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164 · Sep 2019
This chart
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
look at this chart
look at the design
its a chart
it has statistics so it must be true
this charts all about you
10 percent of
"I'm not good enough"
40 percent of
"I've had enough"
50 percent of
you calling your own bluff
100 percent
self loathing
all the scientist
have there eyes on you
164 · Nov 2019
oh no, "Rage" did it!
Jasmine dryer Nov 2019
you said somethings you wish you didn't say
but your apologies
don't take away our pain
not wanting to admit
that you were cruel
who would admit to being cruel?
so like a 6 year old trying to shift the blame
"Rage did it, Rage did it", you exclaim!
unfortunately our feelings aren't a game
163 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
I'm back
finally at last
i look around me
dull faces once more
"join us"
now i have to run away
163 · Jan 2020
You cry?
Jasmine dryer Jan 2020
Come to the conclusion
This illusion
Was just delusions
Stop dressing these mannequins in your head
Forget the dark path they led
And make it the last time you cry
You cry?
From the sickening lie
You want to let them die
But darling,
Memories were never alive
162 · Sep 2019
A New Day
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
Its a new day
step out of my shadows
my curtains made of tears
stepping into the light might bring fear
but I can feel the warmth
a new start
but this may be the hardest part
161 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
i'm sitting there gasping for air

looking and searching for someone to care

but at the same time i build a wall around myself

too  lost in my mind

knowing that sometimes

my body

isn't mine

i build a wall to, embarrassed for others to see

to worried about my job

of making everyone happy

but i can do it

i can sacrifice myself

my mind

my soul

i can stop gasping for air

because even if it isn't fair

i'll put your feelings

and state of mind
i will cherish u all before myself
161 · Oct 2018
160 · Nov 2018
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
to a poet it may just be red ink
157 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
do you like my work, well read one of my latest works at

I hope you like it!
156 · Mar 2020
The plead of the Mirror
Jasmine dryer Mar 2020
Do you plead guilty
For the ****** of me?
Stupid mirror,
Where have you hid her!
Where is she
I'm tired of being
What everyone wanted to see
I want to see myself
I want to be myself
No one else
But the shadows
Have pinned me down
Who am I supposed to be?
Who should I be today?
What mask should I wear?
I understand it's not fair.
You’ll never be better then rest,
We will put you through every test
So smile wide
Filled with false pride.
Run and hide
Don't come back
Let it melt away,
You don't really have to stay.
Just for a brief moment
It all comes back,
Life is hard
But I'm not this warped reflection
Of dimension
It's been a devotion
But I gotta go stupid mirror
You know things you shouldn’t know
But their not right,
Excuse me but I will fight
sad but a sliver of hope
156 · Jan 2020
No One
Jasmine dryer Jan 2020
one one cares about girl no one knows
but no one knows her, because no one cares
154 · Nov 2018
The words you uttered
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
those words you uttered were
cold and bold
yet they wrapped around me
like a comforting hug
and i could feel the stories that could be told by those simple words
what stories they start
what tales they could end
those words you uttered
loving and warm
have left my heart torn

" i love you"
154 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
sewing my arms shut
from emotional blood spilling out
only to cut through it
i couldn't do it
153 · Sep 2018
vent: thoughts
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
i am feeling my emotions
in my head their all yelling
causing a commotion
"your not good enough" they shout
"your selfish and greedy"
but don't feel sorry for yourself
you don't want to seem needy

how is it that i can help others
but i cant help myself?
you all come to me with your problems
expecting me to solve 'em

I can't solve mine
maybe its because of the mask i hide behind
but you know what world
I gotta thank you
for all this anger I carry inside

i know that its probably inevtible
for me to carry plan: s
but i want to give it one last shot

and thats what i keep telling myself
just one last shot
and maybe it'll get better

but its not, because of all you selfish *******
i give everything i have to you
i gave myself up to the world
i have torn myself apart
to entertain
and just give to you

but your all selfish
you don't give me a break
you always want more
and i guess thats partly my fault

instead of giving you all somethig to wish on in times of need
i gave you a machine
that you've slowly turned to grief

and I know
oh I know

theres nothing i can do

all i'm doing is venting to you
venting a new poetry series
151 · Sep 2019
Breathings all right
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
take my eyes
force down everything you see
force everything that isn't me
all around
theres to much sound
when your quite
just add to the production
of this factory
polluting my lungs
in every song sung
i've been hung
breathings all right
151 · Aug 2018
the girl, the ant, the pain
Jasmine dryer Aug 2018
She never really knew what to think
But she learned fast
That everything she loved
Could be gone in a blink

She found misery love
And beauty in misery
And it was hard
She thought she was crazy
And maybe she was

But she didnt mind
Yes the thought scared her
But she tried not to care
After all, these days
True sanity
Is scarce

She waked outside
Notebook in hand
Pencil in the other
She walked to the edge of  the road
Sat on rock
Sat and thought

Thought of wonderful words
Terrible words
Any words
Every word

Then she saw an ant
Probably stepped on by a person
People don't care

She stared at it and cried

I know they don't care, and now you have to pay
The ant limped some more
So she sat there and stared
for the rest of the day

She told the ant
Existence is pain sometimes
I dont what to do
And maybe I can't end my pain
But ill try to stay strong
Just for you

More hours past
She named it gubber
At first she called it alex
But this name was funner

Gubber I can't stand to watch this any longer
She picked up a rock and said
I'm sorry
I really am
But i can't watch  you die slowly
I won't let anyone watch you die slowy

Existence is pain
And I know its true
I feel pain and so do you
But your pain is worse

She picked up the rock
Took a small swing


Id rather put you out of our misery
Then see you in pain
How can something so cruel be so kind, I wish I could be someones ant
148 · Jul 2018
thunder and lightning
Jasmine dryer Jul 2018
i flinch at thunder
but after theres always lightning
A bright wonderful light
Then it fades into the night

Thunder and lightning
Part of storm
Just  like love
Its frightening at first
But then it gets better
Still scary but oh so-
u like?
148 · Sep 2018
questions and thoughts: 2
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
when you really think about it
in the modern age
being dead
is the same as being alive
147 · May 2018
impossible possible
Jasmine dryer May 2018
how can you understand me
I don’t even understand myself
But if there’s one thing I’ve learned
You make the impossible
146 · Jun 2018
Not afraid of death
Jasmine dryer Jun 2018
Im not afraid of death
Or what comes after-
If anything at all

Im afraid of being forgotten
just because you can hear my voice, or my hearts not beating
Doesn’t mean I was never there

Im afraid that everyone will forget me
Because only few get remembered
And even the people that remember me
Will die to
And be forgotten as well

Promise you’ll remember me?
146 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
You wonder why I'm mad
Maybe because you never cared
When I was sad

Or maybe it was the time you stabbed me in the back

What are you , some type of hack?
I don't think so
And I want you to prove me wrong

Because when I'm in palace
On a throne
And you have no one to call your own

I want you to remember why Im mad
Because you took away my happiness
Which was all I had!

You made me sink lower and lower
And now I'm left to think
Who's to blame
Because of your sick twisted game!

But when I reach Fame and riches
I'll look you in the eyes and say
"******* *******"
i was really mad
145 · Dec 2019
For Jordan
Jasmine dryer Dec 2019
to my light
my lover
a flower that has bloomed
nothing could ever be
as lovely as you
I'm afraid to say
what I'm going to do
you want me to hold on
to what
a crumbling edge?
I wanna flip the page
better yet re-write it
let all of this burn away
but I know
it can't be that way
so instead I will keep on marching
till my soles are red
and I can write these poems
with what they have bled
and say what really needs to be said
"I'm not as strong as you think I am"
but I promise

I'm going to stick to this edge
until theres nothing left to do
but fall right into your arms once more

my lovely blooming flower
145 · Sep 2018
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
"your pretty much nothing"
well that wasn't very nice
"i'm not here to be nice i'm here to do my job"
and that is?
"telling you what your doing wrong"

and i can't be mad that my conscience is doing its job
and maybe i need to do a better job of doing mine
but its hard
i'm in a constant state of being frozen
my head is frozen
but my bodies animated
trying to distract you

and as much as i try
these dark thoughts won't leave
and ive considered
pushing my wardrobe to long sleeves

but this cant be
i've always been happy
i've always made others happy
i wish i could just make everyone happy
i'm doing great at my job
your failing at it
i'm failing at it

i can't even talk to people without my conscience
budding in
and maybe this is just a punishment
for all that i've so called "sinned"

but conscience please give me a break
i don't want today
to end up
my death date
145 · Sep 2018
just some thoughts: 2
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
i'm just gonna spill my thoughts
i like to preach to always be yourself
but sometimes  being yourself
feels like hell
kids ridicule me
because they can't feel me
so i found escape in poetry
because i can explain my thoughts
so when i die
you guys can say you kinda knew me
buts its hard to write sometimes
because i know someone will always out do me
and it feels like death just pursues me
and its got me questioning
what the **** am i even doing

but what do i know, i'm just venting
144 · Sep 2018
how does that work?
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
i'm screaming to myself that i'm worthless

my mind is being
                      o                     r
apart at the seams
leaving only nightmares and unsettling dreams
and yet i still cradle what little sanity i have left
and whisper to it that is will be ok

how can i be gently screaming?
144 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
Its been so long
sang a sorrow song
ti'll tomorrow
start over
where'd we last left off?
forget it
lets make this new
lets laugh
do anything
angels voice
filled with poise
forget the noise
its just us here
141 · Sep 2018
i'm not blaming the world
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
i'm not blaming the world
for this
this for my wrong doings
my lying
its not your fault world,
i was just born the a distorted view
of human perception
i'm not blaming the world for being an emotional yet unsympathetic *****
141 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
why would I give you my heart?
you'll have fun tearing it apart!
141 · Jun 2018
mind games
Jasmine dryer Jun 2018
One wrong move
One last sigh
Look for answer
But no one replies

Yes , this was all a lie
Now go on
Run and hide
And scream at me
Oh how I wish you would die

Well don’t worry ,darling we all die eventually
Its inevitable
So I embrace it

Your a monster
You made me feel things
You made me happy

I know

Thats why I did it
This is sick and twisted game
The game I wish I could stop
And unplug it from my head

Im sorry friend
Im a master at mind games
And sadly as I suspected

You lost
140 · Nov 2018
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i don't pop pills because its fun
i do it because i wanna feel numb
theres a huge difference world
Jasmine dryer Jun 2018
i know theres something wrong

When I look in the mirror

Because instead rotting flesh falling to ground

I find a girl, she looks normal

Normal looking isn't enough

I know theres something wrong because when I walk through the halls I can hear screaming

Though I can't hear words

Just screams

it can't stop

   It won't stop

I know theres something wrong because when I open my phone

And look for a game

All can see

Are the terrible words

flooding the screen

why are you still here

I know theres something because when I smile at a certain person

They smile back , not a fake smile

Or a taunting smile

That all the other shadows cast

But real

i trust you

i know that somethings wrong because when I go to sleep

All I can see are thousands of menacing crows

Tearing at my insides

Tearing my heart apart

   i loved you
somethings dreadfully wrong
139 · Sep 2019
Was I first?
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
Was I first?
How many others have you hurt?
How many other voices
We're not heard?
How many many are dead?
You played with our heads
What a way to start
But were gonna tear you apart
The monsters you made were human
But we are no way
see how many more you can tame
138 · Nov 2019
Jasmine dryer Nov 2019
As we walk down this corridor
We are no more
just toys
Not allowed to make noise
Perfect and poise

But this dolls tattered gown
Left her with a frown
So she decided to search the play town
Just to find
The townsfolk
Have lost their mind

No one to fix her dress
She'd never be the best
Barbie would replace porcelain
With time the cracks in her skin
We're wearing her thin

Shush pretty thing
Don't speak
Just drift to sleep
137 · Sep 2019
Midnight Assult
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
one and all!
to this midnight brawl
ready your weapons
lets enter the mind
oh you're trying to sleep?
let me remind you of pain till you weep
late night
stare at the ceiling
assault on my mind
oh how I try
135 · Dec 2019
Legend has it
Jasmine dryer Dec 2019
Legend has it that most can’t breathe
Legend has that the blind have more to see
As we’re walking, into the dark sea
Just keep walking
Grey water up to the knees
Bright sky
No clouds to be seen
Shine in the sky
Or be buried below
Left to rot
Know one will know
Curious how the moral goes
Nobody knew
Nobody knows
But have you heard our story?
As the pages turn
The more we learn
Whistle up a tone
Our hands sing
what will they bring
Bright lights
Our garden
Bright beautiful
But have you heard the story
Of the very
Very few
Not many knew
What to do
We learned
All you have to do is breathe
If these thorns hurt
Burn it
Better then to learn it
134 · Aug 2018
I know you know
Jasmine dryer Aug 2018
I fell in love with your words
Your thoughts
I fell in love with a screen
What exactly does this mean?

Well ive a waited
Thinking long  and hard
And I think
ive finally returned

I'm going to open up with you
134 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
why when i'm surrounded by people

who love me

do i feel so ******* lonely

i cant control my emotions

but i can control how they are portrayed

i made a promise to always be happy

and i will be

but know

behind every smile

is a broken


who will stop at nothing
133 · May 2018
seeing eye
Jasmine dryer May 2018
The seeing eye

Will deny thy of any right

The seeing eye in the sky

Will never be broken

The seeing eye is me

The path that you have chosen

The seeing eye only see the truth

And any lie

Will only destroy thy

Who wishes to lie

And then and only then

Will the seeing eye die

So I the seeing eye

The eye that will never be broken

The path that you has chosen

Sees you with a sin

Your eyes will dim

and so will the pain

you've caused within
eyes tho
133 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
i give people 100% of myself

and yet i in return only receive 10% of you

the glass is not even half full

but then i tipped

i tipped way over the edge


you broken the


and you've said

the un speakable
132 · Dec 2018
Crazies: C h a r t
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
look at the chart
what do you see
not just glance
pretend that you care
that you have a chance

Stare and stare
this just isn't fair
but look they say
just look at it
tell me what you see

theres blotches
of black ink
they want to see
what these blotches
mean to me

oh wait
get away from me
the monsters
the monsters on the page
there telling me things
there filled with rage
i don't want to watch anymore
They hate being locked in a cage
they want to get out

look at the page
pretend that you care
maybe then you'll never again sit in that chair

oh god
they want me
they want us
they want to

shush go to sleep now
you've done your part
you did a good job
staring at the c h a r t
132 · Jun 2018
Jasmine dryer Jun 2018
to me you became water
For your smooth
Flowing and eternal
Now I need you
Just to survive in this desert we call life
132 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
perfect, to be completely  desirable every aspect

i never believed in perfection

i never saw anyone as completely


amazing and


but then i met you

maybe i'm just going crazy but you truly are


and maybe perfect isn't just classified as " desirable in every aspect"

because perfection is different to everyone

and to me, your the new definition of it
writing my love poems
131 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
You smile
Who are you?
I am you
why are crying?
admit were both dying
your hiding it
theres no use trying
to deny it
130 · May 2018
i can't and won't
Jasmine dryer May 2018
I’ll still miss you
After all you really were
A first love
But I realize now
There’s nothing I could’ve done

I try to put on my headphones
To shut out the  world
But it only reminds me you
All over again
Every song feel’s like
Your favorite tune

My love was  only built for you
And only you
That’s the saddest part,

I can’t forget you….I won’t forget you
i wont let go
130 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
Filled with so much energy
even though these past few weeks
all I've done is cry
and hopelessly wonder why
how things got so bad
so quick
but I'm bouncing around
being loud
I couldn't move my body
but now I cant stand still
every things moving fast
I can't stop
I've got so much to say
somebody got a debt to pay
and when my mind
finally sleeps
I'm asking myself what happened to that energy
127 · Sep 2018
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
look i don't deserve the smiles i get
you all think i'm a great person
because thank god
my secrets aren't out there for you to see
126 · Jul 2018
mind and reality
Jasmine dryer Jul 2018
im a poet
the words surround me
chock me

im a poet
and because of that
its hard to tell if all this stuff-
this pain, love, beauty
is all in my head
just in my mind

but even my non poetic counterparts
see pain
and there idea of beauty

but what if my mind is reality
or maybe reality is a much less sinister
version of my mind

its a funny thought
but lets face
mind and reality
may tie into each
but only when your trying to distinguish them apart
125 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
I'm tired of pain
I'm tired of crying
I'm tired of my excuse
"at least I'm trying"
because to be honest
I think I'm lying
I gave up
long ago
trying to convince you that it isn't so
but you know the truth
I'm trying to convince myself
because there no one else
124 · Nov 2018
hope and fear
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
hope and fear come hand in hand.
one will be non-existent without the other
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