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ok okay Oct 2019
**** I hate commentary's
They ruin every show
That **** in real life too
They just make me want to be alone

I'm messy
My hair
My room
My mind
My writing goes where it wants
And takes me deep inside

Dreams are my escape
Writing is my death wish
My walls are always listening
I scream when they leave
And get lost in my head
I don't wish I was dead
I wish I was away
The background knows me best

Overwhelmed by silence
I'll fall asleep soon
Until then I will think
About why I feel blue
ok okay May 2023
Under the shelter of the bewitching midnight sky
I lie in bed and wait
No colour is here
Only the light from the moon
It seeps through the blinds and the curtains in my room
Sleep waits for my guard to let down
Only problem is I never want to let anyone down
So, instead I let my thoughts consume
Who else let's there mind consume.
ok okay Jan 2019
Another Lil Peep song to take away the pain
And a downpour of rain to help me feel again
This is all I need to make me think i'm sane
Music is so great, its better than any drug.
ok okay Nov 2018
If every sin was counted
Hell would be overcrowded
ok okay Aug 2021
Decaying and forgotten
The daffodils have turned rotten

His hollow mind
Too young to be left unseen
He sees the twisted horrors
That no one else seems to see
They exist where no one wants to look
In the corners of our smiles
And the coldness of our breath
The twisted horrors drive him insane
They push him to the edge

Decaying and forgotten
The daffodils have turned rotten
They lay
No life to display
One time they stood tall
And now they are one with their shadow
Maybe he will fall too
Becoming one with his shadow
Or maybe he just needs to dream..
havent posted on here in ages, been on insta a bit..
ok okay Feb 2019
I closed my eyes and danced in the darkness
With my imagination as the audience
No one to judge me, so i can be alone with the music.
ok okay Sep 2018
Hide away your tears
Smile for the camera
Become a cliche
You won't be remembered
Pretend you are happy
Forget you are sad
Fall into love
And never escape
Leave hope for the darkness
So you feel safe
Time will go on without you
ok okay Sep 2020
Long ago my teacher said
'You a daydreamer'
My mind would leave this land
However, not long after my mind found it all too much

For many years
I would pretend
As if it was all okay
As If I never cared
But hatred grew
And love fell apart
A shallow mindset
Made an empty heart
I'd wish that life would come to an end
It would hurt too much to think again
Overtime my mind started to change
I started to smile
I cried again

When I look back at what my teacher said
I think maybe that's not so bad
To travel through time
To be famous
And loved
To never have to leave

My ink will tell you stories you would never believe
ok okay Aug 2018
Days merge into weeks
Weeks merge into months
Months merge into years
years merge into...

Days merge into

It will be gone soon
ok okay Sep 2019
Its not my scene
But it will be tonight
The vibe is buzzing
And the lights are alive
Yet everybody seems dead
Like zombies in the spotlight
ok okay Nov 2018
B l e e d
o           r
r            e
e           a
D o o m

L o v e
N o t e
R e a d

       h   c
     i        r
   v  a  n  e
  e             a
r                m    

A n x i e t y
   ­       d

h                t        
u                o
r                 r
t h o u g h t              
i                 u
n                r
g                e
It isn't perfect but i can work on it
ok okay Dec 2018
Life isn't beautiful
Its insufferable
Tedious and dull
Each moment resembles hell
Through constant anguish and pain
We construct an ideal of what we think is sane
And pretend that everything will be okay

Death is true beauty
Its the ultimate escape
When the final light is turned off
Your mind falls into an abyss
You can sleep eternally
And be forgotten like the rest
We long for freedom that transcends the confines of our mind
ok okay Jun 2022
I wish I could disappear
Into the darkness
And fly into the midnight sky
I could fly for lifetimes
Until I no longer exist
My mind would become nothing
The coldness would feel like bliss
My eyes could become stranded
Lost in the bright hopeful lights
As the sun becomes closer
Alive I would be
Until I collide
And death becomes me
ok okay May 2020
I try to escape it
But I swear I am losing it instead
My mind does not go when I want it
And fades away when I am scared
I feel sick to my stomach
This pain never goes away
I lose connections with others
And get stuck in the rain
Deep down inside
I feel like I am going insane
ok okay Jan 12
Desolate December
Can't seem to remember
Death loomed the bend
Life could not mend
Darkness took the moon away
It stole my heart and consumed the day
Now the year ends
And as hollow as it feels
I can see light on the horizon
I hope it will change
ok okay Aug 2020
Thinking of starting a server on discord where people can post poems, thoughts, talk, etc... message if interested
ok okay Aug 2018
You're melodramatic
You say you’ve felt pain
You pretend you are lonely
You walk in the rain
You seek for attention by standing far away
You hope to be popular so everyone knows your name

Don’t fall for the melodramatic
They don’t really care
They only care for themselves and pretend that they’re in despair
Don't fall for the fakes in this world
ok okay Sep 2018
Tip toe past my bed
Don’t wake the demons in my head
They only wish me a painful death
Don’t worry
I’ll pretend that they don't exist

They tell me to end it but I refuse to listen
These demons don’t leave until you're submissive

Been tying slip knots in my imagination
Creating a fantasy from my own frustration

Come a bit closer and I'll tell you a secret
These voices speak truths which shouldn't be spoken

I will wait for the day when I can see clearly
Maybe I’ll wait for eternity
ok okay Aug 2020
Draw me the stars
And I'll write us to the moon
Draw me some tears
I might write you some blues
Colour the roses
From which I write about
Our dreams can be remembered
With pictures and a plot
I'll write what you couldn't
If you draw what I can not
ok okay May 2020
With empty eyes
What could you see
The man in my mirror lacks stability
His hair is long
And his mind is dreamy
He wants to starve himself
Because he enjoys the feeling
Black clothes are his favorite
Because he thought they might stare
He dyed his hair blue
Because he thought they might care
He tells himself things that most people would fear
He thinks hes the lowest
Because his mind never leaves

With empty eyes like mine
It makes it hard to see
ok okay Oct 2018
Murky clouds laced with tears
Hollow hills from across the land
Empty fields left in the past
Lonely trees decay into the abyss
A happy world ceases to exist
The world is lonely
ok okay May 2021
These are my words
This is an entry into my mind
ok okay Mar 2022
So much pain and sadness
Enveloped in ink
We have so much time to write
While others have no time to think
There is no time for pain
When missiles light up the sky
There is no time for sadness when it is your turn to die
I have the luxury to write and attempt to show it to the world. For that, I am truly grateful. Not everyone has that opportunity.
ok okay Aug 2019
Each day someone collapses
And becomes one with their shadow
Everything collapses in time
One day the Earth will collapse too
ok okay Dec 2019
Eyes to oblivion
The pain will always fade
Mind will go away for a while
And come again when it rains
Dreams will never feel the same
They will bore as much as life
Inspiration will expire
You will not desire
Life will never feel the same
Some things can change your whole outlook on life. Little or small. One thing or multiple things. They can all make you feel numb. Writing helps break this barrier.
ok okay Aug 2019
Left to decay
Poisoned by man
Dirt turns to mud
And mud disrupts land
Hummingbirds chirp
But their wings will not last
Beautiful sadness
Will become part of the past
No trees will be standing
Oxygen will be scarce
Life will be fading
And no one will care
We are killing this planet and I think we will save it eventually, but we will have already lost so much
ok okay Dec 2020
Fading away
Like tears in the rain
My mind used to act like a shadow that hides when its late
I wandered through dreams
With no escape to be seen

But since I met you
The rain no longer teems
It still falls
But its softer
Like your lips on my cheek

I am in love with you
More than I could ever explain
Tonight let us meet in the depths of our dreams
ok okay Apr 2022
Mellow like the falling rain
My eyes have become shallow and lost their ways
You see beauty and I see pain
You can find the beauty in my pain
Without you
a tear would mean not a thing
It would just fall like the rain
And imprint on my skin
ok okay Feb 26
Fragile were the stars
They were nowhere to be seen
Midnight crawled to an end
As she fell into a dream
ok okay May 2021
The rain doesn't always fall
But I'm too busy falling
Trying to call your name
But my mouth is not even working
Please rain again
so my dreams can shine
I could bleed so beautifully
If my blood was not made of wine
Flashing lights
Sullen nights
I see death as I see life
I write what my mind can't tell myself
I don't know what I would do if I was blind
This Earth can be so horrid
But on this paper I can call it Hell
For every time the rain falls
I know I will fall again
ok okay Nov 2023
I find it hard to talk about life sometimes
Instead, I watch as time rots by
Fleeting days
Turn to forever nights

A hollow madness permeates my room
Nothing will stay forever
I like to say
'Just look at how the seasons change'
But for now, I fall with the pouring rain
Every dream is a nightmare when you must wake up
ok okay Jun 2019
I fell into love
And never stopped falling
Until one day I crashed through the roof
Of your feelings
ok okay Oct 2022
My eyes wandered onto a lonely highway
Only a few headlights remained
They dawdled like fireflies in a midnight sky
Moments like these are few and far between
But when these occur, I feel alive
I can dream
ok okay Aug 2020
The thoughts
The fears
The runaway tears
Lost in infinity
I try find someone who cares
From chaos
To madness
And back to a deep breath
I wonder
And wander
Through my mental mess
Its scary
But lovely
In the most wonderful way
How we try find another
Who wont go away
ok okay Nov 2018
So many people focus on finding love
I'm too busy finding myself
ok okay Jan 2019
I'm like a flare in the dark
Waiting for my light to go out
ok okay Jan 2020
It slows
The pain
But it never goes away
Innocence fades when you are alone for the day
I never wanted to be anything
Nevertheless I am here
Listening to music
Typing words on a screen
What will I write next
A poem about my dreams?
No that would be too easy
Because although the words might flow
It would mean nothing to me
What do I need?
A question that seems so far out of reach
Maybe a new pair of shoes
Or a new loving heart

I will flip a coin
Heads for some shoes
Tails for a heart
Lets see what I get      

  X You have X
          X everything   X        
  X  you need X
ok okay Jul 2019
There are flowers on my duvet covers
I guess you could say that I sleep in a flower bed
ok okay Jul 2021
Flowers for eyes
Cold cerulean skies
My hollow body
An empty vibe

Alone I walk
Along endless streams
A lovely lullaby
Reaches my daydream
Night has come
Stars have followed
Bliss has arrived
What shall follow?
tried using 3 words as a challenge for each line
ok okay Jun 2020
When the butterflies come
And flutter wings so young
When their paradise falls
Will they hit the ground too
ok okay Sep 2019
Black boots
Black dress
Black eyes
Black hair
But you bleed forever red
Let us be forever..
ok okay Feb 2019
My shadow has been trapped for a while
I haven't taken it for a walk in days
Maybe I don't deserve this shadow
I regret lying in my bed all day
Recently I have been seeing less of my shadow
Darkness seems to scare it away
I hope my shadow doesn't go for good
Because it has followed me all this way
ok okay Oct 2018
If you could describe me as a mathematical equation
You could call me friend< 1
even my friends say i have no friends. (< means less than)
ok okay Sep 2021
With absence in his mind
A ghost was stuck in time
Raindrops were his tears
The empty mirror was his fear
He was not dead
Nor alive
He had not lived
Nor had he died
ok okay Dec 2023
Your tears were empty
In the depths of night
It was only us and the moon
As you looked in my eyes that one last time
I felt the loneliness loom
Long relationship ended, it feels lonely.
ok okay Aug 2018
You were there for me at my weakest state
To comfort me and my self-hate
Through our darkest hours and toughest times
We let go of our struggles and let time go by
Through jokes and games
we forgot about life
We could talk for hours without blinking an eye

As years went on we started to quarrel
We argued in hatred about our naive troubles
You called me a loner and I said "fine i’ll leave"
So I left you and cried until I could no longer weep

You made the best of me
I tried to make the best of you
I regret the day that I blocked you
I regret blocking my best friend, even through all the things he said.
ok okay Mar 7
She ran for miles
Past the oppressive bright lights
Under the lonely lit moon
The shallow gleam caught her eyes
Into the dark where shadows do not exist
She fell from this land into the endless abyss
Her tears slipped through her fingers
They pierced the night sky
Away with all else
She told the world goodnight
She escaped another day into the dead of the night.
ok okay Aug 2019
There are no good or bad people
Rather there are people who have done good or bad things
ok okay Oct 2018
Some people hang their heads in shame
Others hang their heads with rope
ok okay Sep 2018
Hang me from your balcony
So you can hear my fantasy
People only want to listen when your wrists are painting poetry
Push me off a cliff so you can make a tragedy
Tragedies make poetry
Poetry is lovely
Tie me to some train tracks
To create a mass catastrophe
Catastrophes make poetry
Poetry is charming
Life is cold :l Second part was inspired from 'life is beautiful' lil peep x
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