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269 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
our ship is sinking
and theres nothing we can do
Were drowning
But darling
I’ve never loved drowning so much
This pain, is the only proof
That your still here
slowly sinking
268 · Dec 2019
Everlasting Rose
Jasmine dryer Dec 2019
your everlasting and green,
growing like the leaves
your soul has blossomed a flower
isn't that just lovely,
as more petals grow
let me be your water
because we unfortunately grow
in this long and hurting desert
let me wash over you
I want to make it dazzling and new
my perfect rose
grow your leaves
all over me
till we're both just a everlasting garden
254 · Jan 2019
Porcelain doll
Jasmine dryer Jan 2019
Where should I begin
Our love was a twisted story
Of a doll
And a toymaker
Your painted tears divine
Oh how you always cried
And fall to ground and wine
Till there was cracks in your skin
But at least you were mine
But our love ran out of time
As much I tried
Oh where do I begin
252 · Nov 2018
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
some comes from pain
its the red paint of blood you paint with
the red ink that flows through you
when you truly make art

the best art can come from pain
251 · Dec 2019
At the end
Jasmine dryer Dec 2019
hello there
"stand back"
close your eyes
Just relax
we can make this quick and
it'll be fast
its easier
to just hide
live behind a mask and resign
"thats true it it"
"but I want to live"
they will tear you apart
"and you'll just fade me away"
come close
"but at the end of the day"
don't go
it'll only be pain
"I'd rather let them tear me apart, then lose to myself"

Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
hey you!
can you hear me?
you can?
oh god finally!
help me!
i'm trapped!
this cell!
its dark!
and cold...
and the eyes!
the eyes are watching meeee
don't back away!
im not inane!
i'm trapped!
i'm trapped in my own mind...
and i don't know how much time i have!
oh no the guards are coming!
wait where are you going?
come back!
don't leave!
240 · Jul 2018
Is it just me?
Jasmine dryer Jul 2018
Is it just me or is it weird
To have been told that standing up for yourself makes you weak
But don’t be pushed around
So you sit in a bubble
making you more of a freak
no matter what i'm wrong, isn't that freaky
236 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
no one's gonna listen to me
but can't you see?
this is all wrong
they're all dancing to the same song

how could they....conform?
230 · May 2018
Night and day
Jasmine dryer May 2018
If they sat up and went outside
Will one see the small stars
Will one see the sun
Or will one see the moon

Will one see a comet blaze through the sky
Or will one see dreams in a fire
Falling in a puddle of ink, they call
the night sky

Will one be blinded by the light of the sun
Will they stare at it till they have no eyes
One is on one side of the world
while the other is not

Night and day, I can't tell
Which is sadder?
i hope you like ig.
225 · Jul 2018
dusk and dawn
Jasmine dryer Jul 2018
if anyone gets the hatred towards others
its a lost poet
not because of their flair for "dramatic"
but because we see what others fail to acknowledge
we see a new perspective
even if it is sometimes
in black an white
so when you say you hate me
or when they curse your name
simply explain how it is wrong
in the words of a poet

"it seems that through our differences we have forgotten, that at dusk and dawn we all share the same color shadow"
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
you cant love others if you don't love yourself
well, to whoever said that
your a lair
i love everyone
i have given myself to everyone
i've let you
and vent
and still ts not enough to know
i'm helping others
its not enough to get me to love myself
224 · Sep 2019
swimming in tears
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
I looking for your eyes
swimming in the tears you cry
I never know what to say
because I love you
its hard to know
that you don't love you
how could you not  love you?
now your drowning in your tears
its my worst fear
223 · Sep 2019
The end is where I start
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
Everything's falling apart
The end is where i must start
Build myself up from dust
Not knowing who to trust
If i'm honest
I don’t remember much
But I can still feel the pain
Everything else is gone
So why’s this pain lasting so long
Instead of building up from the grave
Im being buried alive
I've ran out of time.
222 · Nov 2019
Jasmine dryer Nov 2019
baby breathe
get away from these toxic fumes
and just do what you have to do
i wont hold you back
i'll silence my mental attacks
pop a couple a couple of prozac's
melt my brain
and take away our pain
but babe if you stay
keep that gas mask on
221 · Nov 2018
hey guys! (plz read)
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i just wanted to let you know that my sister sandra dryer is now on this great site! go check her out shes a good writer !
219 · Jul 2018
poetry collab
Jasmine dryer Jul 2018
hello there everyone! my name is jasmine and i was thinking about how many awesome poets there are on this site . so i was thinking maybe we can start a group account ? we can all name it together. and then if you message me ill give you the email and password for that account. i think that way when someone goes there they have a number of poems from different people all on one account!  and you can even advertise your personal account on it to. so who's in? message me if you are or have any questions!
this is a good idea .
218 · May 2018
when the rose wilt
Jasmine dryer May 2018
Roses are beautiful
They are so perfect
so perfect its been crowned
A symbol of love

But what happens when roses wilt
What happens when they drown
And there petals fall
Slowly to the ground

Many Roses have wilted
But many still remain
But for how long?
When will all the roses wilt

When will the tears
Flood the garden
When will everyone realize that roses
The symbol of love

Have thorns
That can cut deep
Roses are dangerous
and many who don't see there beauty

Watch them wilt
hope you like i'm uploading all my old and new poems!
216 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
I’m a girl in world
thats  filled with sorrow
so I cry and say everyday
"i'll cry again tomorrow"

this world is a nightmare
and drained of hope
so I wake up everyday and say
"really? nope"

its sad to think
that my life is a lie
and that sometimes the only solution
is to cry

but I wake up every morning
and get up, trying not wine
but a voice says
don't cry, its fine

I always say "ok" as a reply
I always want to scream at the voice
because of course it doesn't get it
because unlike me its had a choice

this voice is a thing I can't really explain
because this voice never wines
in this dark world
it shines

even though I hate the voice
when its seems the world is as dark as night
I try not to cry
with all my might

and the voice was smart
because the last thing I expected to go higher
is the shell of the world
that got brighter

maybe the world
isn't as bad as it seems
because when I choose to be happy
people don't seem as mean
yeah things get better guys! follow my wattpad pine_god the voice was my happy side
215 · Jun 2018
Sick of love, give me pain
Jasmine dryer Jun 2018
I'm sick of love
I'm tired of the crows tearing me apart
and feasting on my heart
instead i seek pain
something to keep my mind stable
because crows are birds
part of nature
they don't realize what they are doing

i'm tired of of being sick
not with the cold or flue -
but love
instead I seek the cold and painful air
to surround me in a suffocating hug

i'm tired of my heart beating fast
no instead i need it to be calm
and steaady
because i have to be ready
in case love calls again
because they aren't ready
they aren't prepared for this

instead pain surrounded me
surround me with my own pain
or maybe yours
because i love the pain
it hurts just as much love
hope u like ig. i'm just a young poet
212 · Jul 2018
melt a mirror
Jasmine dryer Jul 2018
she wanted to melt mirrors
because her reflection wasn't good enough
it red smears scattered
and a terrible outline
but if you could melt her tattered clothes
maybe her even more tattered mind
could think she was beautiful

maybe even , flawless art
tattered beauty
212 · Sep 2018
why I love sad poems
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
i don't know how to explain it exactly
i'm not fond of the sorrow in your words
but fond of the words you put the sorrow into.
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
lately all i do is see you cry
its because of me
darling your eyes don't seem as bright
our love wont see the light
your fading

and i all i want is to see you smile
but i know that means i'll have to leave

and for a moment i pause
thinking of what we could be
or should i say
"could've been"
and it hurts
because i don't want to let go
i really dont

but doll your tears
bring out my worst fear
that your sad
not happy
and i cant stand that
because that just not living

i wont keep you chained any longer

all i want is to see you smile
but i know i'll have to leave
because darling

"your better off without me"
its true, but i wish it was a lie
211 · Sep 2019
The Happy Promise
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
I'm supposed to
make you smile
and sing
thats all I will ever be
and yes, it hurts
but I wont ruin the fun
everybody have fun!
make jokes
laugh and sing
your happiness, I'll bring
my tears
you will never see
and I apologize
if you ever see frown
but I'm the oldest one in town
and yet
you all wear the crowns
the mouth behind the task
will never ever make a sound
are you proud?
I hope I made you happy
211 · Sep 2018
human emotions
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
emotions are just another part of human perception which I can easily change with a little deception
Jasmine dryer Apr 2020
And though my heart will go on forever more my body can not stay ,
I can’t  push it to go further,
it can't venture on anymore any further.
And while some will bow their heads in what the say in rembreant
but all they’ll remember is how she cried all the time.
She was such a bright girl how could she not make it,
and standing next to them is the person who thought they had faked it,
when she just couldn't take it,
and though she tried to replace it all
Push it down where no one could trace it
She couldn't
It stared her in the face
And locked her in place
In the empty streets she called her mind
At this point she knew she was running out of time
But all she could muster was “ I’m fine”
But look at her eyes. Such a nice shade of blue ,
  They look good on the girl who wanted to forget all she knew.
Then there's some who knew she turned to pills and felt no empathy,
just another druggy
She did it herself!
but the girl only had herself and no one else and the pills dulled the pain,
but it's hard to keep up when you feel you're going insane.
She stood out on the balcony one day and thought this was her chance to make the pain go away.  
She didn't know what to say
I mean it her last moment she thought
“I Should have something profound to exclaim”
So she looked straight into the sky
But no one could hear her
So it came out a whisper
all the kids hated her and despised, and they said she was better off dead
and though it hurt, she knew it was wrong
but this a democracy and majority rules
and she looked off to the sky only asking herself why
,but it was to late know she knew, all she could feel was this urge she grew
so she stepped up the banister , it couldn't last.
and with one step it was all gone so fast.
And now shifting eyes on her casket
Tears drippings
Though no one spoke
The silence talked and talked

And in the distance they heard the whisper of the wind
And a shudder down their spine
The wind uttered in their ears
Faint, a beg or cry
A plea
“Could you write a happy ending please”

“Can you write a happy ending please”

“Just a happy ending please”
209 · Jun 2018
Jasmine dryer Jun 2018
I'm not sad
I'm not mad
I'm just disappointed

You lie
So your sinner

You don't eat
Your getting thinner

You disappointed me, because you can't focus your state of mind

Well it's time
I've had enough
Get your **** together
Or get out

Don't be a waste of space

Sincerely, your inner self hate
Sometimes my mind just hates me
200 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
Roses have thorns

"where have  I heard that before"
198 · Nov 2018
silver platter
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
you wanted my head on a silver platter
instead i offered my heart
197 · May 2018
dead is the new alive
Jasmine dryer May 2018
Is dead the new alive?
Because I dead
I know in my heart
Ive died many years ago
That this isn’t real
I’m dead
A ghost to live along the streets
Yet I’m breathing
My hearts beating
Yet where am I
Im lost
And its going to stay that way
But I’m here
Theres a new “Me”
The original lost 10 years ago
To be replace
By a not so perfect clone
who am i?
193 · Nov 2018
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i wanna be numb
i'm falling back
so i pop some pills
and wallow in my own self pity
i know its bad
but i do it anyway
i think that the worst part is

i don't care
192 · Jul 2018
Guilt: depression
Jasmine dryer Jul 2018
i feel cold
i feel like i'm stuck in a hole
i feel like i'm dying
wait- no i feel something different
a yearn, a want
a plead for death
its my fault
its all fualt
i feel guilty
when i've done nothing wrong
now they've got me on meds
i don't want to be happy
if i'm not really happy
but instead being ****** over in the head
i know its sad but oh its so true for me
192 · May 2018
h e l p
Jasmine dryer May 2018
My heart is aching

My bodies shaking

And it feel's like I'm falling





Its getting worse ,

Because you won't stop

I'm giving you a warning

Because this isn't fair

I've helped you

Even if you don't know

I tried to be a friend not a enemy

Oh couldn't you tell

Well, good luck

Because I will make sure your life

Is a nightmare

A living hell

Figure the out the code

And don't close your eye's

You never know who's watching

because of your lie's
don't mess with me
189 · Feb 2020
Jasmine dryer Feb 2020
you believe what you perceive
and perceive based on your beliefs
189 · Sep 2019
Fake Ocean
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
Im trapped in a world
completely fake
but hey, its a pretty place
with oceans fars the eye can see
but there to many people drowning
screaming, frowning
I guess not all of us can swim
or there being pulled down from sin
want as much as you can take
I only wish this world was really fake
six feet below the ground
its our fate
wish this was fake
but hey lets have a happy
unhappy playdate
sit on the beach
building our castles
just for the ocean to knock it down
I guess the sharks
wear the crown
184 · Nov 2019
Jasmine dryer Nov 2019
They are performing on a tilted stage
Watch their eyes filled with rage
Smile as they draw their sword
They lose it all, they are no more
I refuse to wear your mask
And follow out your simple task
So I'm ending the scene
The play is over
The play is done
Now I say its time to run
Tell me who has really won?
182 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
Do you ever feel like your drowning

In the rain

do you feel useless, as you try to out run the rain

Because you have no umbrella to block it

That no one understands how it feels

To be soaking wet

In the rain

That the rain is horrible to be in

It makes you sick

people will either help you dry off

Or leave you alone to clean up yourself

i love the rain

So why is it so close to tears

And sadness
follow and like, i want to get my work out there!
178 · Nov 2018
Let there be darkness
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
and he said "let there be light"
while leaving so many in the dark
178 · Nov 2018
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
did you hear that?
its the sound of hundreds
maybe thousands
silently screaming
im one of them
176 · May 2018
casual event
Jasmine dryer May 2018
I stare at her
she stares back
I finally muster up the courage
To ask
What should I wear to your funeral?
Knowing theres no hope
She says
“Why waste money looking Nice
To such a casual event?”
shes gone
176 · Nov 2018
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
sometimes i get the realization
a shift
that life is ok
so i try to take off my mask
so people can see me
and i pull on the mask
i tug
i pull
i scratch at it
but it won't work
thats when i realize
its stuck

i'm stuck
are you stuck as well?
176 · Dec 2018
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
your painful
you hurt me
oh your just like cotton candy
sweet to rot my teeth
like a poison
slowly suffering
your terrible
the divine type of pain
that i would beg for
i live for the pain
172 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
happy birthday to me, Jasmine dryer
age 15
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
to whom it may concern,

my name is care
and yes it hurt
yes it burned
my heart felt apart
but thats a different story
i don't want this poem to get gory
after all making this decision
deserves no glory
i don't want people to blame themselves
because my downfall was that i couldn't improve
that i couldn't give everything to you
and like i said
it hurt
so i tried being numb
and looking back on it now
it was so dumb
i popped pills and cried
i needed hope
i didn't want to die
but to whom it may concern
i wont
i'll fight
even though it hurts
even if it burns
hope you liked the insight. don't worry not suicidal. care is someone i will use a lot.. my inbox is open.
171 · Nov 2018
vent once more
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i'm bold
i move fast
i'm hard to track
my hearts cold
basically ice
my soul
my face?
cracked and shaded
a smile
a mask
and i hope that one day at last
that i'll simmer
slow down
hang out
love properly
be free
and the glue that hold this monstrosity to my face
forcing me to be fake
will fade
now that would be the day
i am
would be

its nice to dream
but i know it'll end in a nightmare
170 · Dec 2018
I'm aiming for the CROWN
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
you cant hold me down
i'm aiming toward the crown
where bloods been spilled
and many fail to heal
i'm aiming for that crown
but i'm pulling myself down
its like i'm a chain
attached to my brain
but i'm aiming for the crown
i wont back down
i need justice
i need faith
i'm aiming for my will to live
168 · Oct 2019
Rotten Garden
Jasmine dryer Oct 2019
Once a beautiful thing
Left to rot
the silver lining
Made of gold
Weighed and sold
To this unlucky soul
As this garden grows
So does the unknown
These roses are wilting
Will you cry
Enough tears to end the brought
Or will they suffer and drown
It's how we look
Not what we think
Dance a lonely waltz with me
Forget the decaying
as they walk around us
Such lovely things
As they scream
Pulling us down
we sleep in our graves
Never knowing what to think
As we walk
In this garden
Grass growing
look around
This white fence
Its tense
What’s left
As these apples grow
Sin and ignorant bliss
Let's leave it all
There’s weeds in this garden
Keeping my feet in place
Take it away
Fill it with pesticides
it burns yours eyes
But don't you cry
This garden
Say goodbye
It's time these flowers die
These roses wilt
There's nothing we can do
Leave it behind
Leave their toxic
To decay
That's the price they pay
Jasmine dryer Oct 2018
i didn't mind that you were hurt
i didn't mind that you were broken
covered with cracks
on your porcelain skin
it was shiny and beautiful
but just so thin
i didn't mind your demons
i really didn't
in fact
i invited them to try to take me down with you
i wanted to help you
you were close
so close to perfection
but instead i think i tied them into a noose
but darling, which one of us does it hang over?
how odd doll, how odd
167 · Jun 2018
Jasmine dryer Jun 2018
We try to trace ourselves to our ancestors
But do you think they want to trace there genes to us?
166 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
I'm way up high
looking at the sky
you say I shouldn't be here
"the suns beading down on you"
its too bright
but your wrong
the sun is shinning on you
why'll I make new
I am the sun
I'm bright
I just wanna
shine up your life
164 · Nov 2019
oh no, "Rage" did it!
Jasmine dryer Nov 2019
you said somethings you wish you didn't say
but your apologies
don't take away our pain
not wanting to admit
that you were cruel
who would admit to being cruel?
so like a 6 year old trying to shift the blame
"Rage did it, Rage did it", you exclaim!
unfortunately our feelings aren't a game
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