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Oct 2016 · 493
Lo que me haces
Paulina S Oct 2016
No me preguntes
por qué hice lo que hice
Que el recuerdo vuele
Se queme
Mi mente crece, cambia, enloquece
Cuando me miras mi voz se pierde
¿Qué me has hecho?
Nov 2015 · 837
Paulina S Nov 2015
Ahí estás, pensando que no eres nada
Y aquí estoy, perdida en tu mirada
Estamos bien así, vivir, ..¿solo vivir?
Si me dejas abrazarte, prometo jamás soltarte
Dejar todos mis miedos y solo aventurarme
La duda me nubla, me inquieta...
No me deja dormir
¿No sería mejor el mundo, si te quedas junto a mí?
Nov 2014 · 6.0k
Amor silencio
Paulina S Nov 2014
Escucho la lluvia sobre mi techo, qué dulce canta tu nombre
Tus ojos me matan lento y gozo cada instante
Podría perderlo todo, contigo yo ya lo tengo
Me encanta tu amor sereno, regido por el silencio
Me quema de adrenalina, el no saber si me amas
Si piensas en mí acaso, cuando te levantas en la mañana
Me pregunto cuántas millas tengo qué correr para quedarme entre tus labios.
Aug 2014 · 493
What should I do
Paulina S Aug 2014
I love you so much
When we talk the world fades away
It turns into a magic and pacific dream
I know you are forbidden for me and I am forbidden for you
And you live far away from me, from us
But you make me feel like no one ever has made me feel
We love the same things
We are passionate about life
This connection I swear is one of a kind

Oh what should I do?
should I just let you live in my mind forever?
should I forget completely about your existence?
Or should I go out there and kiss you?

Although I know I can't change you
This feeling inside grows bigger and bigger every day
And the days just feel so incomplete without your spirit here besides...

What should I do?
Jul 2014 · 518
I had a dream
Paulina S Jul 2014
I had a dream last night
You and I, fighting a shark
Having fun in the open sea
flying some airplanes, everything neat

I crossed your mind many years ago
not knowing what to do
I was waiting for the perfect one
thinking I'd be like that for forever

Until this day that I had a dream
you were there, so real
Wait a minute...there's a shark
Fighting it and winning just seems not right

Oh well, I guess we'll have to keep dreaming
Jul 2014 · 456
Turning point
Paulina S Jul 2014
Please tell me I'm not a fool...
Cause I've been feeling like it since forever
Take me, I can't hold myself anymore
I'm tired of keeping this inside my head

All of this I have thought about these days
Where should I go? and How should I live?
Maybe is just that I didn't want to see
That God was always beside me

I said "please tell me I'm not a fool"
And He replied "You are not"
I answered back "Cause I've been feeling like it since forever"
And He said "Don't worry, you were never"
I dared to say "Take me or leave me"
And He took me, He held me
I was tired of keeping this inside my head
He hugged me and took my worries away...

No lie, this is amazing, He is always there
He always saves me
When I want to go on my own, and I fall
He lets me learn His ways are better that my plans

I love God
Jul 2014 · 620
know so well
Paulina S Jul 2014
I won't change so you can love me
Because I know who I am
I won't search for you everywhere
Because I know you won't be there

I won't try to force your eyes to crave me
Because I have felt that before
I won't cry if you don't love me
I'll cry cause I've always loved you more

I won't even chase you in your dreams
Because I think you've had enough
I wouldn't tell you what I feel for you
Because I know you'd reply No

I won't keep trying to impress you
Because I know I can't impress
You'll never look at me like I want you to
I know you better than yourself

And if you ever feel something towards me
I am sure that you won't tell
You'll let me go in my own way
Thinking that I knew you so well.
For my stubborn friend
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Calling from the sky
Paulina S Jun 2014
I find you
constantly seeking for something unreachable
Trying hard
But I know your limits, even those so far
Calling from the sky
You want to find a light, a sight, a glance

But darling, I need you to know
you don't belong here
This world is so tough, for a broken and small soul like you

And darling, I need you to see
everything is better when you are not with me
Stay there, turn back
You'll find no luck in life
If you're aiming to pure happiness
Here is not the place

But I know your limits, even those so far
Calling from the sky
Jun 2014 · 316
Paulina S Jun 2014
Stupid**   *boys.
Jun 2014 · 300
Sad messed up story
Paulina S Jun 2014
I love you
But I don't know if this is right
Oh though it feels so right

Tell me everything I ever wanted to hear
Whisper to me
Everything's okay..
But I hesitate, and you hate me for a moment

We fight, over stupid things
We don't even know what we have
If we have something...

Well, now here I am
Face to face
I look at your eyes
And I forget

I emerge from an anger
and contain myself again
I tried not to hurt  you, I promise
But you're so good

We are totally different
Never figured out how to complete ourselves

I know the type of girls you look for
And I never fitted in
So hello, goodbye
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
I want you
Paulina S Jun 2014
I want you

I want  your laugh
I want your eyes
I want your hair
Your tenderness

I want your lips
I want your skin
I want your love
I want you all

I want your voice
I want your hands
I want your arms
And cuddle there

I want your feet
I want your breath
I want to kiss you
Every day
Jun 2014 · 749
Cómo te sientes
Paulina S Jun 2014
Un silbido en la noche
seguido por miles de luciérnagas
Como polvo dorado comprimido
Volando en el viento

Así es como te sientes
tan real, tan libre
Te desvaneces cuando te miro fijamente
haciéndome querer más
Y de alguna manera, más de ti duele
como si fueras una carga pesada
encerrado en tu propio mundo

Un tesoro empapado en lodo
Tratas de cubrirte
Pero quiero conocer más
Descubrir tu ciencia
tus preciosos pensamientos

Aunque, tú eres un pensamiento hermoso
llenando mis días con alegría
Y no me importaría
soportar el dolor
si necesito pasar por el

Tu eres tan no descuidado
Y yo tampoco lo soy
Pero si hay algo que sé
es que tu amor lo vale

Cada palabra
Jun 2014 · 328
How you feel
Paulina S Jun 2014
A whistle in the night
followed by a thousand fireflies
Like compressed goldish dust
flying in the wind

That's how you feel
so real, so free.
You vanish when I stare at you
making me want more
And somehow, more of you hurts
as if you were a heavy burden
locked in your own world

A treasure in the meadow
that has been soaking in mud
You try to cover up
But I want to know more
Discover your science
your precious thoughts

you are a beautiful mindset
you fill my days with joy
and I wouldn't care
to stand the pain
If I'd need to get through.

You're so not careless
And I'm so not too
But if something I know,
is that your love is worth it

Every   single   **word
May 2014 · 263
Paulina S May 2014
And you came to me as a soft wind
Rushing through my window
Merely and bright as usual, you are
And brought everything back to light
Nothing else compares to you
Didn't I made this much clearer?
Oh, yes, I think I did, but it's because my eyes crave you so bad

May 2014 · 346
Letting you in
Paulina S May 2014
My love, my love
when will you come
my dear, oh dear,
will you come for me?

my love, my love
I want you so much
And touch your lips
I'm letting you in
May 2014 · 604
Beside you
Paulina S May 2014
Once upon a time, I was all alone in my jar
Away from the people, trying hard to hide
I didn't want the bubble I lived in for so long to collapse
And finding myself beside someone...stop that!

Years came through and still lonely I was
But that mere day was part of a plan..

Sophisticatedly, you altered all of my senses
Broke everything between me and life.
At first I was scared and didn't know how to act
But suddenly, You're dripping all over my mind

It's unexplainable how calm your eyes attain me to be
As if you were the perfect companion for me
You cheer me up every time that I feel blue
Reminding me that my favorite color is you
You always break the silence with laughter
Balancing my temper with your jokes and that smile.

Still, being in love is not easy
Though I am dying for you to know
Inside I keep this secret, safe and sound
And if you ever get to find out
I promise I will be there, forever
Beside you
May 2014 · 377
Paulina S May 2014
So, why do I write about love?

Since the beginning we were created by love
We live, we breathe, we are powered by love

Sometimes we claim we do not understand
And swear it's a task that no one could take

I know that love can make us fall
but if you stand up, you wonder why

So real it drives us insane
So true that strong we become

Why this world spins around
Learning juts to accept this command

Love is the center because God is love
We crave this decision, cause a feeling is not

May you realize how important this is
That everyone have already lived it

The night comes through and so does the moon
Giving us light to feel safe and smooth

And by the end of the day...  we all needed love
May 2014 · 216
Paulina S May 2014
I love *you
May 2014 · 907
Ohh, you
Paulina S May 2014
Ohh, you make me feel so dainty,
Such a gentleman of your part
I love the way you speak through your hand
As it covers your mouth cause you're laughing so hard
Ohh, you make me feel like rain
Such purity in your eyes and that special glance you have
As I wash away all of your worries
You let me breathe again
And rest in your acceptance
You understand what Love means and forgive me if I'm mistaken
Ohh, you make me be a better person
When you teach me how to speak
I surrender with your patience
And your sight stuck on me
Ohh, I love how you make me feel
Knowing you're so shy but with me everything's alright
And when we talk, the world goes slow
And every detail turns into laughter, smiles and joy
Ohh, I love how manly you are
Your habits and your love towards God
Sometimes you make me cry
Because I cannot find someone, who is better for me than you.
May 2014 · 1.8k
The unreachable
Paulina S May 2014
Her skin was white as a snowflake cold
Her hair was as blond as a dying dove
And I ever wonder if I may wake up...
And be as white as her... so you'd give me love.
Apr 2014 · 520
Star love
Paulina S Apr 2014
Covered in dreams since the first beginning
Mentalizing myself day by day
Thinking of your face...
I know I found you because you make me glow like the stars
They are so bright they make me feel like rushing the milky way
With all of its splendor.
I found you sitting on a comet by the fourth ring  of Saturn
Mindlessly looking further than your reach
Maybe thinking of me.
I know I took too long to get it right
And by the time you passed by
I knew we were meant to be
We touched and the spaced trembled
It created a new galaxy
And we flew together as we embraced our near extinction
Because that's what stars do
When they meet a love like ours.
Apr 2014 · 610
Paulina S Apr 2014
You make me feel like no one else
And no one else but me deserves to know what I am feeling
Because if someone knows the truth, the mystery would be broken
And maybe I wouldn't feel the same anymore
My heart would tear into pieces
As I cognize you wouldn't come back
Because you'd get bored of this fragile heart
I don't want you to know
Because I would be immensely torn
So unbearable to see you walk away
But only I deserve to know
That my love is strong, and belongs to you,
Apr 2014 · 828
Paulina S Apr 2014
To decide or not if I will talk to you
If you are willing to take the one, the awaited first step
Because every time I get close to you
I can't pass by to stare and desire
And I wouldn't waste anymore space
That we could take advantage of
Still my pride is a barrier between you and I
It is optional for you to tear it down
And it is optional for me to fend off from your path.
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
Paulina S Mar 2014
You don't believe the truth
You blame it all on Him
You're hypocrite and fool
Stubborn, unreflective
But when it comes to someone else
Your critic side shows off
Demanding good from wrong
So, who are you to judge?
Mar 2014 · 539
Paulina S Mar 2014
From the beginning I felt a spark
That came from your brown eyes
You smile to me and I realize
Oh, You make me feel so happy
Mar 2014 · 343
Love from above
Paulina S Mar 2014
There is someone above, who loves you so deep
He gave His son, so we could live
Some of us leave this aside
Cause we don't understand why
That much love we have, buried inside
Like if we know we had a treasure but decided to leave it there
Preferring to live by our own rules
Not knowing where to go
Harming ourselves and wasting our lives...
He knows what's best for us
Wanting it or not
There is someone above, who cares about you
But He's so pure, so clean
And we're so *****, full of sin
He's a gentleman, he asks us to let Him in
All you need to do is open your heart and trust
Even in danger, you will have peace
Cause there is someone above, who everything sees
And justice you'll have, on the day that we leave
Happy you'll be, cause He loves you so deeply
It's never late for Him, waiting for  you He is
I write this because I was living a boring and sad life, until I met Jesus and I felt His amazing love, and in hard times I've felt so peaceful, so loved, when I feel I'm not important I know I am cause somebody died for me, even though I am a sinner, I have a hope to live.
Mar 2014 · 11.3k
Paulina S Mar 2014
If you want something, you fight for it
If you want success, you fight for it
If you want that girl, you fight for her
You pour your heart with all your strength
With all your love, you fight for her
No matter what, you fight
With real, honest, pure, clean and harmless passion
You fight until your last breath
And you never, never give up
Fight for what's good
Mar 2014 · 3.2k
Secret love
Paulina S Mar 2014
Warm was your sight when I first saw you
Staring deeply into my eyes
We played a game and suddenly find ourselves together
As a matter of fate
You heard me singing and my blood felt cold
I thought a world over my head
A life with you, a run away
You seemed mysterious as a distant star
Your glance appeared and quickly faded away from mine
You held me softly in my dreams, but in the morning
Where did you go?
I visited a crowded place, expecting people, noise and blasé
I found you again
Your smile was sincere, relieved
I love it when you chase me, playful and shy
I love to say hello
When you come around when I take a walk
You feed these butterflies inside, I promised myself to hide
It's funny all we feel inside,
Because we haven't even met.
Mar 2014 · 794
Hello there
Paulina S Mar 2014
Hello, hello there
I was wondering if you would be my friend
Although I have some in my pocket
Somedays I feel so lonely, somedays I'm just okay
I've heard good things about true friends
I remember I met some then
But time and pastime and distances broke in
Breaking my hope and joy aside
But hey, hello, hello there
Everything's okay
I know life's short and we all got one
To live it by my side with no regrets
I want to find someone
By saying "Hello There".

— The End —