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AMcQ Nov 2014
I hate the night and it's untimely creations.
The avalanche of loose words
doused on closed eyes,
begging to be assembled
into flowing images or
melodic alliterated sentences.
Adjectives lurk under sealed eyelids.
Verbs implore the body to respond.
Mocking my stillness they urge
limbs to act out in their name.
Verses arrange and rearrange
of their own accord.
They ebb and flow.
I'm too tired to grab them all.
Why now, when I crave nothing but sleep?
Why can't I conjure this brainstorm
in waking hours.
I grab a pen to write; semi-conscious.
It all jumbles into nonsense.
The dream state draws me back
to act out unconscious intentions.
I hate the night and all its promises;
Its lyrical musings
behind twitching eyelids.
I woke up one morning having written the bones of this poem during a really disturbed and unsatisfying nights sleep!
AMcQ Dec 2014
Today, a door was left ajar.
My thoughts have escaped me;
I wonder if they know not to play in traffic
or strike matches found in the tool shed.

I'll wait 'till dark before I worry.
AMcQ Dec 2014
Though your roots are bound in darkness,
let your life be fuelled by light.
AMcQ Nov 2014
My eyes sting
with tears not spilt
for the touch of a face
which remains unfelt.
AMcQ Nov 2015
We are the heartstrings;
we play songs in chorus,
to summon the hands
of the ones who adore us.
To call you to our land
to rule, as did Horus.
Yes! You built your guard:
tried hard to ignore us.
"Desist with that noise"
we hear you implore us.
But your wall is no match
for the lilt of the Taurus.
It's thick and secure
but deceptively porous.
AMcQ Jan 2017
Polished and serene;
your vocal tones,
they soothe my stereocilia.
AMcQ Dec 2014
A locked lake lies lonely,
deep beneath ice and snow.
Pieces of past still present
in delicate misty glow.
We wish to wake it.
We wish to know it.
I wish they'd leave it alone.

I think my mind calls it home.
Lake Vostok is the largest sub-glacial lake in Antarctica. The surface of the fresh water lake is around 4,000m under the surface of the ice. Scientists are keen to see what kind of living museum could have survived for the thousands of years that the lake could have existed. It's pretty amazing!
AMcQ Apr 2017
A lethargic frustration
has taken up residence
somewhere between
logic and clarity.
She's a devil;
a tantalizing waif.
Powerless but relentless
in her horrid little mission.
Pulling and clawing
at all that is good;
drawing curtains to
inhibit the light.
**** her
and her intrusion.
She has dabbled in
the dark long enough.
Its time.
She was never welcome anyway!
AMcQ Dec 2014
...the War that is fought
beneath glazed eyes and
puckered brow.
How epic the battle,
in all its
exaggerated glory.
No bloodshed;
just words spat from
the trenches
to make casualties of
ears and pages.
AMcQ Jul 2015
What is a poem?
A lilting of words?
An image of voices
forever unheard?
What's this picture of symbols
all ordered in lines?
What's this rare combination?
Did it take her much time?
What makes the pattern
or rhyme start to flow?
What sets it apart
from the prose or the scroll?
Is it empathy recalling
some rose-tinted dream?
Maybe it's laced in darkness
the vile or obscene?
What is a poem?
Some words written with tone?
What are these lyrics
Sung straight from my bones?
AMcQ Jul 2015
feather of
             It dances
                                    on the
                       wisp of wind;
                 the draw
                                 of cracked
formed of
                                      withered apple skin
                                                         and stale coffee;
                                            of puckered
              and deep
                             Hunched shivering
                                                       shoulders hoist a
                                                                                            shaky hand
                                                                                          toward the
                                                A raspy exhale releases
                        another puff of smoky breath.
The icy air exaggerates
the capacity of old
and tiring lungs.

I foresee this rarely preempted fate.

I quit!
AMcQ Nov 2014
I don't listen
to the words you speak.
Instead, I watch
as your lips curve
and shape each sssound.
I don't hear
a word you've said,
but I agree
with every breath
you've drawn between them.
AMcQ Nov 2014
Shaking, tossing, turning,
Stomach knotted; churning,
Light of day I'm yearning,
Darkness fades for you.

Raging, pulsing, chasing
Heart is pounding; racing.
Creaking boards I’m pacing.
Make haste morning dew.

Stirring, calming, slowing,
Curtains lightened; glowing
Misty solace growing,
My mind returns, renewed.
AMcQ Jan 2015
You promised me the stars.
But what you promised was a ghost;
A last glimmer of light
journeying from something
which had long since
I wrote this one a few months ago as part of a poetry challenge on Instagram. The task; to write a poem with the words 'You Promised'.

— The End —