason; a chant of song
cheering me on

i may be mistaken
there ain't no choir for people like me
only a pocket full of prayers;
a head full of dreams

let me go
let me be
let me crawl
on ****** knee

a touch of fate grasps my arm for life
**** it, why fight?

you're watching me closely
aren't you?
(paranoia setting in)
what do you see so special about an angel soaked in sin?

standing on the ledge
below they are screaming JUMP
bare ***** and broken
i just look up
(C)Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Feb 2015
and yet,
i remain standing.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
The safest place is supposed to be my dreams
but it seems that's when the devil
tends to attack me most
Comforting warmth and sleepy slumber
disturbed by horrific fear
caught beneath my throat
and expelled in blood curdling
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
I can't understand why I cry at the thought of something that does not even exist
I guess it's the idea of a love that's lost that takes it's toll on a sacred mind as this
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
when the sun sets it's just not the same
in losing the heat of the day
I find myself engulfed once again
beneath the darkening sky
it isn't safe they say
but I don't mind the risk to take
if it means one drop may kiss my cheek
and promise me the skies shall clear

as the air begins to cool I ask myself
how did I ever feel this way?
how can one not appreciate the night
as it foreshadows the day?
even more so, how can one not stand the rain?

and even though rainbows may never gather
and even though there is no sun to set
the moon provides a different light
the water glistens in the night
the heat of the day can burn my eyes
so it is night rain that I'd rather get
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
Demons in a sound mind
overtake the peace and need to be
free from nightly terrors
and from imprisoned memories
Here they come with gnashing teeth
and dancing waves of fiery rage
rewriting drama into horror
while taking center stage
Disrupting calming shades of gray
with an abruptly forceful wind
erasing pleasant waves of grace
replacing the good within
Awake in madness too deep to cure
dig nails into your skull and weep
there is no just for the living
and there is none for those who sleep
I've been having hellish nightmares lately. They are just awful.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
you took my life by gracious storm
and weaved it in poetic form
what I thought was not the norm
you made it real in deep adorn
masked the pain with golden pride
you showed me worth from far inside
proud I became so I did not hide
i fell into your arms spread open wide
your words found their way into my heart
and turned my blood back into art
the connection spent will never part
something we knew right from the start
coincidences unexplained
what matters is the love obtained
pulled from the pits of soulful sane
you healed the hurt and took the blame
for making me smile
for making me weak
for its all worthwhile
for its greatness we seek

I knew one day I'd find my voice
it's all by chance and not by choice
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
My heart is heavy today at the loss of such an incredible inspiration to the arts community. Her poetry is the reason I was inspired to write, to be who I am destined to be, and to always live and fight for what I believe in. Maya Angelou wasn't just a poet, she was a movement, providing never ending insight and knowledge to the community and marching along with us during the civil rights. Maya Angelou, what a dent your absence will leave behind, but what a beautiful picture painted words you have left us. I had always dreamed of meeting you one day, but now I know that day will never come (at least in the physical world anyway). Thank you Maya Angelou for your knowledge, your strength, and your never ending guidance. You showed us the world through a different pair of eyes and it is that reason I now know why the caged bird sings!

Rest Peacefully Dr. Maya Angelou!
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
If there's anything I've learned
from being burned
Those feelings of hope are very real
so the feelings of reason are concealed
and you're back in the hole
you just climed out
Let me tell you,
I know what I'm talking about
If there's anything I've learned
from being burned
If there's anything I can teach you
so that reality may reach you
Don't become soft; don't fall for love or
become so transparent you're easy to see
Because pain is required for all things earned
If there's anything I've learned
from being burned
Let me tell you,
I know what I'm talking about
(c) Maxwell 2013
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Remember those days?
Those days we spent driving nowhere
just listening to music and our own desires
just riding the wind
Remember those nights?
Those nights we spent making love
just becoming so lost in our hopes; dreams
just becoming lost in our skin
Remember those laughs?
Those laughs we shared over long islands
just living, smiling and spending money
just drinking away our troubles within

Remember those days?
Those days we argued, cried; left it to God
just threw our hands up in frustration
just decided to walk away
Remember those nights?
Those nights we cried ourselves to sleep
just trying to forget what we did
just trying to forget the pain
Remember those laughs?
Those uncomfortable moments in the light
just trying to pretend we could be friends
just trying to remain

And in the midst of memories
here we are
and there we go

once again
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I really hate when people think they know me
You go ahead and make your analogies
Since you know so much
You're so deep
Skin deep
You're a *******
With a tinge of wit
I don't care what you say
Or think
Or feel
Or believe

Still like me now?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
there comes a point in life when you feel nothing
you can smoke a pack of cigarettes in one setting and not even get sick
you can cut yourself ten times over and never feel the *****
you could walk through a thousand graveyards and not even be afraid
there comes a point in life when you feel nothing

there comes a point in life when you feel nothing
and it looks like you've given in and given up
and nobody understands this is how it goes
because when you scream and shout what you feel deep in your pitiful soul
still nobody knows
there comes a point in life when you feel nothing

to be numb is not to be weak
to be numb is not to belittle the being
to be numb is not misunderstanding
to be numb is not to abandon the self
there just comes a point in life when you feel nothing
When it becomes too much, you just choose not to be it anymore.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
that blade looks quite nice
and my skin could use a feel
please God distract me
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
rolling tears of satin pain
left from a night of passion's reign

now in a hell of great disguise
i'm a victim of my own demise
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
the genie said make a wish
actually he said i could make three
and as i carefully placed my thoughts
i figured i would combine my dreams
yet how can i limit myself to the top three things of which i wish but do not need?

so, carefully, i shall whisper a grain of sand
into the ear of magic that is he
to grant me the wish of life itself
by the planting of a seed
because as you know the seed will grow
and from the roots there'll stand a tree
branching out providing life for years to come;

as this wish isn't just for me

foolish one, what have you done?
that does not equal three

but i have the gift of life and health
for everyone else
what more will i ever need?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
i sit here and i cry
until the water runs dry
i don't even wipe them away
only God knows why
it's a high moon tonight
not a cloud in the sky
and I can't find the answers
only God knows why
my heart is so hurt
words cannot comply
the grief is unbearable
only God knows why
you were just so young
you were far too young to die
so i sit here and cry
i don't know what else to do
only God knows why
Rest in peace Katie.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
soulfully bound and lost we are
engaged in a sense of never
we've become blind at the thought of life
and have lost the vision of forever
you take my hand and kiss my world
a sight for sore hearts to see
interwoven far too deep to detach from beneath the roots of what was to be
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
oh, i am lonely
i am lonely so
alone in my grief
i never asked you to go
but you have problems too,
i know

so i will make it
there is no other way;
without you when i need you most
i could have used you today

to cry?


nothing is to change

oh, i am lonely
i am lonely so
the pain is stabbing to my core

but my tolerance will grow.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I look into your beautiful eyes every day of my life and you look just as hard into mine
And we feel the gravitational pull of our hormones and the screaming of our hearts and it drives us absolutely mad

because we know it will never be our time
Time is not on your side when you cannot have what you desire forever.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
The walls are closing in
and the oceans just may be parting
only to surround the very small space
to engulf all of my being

The raging tides begin
and the perfect storm is just starting
in an attempt to drown in this wretched place
I have made my way across without seeing

The lightening strikes again
and the path to my lungs is hardening
my hands are worthless as they tremor and shake
I'm dying and you don't even believe me
This poem was another written from a list of topics I provided to fans on my Facebook page.  This current topic (panic attacks) was given to me by my friend and neighbor Jon Hicks. I've had panic attacks, and sometimes I still do.  They are the worst feeling in the world, and I hoped I succeeded in expressing that.

(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Nov 2016
Royalty they say
is something you're born into
or brought into
by the King of Hearts
what's that you say?
she's been summoned
by the Prince
to a world unknown
soon transition starts

A peasant turned Princess
who knew such a difference
from buttons to jewels
to China from dishes
and yet
humbled from her world before
resistance meets her at the door
love with her Prince
is tug of war
it seems their worlds keep them

Oh to love with a wounded heart

she gives him her all and tries her best
she loves him all over
slips into the new life he's shown her
still a piece remains left to attest
her Prince is happy but not fulfilled
and she wonders if she should depart

a twinkle in the eyes
a bleeding love from the soul
made her realize to flourish
her garden must grow
the life of a Princess isn't just something you know
it takes time to become
what you've just never been shown

Oh to give life back to her heart

love takes its time
perfection perseverance
to build a shelter that can
withstand any storm
to create a house from the roots
where you'll lock up your treasures
and forever keep the blood of you warm

Oh Prince that be,
you must always be patient
for it is deeper than things that are seen
be kind to her heart
she is loyal to you
and only preparing to be Queen
(C) Maxwell 2016
Luna Lynn May 2014
A hammer to the gut
A bludgeon to the brain
Cut the innards into pieces
Before I go insane!
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
maybe you'll have kids
but you'll suffer a great deal
hmm, maybe you won't
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I used to look at your smile and laugh
but now it makes me cry
because you're no longer amongst us in the physical world
you are only the memories I desperately cling to
the pictures I kiss every day
you are a spirit in the sky

My friend, the sweetest I had ever known
he would give you the shirt off his back
if you needed it you know
and even if he didn't have any to give, he would dig deep for a stranger
Because he knew and understood the struggle
and he knew the love of the Word
and he knew the love of a child
and he had the best laugh you'd have ever heard

I wish I could feel your hugs again
they were the best
I could be hurt, sad, lonely, and just the sight of you lifted Satan off my chest

You were too good to be here
I guess that's why God took you so soon

You were better fit for His kingdom
and if I ever get to see you again,
then I hope I am too.
Eric I hope you hear me when I say I miss you.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
your brown skin touches mine
and my cheeks burn
your lips press against my cheek
and my heart skips a beat or two
you tell me you love me
and the butterflies fill my gut with glitter
and rainbows
and sunshine
and soon I don't even remember what pain feels like anymore

you hold me for a spell
and I become engulfed in you completely

not wanting to be anywhere else
in the world
For my life.

(C) Maxwell 2014
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